Tuesday, November 10, 2020

On the censorship from the corporate overlords on users of social media platforms which paves the way for an exodus from those platforms to the alternative media

 I am weaning myself off from Twitter.  The censorship experienced on that platform has made me question myself why I even bother to post there when only a few of my tweets get  even a few dozen views and I am shadow-blocked almost every day and hardly anyone even bothers to click on the links.


I will still be posting at Twitter but very infrequently.  Everything I might have posted and linked to on that platform will now be found on this site.


I will be still keeping this blog active with stuff I read and find interesting as this blog is like a diary to help me remember and also to log for future readers, the events happening in this world of ours and how far and for how long the madness we have learned to accept from our demented rulers will go on without a world revolution by the 99%ters on the 1%ters.



Here’s What Donald Trump Should Do before Inauguration Day


States won’t have to formally certify their electoral college votes until December. But, assuming Joe Biden’s supporters do manage to push through the necessary 270 electoral votes, Donald Trump still has until January 20 to change military policy, pardon allies, unseat the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, and throw a wrench in the deep state apparatus that has so long antagonized him.

But time is running out. What Trump does now could nonetheless strike a blow for the cause of restrained foreign policy, while reining in the intelligence state and placing barriers in front of Washington technocrats seeking to reassert their power in Washington.

But what exactly should Trump be doing?

Fortunately, Lew Rockwell has recently compiled a list of the essentials, noting that Trump should of course continue his legal challenges to the ballot counters in various states. But there are also concrete policy changes he can make right now, and speaking to Trump, Rockwell concludes: “In the time until [January 20], you should act decisively against the deep state and the enemies of the American people.”....


Frank Miele at RealClearPolitics


The Kafka Election

The 2020 election is a nightmare from which I — along with millions of others — am trying to awake.

Like many dark dreams, it is uncertain exactly what is happening. Phantasmic ballots come and go. Seemingly insurmountable Republican victories disappear into the mouth of a vote-munching machine and come out the other side as excremental — oops, I mean incremental — Democratic leads just beyond the reach of a recount. And as in any nightmare worth its salt, just when you think it’s about to end, a new trap door opens and you fall into yet one more level of confusion and chaos in a maze with no exit in sight...........


From RT


Vienna shooter

 he Austrian Interior Ministry has confirmed earlier reports that the gunman behind the deadly Vienna attack met with a group of fellow jihadists from Germany and Switzerland in the country’s capital several months ago.

“A meeting took place in Vienna among the people … from Germany and Switzerland, but there were also people present at the meeting with the later assailant who were arrested in the context of the investigation,” Interior Ministry’s Director General for Public Security Franz Ruf said at a news conference.

Austrian media reported earlier that more than a dozen of “young jihadists” from Austria, Germany and Switzerland gathered for what was described as “a three-country Islamist summit” in Vienna in mid-July. The meeting was said to have been organized by Kujtim Fejzullai, a 20-year-old Austrian native of Albanian origin who killed four people and wounded 23 more in the country’s capital on November 2.....

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Kit Knightly at Off-Guardian


Censoring Donald Trump is more “dangerous to democracy” than anything he could ever say

Oligarchs and social media giants are now claiming a monopoly on “the truth”, that should worry everyone

The media have called the election for Biden, but the counting goes on and there is a legal case in the offing. But whoever emerges from this deluge of sludge, fraud and propaganda to become president of the United States, there has undoubtedly already been one big loser – freedom of speech.

Late on Tuesday night/early Wednesday morning, Donald Trump – the elected President of the United States – emerged from the White House to make a speech.

He accused the Democratic party, the political establishment, the media and tech giants/social media companies of working together to steal the election and put Biden in the Whitehouse.....


 Janine Jackson at Fair.org


These Lawsuits are Incredibly RInky-Dink


Janine Jackson interviewed Voting Booth’s Steven Rosenfeld about vote counting for the November 6, 2020, episode of CounterSpin. This is a lightly edited transcript.

 Janine Jackson: It is November 5, and the New York Times front page tells me that Joe Biden sees a “path to victory.” The reason it’s just a path, I’m to understand, is that Donald Trump is still mounting “challenges” to vote counts. Trump, of course, announced in advance that, “As soon as that election is over, we’re going in with our lawyers.”

But Republicans didn’t just start going in with their lawyers. In particular, since the gutting of the Voting Rights Act in 2013, they’ve used the courts to provide cover for the kind of voter suppression they feel favors them. They’ve played these cards face up for so long, it’s hard to see why anyone would credit Trump’s current legal maneuvers as anything other than what they are—frank attempts to hold on to power, no matter what.


But here we are, and where we need a press corps that defends democratic functions unflinchingly—even, or especially, if it’s the president attacking them—what we’ve got is, along with some strong and useful reporting, a lot of normalizing inanity, like CNN‘s John Avlon telling viewers to “keep cool” and “remember that the right to vote is really the fight to vote.” Come again?

Things are changing as we speak, but joining us to talk about where we’re at is journalist Steven Rosenfeld. He’s the editor and chief correspondent of Voting Booth, a project of the Independent Media Institute. He joins us now by phone from San Francisco. Welcome back to CounterSpin, Steven Rosenfeld..................


  From TheAnalysis.News

<a href= " https://theanalysis.news/interviews/biden-will-be-president-the-institutions-will-assert-themselves-larry-wilkerson 

 A Judicial Coup Unlikely...................

While it’s likely Biden will take office, the Republicans will try to make governing impossible. Biden must be pushed to force effective climate change policy through executive order and not cave to the GOP Senate, says Larry Wilkerson on theAnalysis.news podcast with Paul Jay.


Paul Jay
Hi, I’m Paul Jay. Welcome to theAnalysis.news podcast, and please don’t forget the donate button.
A razor-thin majority for Biden, relying on the mail-in vote. This is the election result Trump and people
like Steve Bannon expected. They were right and the polling was wrong. Again. Bannon declared a few
weeks ago that the war would begin on November 3rd, and here we are. Trump has already declared
victory and is saying the Democrats plan to steal the election........




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