Sunday, July 5, 2020

On the BLM and Antifa protests and demands in the era of Black Lives Matter, Police Brutality and COVID-19

Posting some items that are relevant to what's been happening in the month of June, 2020.

Just one of the hundreds of videos, tweets and collages on police brutality with many such incidents culminating in injuries and deaths.  The vid below has some incidents which are from before the BLM protests started after Floyd's death in late May.
The people are angry with the Police, and IMO, they have umpteen number of reasons to be so.  

There's an investigation going on about white nationalists in the police force of  several States of the USA.  I believe that to be true ... that there are KKK sympathizers within the police force.  The mindless violence from the police force against the citizens can only happen because the side wearing the uniforms of "law and order" have a deep rooted hatred for non-white people.

From Forward
The police have a white nationalist problem — and have for at least 15 years

Experts are concerned that white nationalists have infiltrated some of the protests flaring in cities across the country in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death — but they know for certain that white nationalists have infiltrated the police.
And they’ve known it for at least 15 years, which is how long federal officials and media investigations have been sounding the alarm about growing white nationalist recruitment among police officers.
“There are scores of officers facing inquiries over their connection to online bias and/or being in bigoted social media pages,” said Prof. Brian Levin, the director of the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University, San Bernardino. “So it’s probable that we’re just getting the tip of the iceberg.”....

.......The document warned of officers wearing “ghost skins,” white supremacist parlance for people who, in the FBI’s description, “avoid overt displays of their beliefs to blend into society and covertly advance white supremacist causes.”
The problem appeared not to have improved by 2015, when a classified FBI counterterrorism guide, acquired by the Intercept, noted that many suspected domestic terrorist investigations focused on extremists who “often have identified active links to local law enforcement officers.”
By 2019, an investigation by the Center for Investigative Reporting found hundreds of active-duty and retired law enforcement officers who had made racist posts or were members of neo-Confederate Facebook groups......

From Rutherford Institute
America's Revolutionary Founders would be anti-government extremists today

 “It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from its government.” —Thomas Paine
Had the Declaration of Independence been written today, it would have rendered its signers extremists or terrorists, resulting in them being placed on a government watch list, targeted for surveillance of their activities and correspondence, and potentially arrested, held indefinitely, stripped of their rights and labeled enemy combatants.
This is no longer the stuff of speculation and warning.
In fact, Attorney General William Barr recently announced plans to target, track and surveil “anti-government extremists” and preemptively nip in the bud any “threats” to  public safety and the rule of law.
It doesn’t matter that the stated purpose of Barr’s anti-government extremist task force is to investigate dissidents on the far right (the “boogaloo” movement) and far left (antifa, a loosely organized anti-fascist group) who have been accused of instigating violence and disrupting peaceful protests.
Boogaloo and Antifa have given the government the perfect excuse for declaring war (with all that entails: surveillance, threat assessments, pre-crime, etc.) against so-called anti-government extremists.
Without a doubt, America’s revolutionary founders would have been at the top of Barr’s list.
After all, the people who fomented the American Revolution spoke out at rallies, distributed critical pamphlets, wrote scathing editorials and took to the streets in protest. They were rebelling against a government they saw as being excessive in its taxation and spending. For their efforts, they were demonized and painted as an angry mob, extremists akin to terrorists, by the ruler of the day, King George III.
Of course, it doesn’t take much to be considered an anti-government extremist (a.k.a. domestic terrorist) today.
If you believe in and exercise your rights under the Constitution (namely, your right to speak freely, worship freely, associate with like-minded individuals who share your political views, criticize the government, own a weapon, demand a warrant before being questioned or searched by the police, or any other activity viewed as potentially anti-government, racist, bigoted, anarchic or sovereign), you’re at the top of the government’s terrorism watch list.
Indeed, under Barr’s new task force, I and every other individual today who dares to speak truth to power could also be targeted for surveillance, because what we’re really dealing with is a government that wants to suppress dangerous words—words about its warring empire, words about its land grabs, words about its militarized police, words about its killing, its poisoning and its corruption—in order to keep its lies going.....

From The Hill
List of vandalized toppled status
A list of the statues across the US toppled, vandalized or officially removed amid protest
Protests over the killing of George Floyd have led to the removal of historical statues across the U.S.
Many of the monuments and statues, most of which depict Confederate leaders or Christopher Columbus, have been a source of controversy over the years, with calls from progressive activists and others to remove them.
But with the recent outrage over racial injustice and police brutality, some protesters have taken matters into their own hands by vandalizing or tearing down the statues, while some state and city officials have taken official steps to order their removal.
Here are the places where statues and monuments have been toppled, vandalized or slated for removal by government officials................ 

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