Monday, December 7, 2020

Stuff to read, collected mostly from the Alternative Media .... December 7, 2020

Authored by Ash Staub via HumanEvents.,com

If one were to consider the upward transfer of wealth and market share to Big Business since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, one would think such economic changes were intended. After all, it’s no secret that the interests of politicians and the corporate elite align more often than not.

As we near a year of lockdowns and sheltering in place, the long-term effects of pandemic policy on the economy are becoming clearer. Almost every piece of legislation ostensibly designed to curb the spread of the coronavirus and protect workers has wreaked devastation on small businesses—while benefiting the largest corporations. Roughly 100,000 small businesses have permanently closed due to COVID-19, while big-box retailers, tech giants, and pharmaceutical manufacturers have seen record profits.....


By Maria Aurelio (Left Voice)

 On Thursday, some 200 million workers held a one day general strike in India. This massive day of action was called by 10 trade unions and over 250 farmers organizations and was accompanied by massive protests and a near total shutdown of some Indian states. According to the call put out by unions, the general strike was organized against “the anti-people, anti-worker, anti-national and destructive policies of the BJP government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.....


China finalised its campaign against protests in its Hong Kong territory when it expelled opposition politicians from Hong Kong’s government for endangering national security.

Following this move, opposition politicians still in office resigned in protest, leaving the territory’s government firmly pro-Beijing.
This came after a sweeping security law was passed which focused heavily on cutting foreign backing to opposition groups rioting in Hong Kong’s streets and outlawing aspirations of “independence” as a form of sedition.

With the cutting off of foreign support and the effective removal of opposition political parties supporting and driving the protests from Hong Kong’s political landscape, the prospects for another round of disruptive and violent protests is highly unlikely.

And almost as if to vindicate Beijing’s policy decisions regarding Hong Kong, the US and UK insisted on one last round of interference regarding these most recent developments.

UK’s Sky News in an article titled, “UK summons Chinese ambassador after expulsion of Hong Kong MPs,” would claim:

    The government has summoned China’s ambassador to register “deep concern” after Beijing ordered the expulsion of four opposition MPs from Hong Kong’s parliament.

    Kwok Ka-ki, Alvin Yeung, Dennis Kwok and Kenneth Leung were banished from the territory’s assembly for allegedly endangering national security.

    They were expelled under a new Chinese law banning supporters of Hong Kong independence from holding office.

The article also claimed:...............


Imagine the cheek!  Australia complains of invasive searches of its female citizens at Qatar airports and Qatar is upset and withdraws from a trade deal???  Just goes to show that no matter how progressive the Qataris think they have become, their country has plenty of cavemen roaming around as doctors and inspectors at their airports and the ghouls in their government is of the opinion that their actions should not be questioned.

On the other hand, USA's lapdog Australia now won't get China to buy its wine (after the ongoing agressive moves it has taken on China at USA's demands) and Qatar won't buy its lamb.  Great going Aussies!  Your government is as much a slave of the USA as my own Canadian government happens to be.  We are in the same shameful boat.

Qatar has cancelled a $300 million annual trade subsidy for the Australian lamb industry after the country condemned a series of invasive medical examinations of its nationals in Doha in October.

The deal was due to end in 2023, but the Qatari government has made the decision to finish the subsidy early, on 31 December this year.

Stephen Crisp, the chief executive officer at Sheep Producers Australia, told the Guardian the sudden decision has come as a surprise for the industry, which is also grappling with Chinese import bans.

"It was a surprise. I don't think we were ready for this. But we're fortunate to be in a very adaptable industry. We service many, many countries, so we can adapt," Crisp was quoted by the Guardian as saying.......


Student Loan Horror Stories: Borrowed: $79,000. Paid: $190,000. Now Owes? $236,000

At 59, Chris pleaded for a renegotiation. "My life expectancy is 15 more years. At this rate, you're not going to get very much...' Their response was, 'So?'"

By Matt Taibbi

December 05, 2020 "Information Clearing House" -  Whether it’s CNBC telling us what issues mattered to the young in the presidential election, or Yahoo! Finance telling us the big winners in the 2020 election were “young people and student voters,” or Forbes telling us “young people with student loan debt have a harder time reaching financial milestones,” the student loan controversy is almost universally presented as a “youth” issue.

This is the first of many deceptions baked into coverage of one of the more misunderstood and misreported issues of our time. Student loans matter to older people, too. In fact, that’s the problem. They matter far too much, to too many older people.

“People that are 45 years and older, that's where the student loan problem is a real issue,” says “Chris,” who took out his first loan in 1981. “Because those are the people that normally would have the highest balances.”

Now 59, Chris asks to tell his story under a pseudonym, to protect the service industry career he’s built in part with the hope of someday escaping his student debt.

“In the realm I'm in now, I don't really advertise the fact that I owe $236,000,” he sighs. .....


Trump's favorite people hate Christians, especially those of the Roman Catholic stripe.  However, they get on well with their boot-lickers, the evangelicals... most of whom you will find in the MAGA crowd.

Jewish man arrested for setting fire to Roman Catholic church in Jerusalem

e suspect poured flammable liquid inside the Roman Catholic church, and then set it alight before a church guard detained him and police took him for questioning.


The propaganda emitting from the US and its minions like Canada, UK and Australia, targeting China and its supposed mistreatment of the Uighurs is hitting comical heights.  Unfortunately, too many people are willing to believe the lies.

"Uighurs forced to eat pork" - Horror Stories Told By Chinese Defector Seem To Evolve

 Al Jazeerah, the propaganda outlet of Qatar, has published a remarkable anti-China propaganda piece which echos claims made by dubious CIA affiliated outlets:

Uighurs forced to eat pork as China expands Xinjiang pig farms
Former detainees claim that the forcible feeding of pork is most rampant in re-education camps and detention centres.

    It has been more than two years since Sayragul Sautbay was released from a re-education camp in China’s westernmost region of Xinjiang. Yet the mother of two still suffers from nightmares and flashbacks from the “humiliation and violence” she endured while she was detained.

    Sautbay, a medical doctor and educator who now lives in Sweden, recently published a book in which she detailed her ordeal, including witnessing beatings, alleged sexual abuse and forced sterilisation.

    In a recent interview with Al Jazeera, she shed more light on other indignities to which the Uighurs and other Muslim minorities were subjected, including the consumption of pork, a meat that is strictly prohibited in Islam.

    “Every Friday, we were forced to eat pork meat,” Sautbay said. “They have intentionally chosen a day that is holy for the Muslims. And if you reject it, you would get a harsh punishment.”

When I read the above I remembered that I had previously read about Sayragul Sautbay (or Sauytbay). But the story back than had sounded much different. The woman had moved from China under disputed circumstances but had never been a detainee. She had illegally entered Kazakhstan where she was put in front of a court but only got a mild sentence. Sautbay was then granted asylum in Sweden from where she propagandizes for an CIA affiliated Uighur exile group.

Over the years Sautbay has given several interviews. The details of her story continued to change in anti-Chinese directions.....


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