Monday, January 4, 2021

Articles to help us understand some of the madness in our new life .... January 4, 2021

Almost all below is from the alternative media.


First the good news.  Julian Assange won't be sent to the gulags of the dead empire.

 In Assange Case, British Judge Rejects US Government’s Extradition Request

Citing harsh federal prison conditions in the United States, a British district court judge rejected the United States government’s extradition request against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

Judge Vanessa Baraitser accepted that Assange was diagnosed with a “recurrent depressive disorder.” Although he functions at a high level, she accepted he was diagnosed with autism as well.

She accepted that he would likely be imprisoned at a supermax prison in the U.S. under special administrative measures (SAMs) and would find a way to commit suicide...................


Terrible things were done to the Iraqis during the aggressive war on an innocent people just because USA didn't like their leader Saddam Hussein.  Craig Murray gives us a cringing insight into examples of sadism, cruelty and outright violence carried out by British soldiers on the Iraqi civilians and how the ICC, and in my opinion, the United Nations ... are totally useless and helpless to correct wrongs done by the nations with mighty armies on humans of Planet Earth.  Very depressing.

 The International Criminal Court: Now Simply Indefensible 181
December 29, 2020  

 by craig murray

Support for the rule of international law, and for the institutions which uphold it, is one of the principles of this blog. I have therefore always been extremely keen to defend and support the International Criminal Court, despite widespread criticism that it is simply a tool for use against leaders in the developing world and other opponents of the neo-con world order. I maintained that the standard of justice and investigation in the cases it did consider was generally good, and the need was to widen its ambit.

Unfortunately, the decision of the ICC to close down its investigation into War Crimes committed by the British in Iraq is the last straw for me in continuing to harbour any hope that the ICC will ever be anything more than an instrument of victors’ justice. I have read the entire 184 page report which closes down the investigation, and it is truly shocking. It is shocking in the outlining of British war crimes, but what really shocked me is the truly appalling picture that clearly emerges of the attitudes of the International Criminal Court. .............


So disgustingly unbelievable that the warmonger empire in its death throes can pass billions of $s for wars but cannot pass a bill to give its citizens a measly $2000

How and Why the $2,000 Covid-19 Stimulus Checks Were Defeated

The People Who Run the U.S. Government Despise Their Voters

by Eric Zuesse / January 2nd, 2021

On December 30th, U.S. Senators voted 80 to 12 not to increase the Covid-19 relief one-time payments from $600 per qualifying person, to $2,000. The same bill had already passed, December 28th, in the U.S. House, by a vote of 322 to 87.
Here is how the great investigative-reporting team of David Sirota and Andrew Perez reported this on December 31st, under the headline “Senate Democrats’ Motion To Concede On $2,000 Checks,”.............


Suckered into Stupid Wars

A US President inadvertently informed Americans on the war against Vietnam ... and Korea

by Jay Janson / January 2nd, 2021

Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later that someone of high notoriety would blurt out the truth about the American genocide in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, and lift for a moment the curtain of imbecility that keeps why-me-worry silly American society, self-indulgent in sales and sports, gung-ho slap-happily accepting what its criminal media tells it about being proud of its Vietnam War veterans and proud of today’s American soldiers, who have invaded whatever little countries on criminal orders or are stationed in active duty in 150 countries................


 Draconian rules for us the 99% whereas the politicians and the rich 1%ters are laughing at us behind our backs for obeying all their commands, like the sheeple many of us have become, even before the commands escape their foul lying mouths.  They know that the pandemic (make note that I am not denying there's a virus about, I have had it in Jan of last year, and I can confirm that it's like a very bad flu, but it's the flu nonetheless.  If you have a fairly good immune system and no major illnesses, you will recover within a week without having to get yourself jabbed with a vaccine.... that's my opinion anyway) is no big deal and only the aged and folks with an compromised immune system will be affected in a nasty way and probably some of them might even meet their end like people have been doing forever and ever and ever and ever. 

The rich with their massive villas and mansions and a horde of maids and cooks and gardeners to look after them ... they don't  need  to fly around to vacation spots like the rest of us  when we need a break.  The rich and powerful are eternally on a break.


Here are the Canadian politicians facing questions over travel amid COVID-19 restrictions

Island vacations, ailing relatives, property maintenance among reasons for out-of-country trips

As Canadians were urged to stay indoors and limit holiday celebrations to members of their households, a growing number of politicians across Canada have admitted to travelling outside the country despite pandemic restrictions. .................


What exactly have the 1% planned for us??

Covid “Dark Winter”: Political Announcements of “Highly Contagious Virus Variants”
The 2001 Anthrax Deceptions and those being Perpetrated Today.
By Edward Curtin and Dr. Heiko Schöning
Global Research, January 01, 2021

As I write on January 1, 2021, the new year is not starting very auspiciously.  Ominous pronouncements are coming from the usual high places and their media mouthpieces, announcing “highly contagious virus variants” of so-called Covid-19.

Joseph Biden has warned of “A Very Dark Winter” to come.

His use of that term “Dark Winter” has been echoed by officials everywhere adept at reading the talking points handed to them. The echo chamber is resounding with dark warnings.


Oh la la ... the joy of vaccines!!

Documenting Covid-19 RNA Therapy Adverse (Potentially Deadly) Vaccine Reactions. They Keep Coming...

Vaccine Reactions Pile Up

..........With no evidence what so ever that these vaccines stop/block or prevent transmission of the virus. These injections continue to be distributed. Not very successfully, I must add. Still the continuing adverse, deadly, reactions keep on occurring.

 Today, while hubby and I were out and about, an excessively long Covid "public service" announcement was played on the radio. It was made very clear that the vaccine will not stop the virus from spreading and that social distance and mask wearing will continue.

So the question is... Why expose yourself to experimental RNA therapy for no benefit what so ever. Really, none. Even the idea that your symptoms may be reduced is pretty cockamamie! (ridiculous; implausible)................


Terrorism: A Menace From the Right-Wing and Allied Fundamentalists
Wayne Madsen
December 31, 2020

On early Christmas morning a vehicle bomb exploded in downtown Nashville, Tennessee. The target was the AT&T metropolitan area network hub “Batman” building, a 33-story structure – the tallest building in Tennessee – which resembles the fictional cape crusader’s cowl. The bomber turned out to be a 63-year-old white man. Anthony Quinn Warren, who blew himself up in the terrorist attack, apparently subscribed to the babble from the pro-Donald Trump “Qanon” group of far-right conspiracy advocates who believe that Fifth Generation (5G) wireless communications networks are linked to both the Covid pandemic and electronic surveillance.


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