Sunday, February 3, 2019

Yellow Vests or the Gilet Jaunes movement is People Power

Below are some of the videos and news  on the protests of a strong movement showing the growth of People Power totally fed up with the 1%ters.  The disparity between the rich and the rest of humanity has become extreme as the rich simply cannot understand or refuse to understand the plight of the poor. Instead, they flaunt their riches in our faces.

Former gilets jaunes leader launches new political party 'Les Emergents'

French politics might be on the verge of a profound shake-up as former gilets jaunes leader, Jacline Mouraud, launched a new political party she described as "the common sense party."
Mouraud, who's credited as one of the first leaders of the gilets jaunes movement, said her party, Les Emergents (The Emergence), would do things differently.
“We want to put forward a party that’s handled with the heart and not money. Often, we have the impression that politicians have a rock instead of a heart."
"We are going to do things with the heart, it’s going to make a big difference,” she said.
The 51-year-old came to the fore last October when she posted a video on Facebook criticising Emmanuel Macron’s government for planning to increase fuel taxes. The video went viral and had more than six million views at time of writing.......

'Gilets jaunes' hold 12th weekend of protests, denounce police violence

Thousands of “gilets jaunes” (yellow vests) protesters marched through Paris and other French cities on Saturday for the 12th consecutive weekend of anti-government action, as they paid homage to those injured by police in previous demonstrations.
Participants carried French flags and placards denouncing the government of President Emmanuel Macron, while a large banner showing photographs of people injured in clashes with police took centre stage at the march in Paris.
The protest came after France’s top administrative court ruled on Friday that police could continue using controversial rubber-ball launchers against protesters.
Known as Defence Ball Launchers, the weapons fire rubber projectiles the size of golf balls, and have been blamed for leaving gilets jaunes with serious injuries including lost eyes and broken limbs.
The judge said it was “necessary to allow police to use these weapons” because the protests were “frequently the occasion for acts of violence and destruction.”
Around 1,000 police officers and 1,700 demonstrators have been injured since the protests began, according to official figures......

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