Monday, December 3, 2018

A new exciting historical chapter opens in Mexico

A new bright chapter in the history of Mexico?   The new president of Mexico seem to have his heart in the right place.  Will he come under the money-grabbing influence of the USA or will he look into bettering the lives of his people?  Time will tell.

After having visited Mexico and glimpsed its wonderful peoples their different cultures and amazing history... I sincerely hope Andres Obrador is the kind of leader the under-privileged Mexicans have  been waiting for.

From Telsur at GlobalResearch
Mexico: AMLO Opens Presidential House ‘Los Pinos’ to the Public

Fourteen times bigger than the White House in Washington, D.C., Los Pinos will be turned into a museum and cultural space.

From the moment Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador was sworn in as president of Mexico, the presidential house known as ‘Los Pinos’ was opened to the public as a museum and art gallery as a sign of the new government’s austerity.

“I won’t live in Los Pinos,’ said Lopez Obrador during his swearing-in ceremony at the Congress. “That residency was opened to the public today and it will be part of the Chapultepec Forest. It will turn into one of the biggest spaces in the world for art and culture.”
Hundreds of Mexicans have visited the house since then, taking pictures and selfies in one of the most reserved political places in the country, home to the previous 14 presidents. Enrique Peña Nieto left the house a week before leaving the presidency, receiving the King of Spain Felipe VI as his last guest.
Built in 1856, Los Pinos wasn’t always the presidential residency. The massive complex of buildings was owned by Dr. Jose Pablo Martinez del Rio, of one of Mexico’s richest families, before being expropriated by the post-Mexican Revolution government of Venustiano Carranza.
When President Lazaro Cardenas took office in 1934, he decided to change his residency to Los Pinos, after the Michoacan garden in which he fell in love with his wife, because he wanted the Chapultepec Palace to be opened to the public as a museum.

 Before Cardenas changed its name to Los Pinos, the residency was known as ‘La Hormiga’ (The Ant), because it was the smallest of Martinez’s properties. As new presidents arrived, they ordered the construction of additional houses within the complex to fit their own taste, lifestyle or political affiliation. Presidents of the Revolutionary Institutional Party (PRI) used to live in the ‘Miguel Aleman’ house, while those from the National Action Party (PAN) chose the ‘Las Cabañas’ construction.
As a result, there are now four houses in the complex, besides gardens, squares, halls, pools and other sports facilities, with a constructed space of 56,000 square meters: an area 14 times bigger than the White House.............


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