Saturday, March 27, 2021

Trying to catch up on my political reading ... there's so much out there from writers who do so much research to better educate the general public

Below item  is a MUST READ

Hiding The Decline In Burn Acreage
Posted on March 20, 2021 by tony heller

As I reported yesterday, the Kamala Harris White House erased more than half of the US forest fire record, sometime in the last six weeks.




Important read if you want to understand how those with even a small particle of peace on their minds like the two authors from the think tank can be cowed down by raging warmongers within the same think tank.  Do you think these two will ever again talk anything about peace with Russia ever again ???

War Erupts Inside the Atlantic Council Over Article Questioning Washington’s Hostile Approach to Moscow
by Dave DeCamp Posted on March 15, 2021

An article written by two Atlantic Council employees that argues Washington should consider a more realistic approach to Russia caused quite the stir within the think tank.

The article, written by Emma Ashford and Mathew Burrows, says the US should “avoid a human-rights-first approach to Russia.” The authors suggest that the Biden administration should instead “seek to build a less aspirational policy toward Russia, minimize the use of sanctions, and look for incentives that might induce Moscow to take steps in line with US interests.”

Ashford and Burrows make an argument grounded in reality. The US does not have the power to control what happens inside Russia through sanctions and other unilateral means. The authors are not at all sympathetic to Russian President Vladimir Putin and don’t even suggest lifting sanctions that are currently in place. But at the hyper-interventionist Atlantic Council, the idea of taking a less hostile approach to Russia is out of the question to many of its employees................


The Push for COVID Immunity Passports

Green Passes and Dark Inequalities

by Binoy Kampmark / March 18th, 2021

Sensible, ideal, wonderful – if you happen to be in the European Union. This is the air of confidence surrounding the March 17 proposal for a digital COVID immunity passport, or what is officially being called the Digital Green Certificate.

The Digital Green Certificate is actually a bundle of three: vaccination certificates stating the brand of vaccine used, data and place of inoculation and number of doses administered; negative test certificates (either a rapid antigen test or a NAAT/RT-PCR test); and medical certificates for those who have recovered from COVID-19 in the last 180 days.

The measure is discrimination made sound, preference made prominent. The essential requirement to obtain such a pass is evidence that you have been vaccinated by a jab with a vaccine approved by the European Medicines Agency. But the European Commission did append a qualification to this requirement. Member states could decide whether to accept vaccines that the EMA had yet to approve. Not in itself reassuring, given the varied approaches European states have taken to the international vaccine market.

Such administrative and bureaucratic impositions are the stuff of nightmares for ethicists and philosophers. For those in economics, business and management, it is an eminently sensible idea that will enable people to move within Europe, preferably in time for summer. ....................

Redacted Tonight: The future of bitcoin with Max Keiser, plus the US’s bombing addiction, and more

....Max Keiser is Lee Camp’s guest this week, for a conversation about bitcoin. Keiser argues that bitcoin has the potential to change the world in a progressive direction by replacing government-controlled fiat currencies and democratizing the economy. They discuss the future of bitcoin, market manipulation by the oligarchs at the top of the system, how cryptocurrencies can make imperialist wars irrelevant, and the real inflation rate.

After that, Lee explores the results of a new study by the women’s peace organization CODEPINK, which found that, over the past 20 years, the US has dropped an average of 46 bombs a day.

Finally, Natalie McGill reports on the surveillance system Flock, which is similar to the Amazon Ring, but offers extra, creepier methods of invading the privacy of your neighbors. She also looks into a new web search engine from the browser Brave, which allows you to surf anonymously, block third-party vendors from scraping your info, and prioritize independent news sites in search results......



China:  Leading to World Recovery and Beyond

by Peter Koenig / March 18th, 2021

China’s currently ongoing (4-11 March 2021) annual parliamentary meeting, known as the “Two Sessions”, the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and the National People’s Congress (NPC), may be the most important of such meetings in recent years. The event is also celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Communist Party of China (CPC).

The conference will define China’s internal and external development strategies, as well as her future role on the world stage. China is the only major economy that has mastered the covid-induced economic crisis, ending 2020 with a 2.3% growth. Compare this with economic declines way into the red for the US and Europe, of 25% to 35%, and 10% to 15%, respectively...............

.....................China’s achievements in her 71 years of revolution are unmatched by any nation in recent history. From a country largely ruined by western colonization and conflicts, China rose from the ashes, by not only lifting 800 million people out of poverty, becoming food, health and education self-sufficient, but to become the world’s second largest economy today; or, if measured by purchasing power parity (PPP), since 2017 the world’s largest econmy. China is poised to surpass the US by 2025 in absolute terms....................



