Friday, November 30, 2018

Turkey and Erdogan tricks during the month of October and November, 2018

As I keep this blog of mine as more of a political diary, it would be amiss to not stress on what's happening with Erodgan and Turkey.  IMO, Turkey under  Erdogan has become the most powerful nation among Muslim nations. If Turkey had been inducted in the EU, it would have been a matter of less than two decades for Turkey to turn the entire EU into a Muslim Brotherhood stronghold.  The leaders of UK, Germany, France, Italy ... knew this, even if they are credited with  only a dime's worth of brain matter. I don't know how many folks caught that one dynamite sentence of UK's Cameron .. "Turkey will NEVER be in EU"  when he was making his rounds on the speaking circuit just before the  BREXIT referendum.  That was a slip of course, but the truth comes out many a time at the most inappropriate times. Erdogan got the message long before that slip from Cameron, he's anything but dumb.

If not for USA's  obsession with Iran, they would be able to see the forest if not for the trees, trees planted there with great care by Israel.  Iran's focus on religious nonsense and their rule by mullahs will keep it backward for decades to come, no nation thrives when it's ruled by theocracy, especially in matters of human rights and justice for their citizens.  Iran is not the enemy, it's too weak to be considered one just cause Israel says so and Israel's bribed and bought politicians in the USA believe Israel's falsehoods to keep the greenbacks flowing from the Jewish oligarchs into the pockets of the corrupt American elite.  The real powerhouse is Turkey.  Saudi Arabia is a nation of   bribe-givers and primitive slave-owning gangsters. Saudi Arabia along with Israel are allies of USA  because both are testers of American-made WMDs on human beings.  Israel has been doing it forever and a day and Saudi Arabia has started from 2011. 

If an Erdogan-induced war breaks out in that part of the world,  my bets would be on Turkey coming out on top....especially since Turkey has Russia as an ally.  
Forget Iran as the boogie man, the real danger to Saudi Arabia, Israel, Iran, Iraq, Syria and others is Turkey.  But hey ... what do I know?  I am just a dodo. 
Erdogan says Turkey will overcome attacks on economy
President Tayyip Erdogan said on Monday fluctuations in the lira do not reflect economic reality and Turkey was on the verge of overcoming what he described as attacks on the economy.
In a speech to a new session of parliament, Erdogan also said Turkey’s economy was rebalancing. He said he hoped that strained relations with the United States, which led Washington to impose sanctions and raise tariffs, would improve soon.... Turkish activist Osman Kavala spends another birthday in İstanbul prison
 Turkish businessman and activist Osman Kavala turns 61 in İstanbul’s notorious Silivri Prison where he has been held in pre-trial detention since November 2017 on terror and coup charges.
Artists, academics and activists gathered in various cities around the world to celebrate Mr. Kavala’s birthday.
Detained upon his arrival to İstanbul’s Atatürk airport late on Oct 18, Kavala is accused of “attempting to abolish the constitutional order” and “attempting to remove the government of the Turkish Republic,” according to media. 
Turkey will not abide by U.S. sanctions on Iran, Erdogan says
 Turkey will not abide by the United States’ sanctions on Iran, President Tayyip Erdogan said on Tuesday, describing Washington’s move as aimed at unbalancing the world.
Erdogan’s comments to reporters in Ankara came a day after Washington reimposed sanctions, abandoning a 2015 deal between world powers and Iran over its nuclear programme, while temporarily allowing major customers including Turkey to keep buying crude from the Islamic Republic. (Reporting by Gulsen Solaker Writing by Ezgi Erkoyun Editing by Ece Toksabay)... [NEW REPORT]World sees at least 58 suspicious deaths in Turkish prisons since July
Turkey survived a failed coup attempt against the ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) government on July 15, 2016. An ensuring crackdown has produced thousands of victims as it has gone beyond punishing those involved, resulting in an across-the-board iron fist against dissidents of all kinds in Turkey. More than 170,000 people have lost their jobs. Some 160,000 have passed through police custody while 90,000 have been remanded in pre-trial detention. Some 700 children, aged between 0 to 6, are now accompanying their parents in jail. Established to document the rights violations in the aftermath of the failed coup, now presents this report to help its readers better understand the scope of the Turkish government’s crackdown since the failed coup attempt.
Here are the detailed list of those who died in Turkish prisons since July 15, 2016:............ US pastor Andrew Brunson leaves Turkey after release
Pastor at heart of Washington-Ankara diplomatic dispute leaves Turkey after a court ordered his release.
An American pastor has flown out of Turkey after he was released by a Turkish court following two years in detention.
Andrew Brunson, whose detention caused a diplomatic crisis between Washington and Ankara, left on a US military flight bound for Germany on Friday. The White House said Brunson will arrive at a military base in Maryland on Saturday.
The evangelical pastor was convicted of terror-related charges and sentenced to three years, one month and 15 days in jail on Friday. 