March 20, 2021
author: Caitlin Johnstone

Opposing US Imperialism Is A Moral Imperative: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

If you’ve ever wondered whether you’re the sort of person who would have taken a stand against the Nazis in Germany, the answer is that you would have behaved however you’re behaving toward the murderous imperialist power of today, namely the United States government.

Words cannot describe my disdain for people who claim US imperialism is a “complicated” issue. It’s like, well, figure it the fuck out then asshole, you’re killing people. Isn’t it worth a few moments of your time to work out why they’re murdering people in your name?

Living in the US or one of its vassal states without opposing its imperialist warmongering is a morally indefensible position. “I just focus on domestic policy” is an illegitimate stance while your rulers are butchering human beings around the world.............


Unbelievable insanity !!  This is a MUST READ.  This is from July 29, 2003
The MSM journalists used to be much more truthful than the "journalists" of the  MSM after the alphabet networks started changing hands right after 9/11.

Pentagon kills ‘terror futures market’
A controversial Defense Dept. project to set up a “futures” market — designed to try to use market forces to help predict political upheaval in the Middle East — was scrapped Monday after Senate Democrats blasted the plan.

 By John W. Schoen

....But Wyden said Monday he had already succeeded in amending the defense spending bill to include a provision requiring Congressional approval for the plan to go forward.

“This far-out stuff — at a time when we’re not dealing with the basics — is not a good use of resources and the limited dollars that are available,” he said. “Trading on corn futures is real different than trading on terrorism and atrocity futures. One is morally fine and represents free enterprise, and the other one is morally over the line.”

Backers of the project had hoped that, if it caught on, the Policy Analysis Market could eventually be used by companies trying to hedge the risk of doing business in the Middle East.

But even if the project had gone forward, it’s also not clear whether such a futures market had much of a future beyond a parlor game among Middle East analysts. For one thing, companies already have well-established markets for hedging risks......



LOL ... funny how the writer Rob Slane thinks China is "one of the most totalitarian regimes on the planet" without mentioning that the 5-eyes countries of US/Canada/UK/Australia/NewZealand are stumbling over each other to become China-like or even better in totalitarian measures in this era of the "covid plague".  Look in the backyard now and then Mr. Slane, there are totalitarians collecting there faster than falling leaves.

 One Year to Flatten Life as we Knew it
Written by Rob Slane
Tuesday March 23, 2021

It is a year since we embarked on an untried, untested, unscientific, draconian and frankly mad medical, social, economic and psychological experiment on millions of people. On the day we were thrust into this folly I wrote, “So that seems to be that. The end of Britain as we knew it.” All that has taken place since has, I believe, confirmed that, and my only surprise is that millions of people still cling to the bizarre idea that Lockdowns were based on science, that they were necessary, that they have been effective, and that we have a benevolent Government whose aim has been to keep us all safe. None of these things are true.

A Brief Recap of What Has Taken Place

You will search in vain for pre-2020 medical and scientific literature advocating the mass quarantining of healthy people as an appropriate response to a pandemic. In fact, after a panicked Mexican Government flirted with the idea for five whole days during the 2009 Swine Flu outbreak (ending it once it was realised how devastating it would be), the Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO) at the time, Dr Margaret Chan, explicitly warned against such destructive measures being used:

    “In this regard, let me make a strong plea to countries to refrain from introducing measures that are economically and socially disruptive, yet have no scientific justification and bring no clear public health benefit.”

So this disruptive, unscientific measure, with no clear public health benefit was quietly buried and forgotten about. Until, that it is, it was implemented in January 2020, in the Chinese province of Hubei, on the orders of Xi Jinping, leader of one of the most totalitarian regimes on the planet, as the lawyer Michael Sanger details in great depth here..........




Hmmm,  so, my instincts were right about this Cenk character from day one.  Thank you my dependable instincts.  This is from 2017 but I happened to see it only recently.

Clinton Team Donated $20 Million To The Young Turks
August 31, 2017 Sean Adl-Tabatabai

The so-called independent media network, The Young Turks, have been caught accepting a $20 million dollar donation from the Clinton team.

Following Cenk Uygur’s announcement that the donation would help bolster his media company – internet sleuths have discovered that the money originated from corporate Democratic sources – turning the independent organization into nothing more than a corporate establishment mouthpiece.

TFP reports: The $20 million in funding is slated to be used to increase the size of the TYT newsroom and for business operations – but where did the money actually come from?

It is important to note that TYT has reported on some hard-hitting stories and exposed serious problems within the state, and Uygur was unafraid of calling out corruption—so much so that he quit his job at MSNBC to work on the media project. However, once we start following the recent money, we can see a telling revelation begin to unfold.

The funding comes from a number of sources, so let’s take a look at these entities and the people behind them to better understand the agenda at play..........

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