But he was immediately freed, taking into account the time already served and good conduct during the trial. The court also lifted his house arrest and overseas travel ban, paving the way for his return to the US.... Turkish armory explosion kills seven soldiers in southeast: Erdogan...
Erdogan slams 'childish' Saudi explanations over Khashoggi murder
As probe into journalist's killing progresses, Erdogan ramps up pressure on Riyadh and says Turkey has more evidence.
Turkey has ramped up pressure on Saudi Arabia over the murder of Jamal Khashoggi, demanding Riyadh reveal who gave the order to kill the journalist in the kingdom's consulate in Istanbul. 
"If you are determined to lift this shroud of mystery, then this is the key point of our collaboration," Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in a speech on Friday in the capital Ankara.
Addressing provincial members of his Justice and Development Party (AK Party), the president said Turkish authorities have gathered more evidence, which will be made public "when the time comes". ..... 
Saudi prosecutor seeks death penalty for five in Khashoggi murder
Riyadh's latest account dismissed as inadequate by Turkey as US sanctions 17 Saudis it said were involved in killing..... 
French remarks on Khashoggi affair prompt Turkish anger
 Turkey reacted with fury on Monday after French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said President Tayyip Erdogan was playing a political game over sharing intelligence about the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi..... inaugurates Istanbul Airport, one of world's largest
Once completed in 2028, the new facility in the Turkish megacity is expected to handle up to 200 million passengers.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has inaugurated a massive new airport project in Istanbul, which, once complete, is expected to become one of the world's largest.
More than 50 foreign dignitaries from at least 18 countries on Monday attended the lavish opening ceremony of the first phase of the new facility, called Istanbul Airport, local media reported.
"Istanbul is a beautiful jewel between two seas ... that's why we called [the airport] Istanbul," Erdogan said at the ceremony which coincided with the 95th anniversary of the Turkish Republic.
"We see Istanbul Airport as investment not only in our country but also in our region and the world," he added.... 
Erdogan and Trump meet in Paris amid Khashoggi crisis
Meeting came hours after Turkish president announced that Ankara shared tapes related to Khahsoggi's murder with the US..... 
Saudi 'cover-up team' sent to dispose of Khashoggi body: report
A Turkish newspaper report suggests a Saudi investigative group included two experts who attempted to erase evidence.... 
9 int’l organizations urge EU to raise Turkey’s freedom of expression crisis during upcoming meetings
 The nine international organizations, on Wednesday, issued a letter aimed at European Union officials who are scheduled to meet with a Turkish delegation this week, urging them to take action to address the freedom of expression crisis in the country.
“More than 160 journalists are imprisoned in Turkey today, with hundreds more on trial for exercising their right to freedom of expression. …The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) response to this situation has been weak until now,” the letter read before outlining their recommendations....
Turkey says Saudi prince has asked to meet Erdogan at G20
Turkey’s Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said in an interview published on Tuesday that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman had asked for a meeting with Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan and that there was currently no reason not to meet him. 
Soros foundation to close in Turkey after being bashed by Erdogan
Turkish president blamed US billionaire philanthropist last week of trying to 'divide and destroy' nations......
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Tuesday implied that the US has to choose between Turkey and a Kurdish militia in Syria as “it is the end of the road.”
“Today we’ll take very important decisions. They need to see that it’s the end of the road. This is a chance for those who claim to be our allies and strategic partners,” Erdoğan said in a speech to his party’s group in parliament.
Ankara sees the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) as an offshoot of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) in Turkey, which is also designated as a terrorist organization by the US and the European Union......
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan discussed separately the recent tension in Kerch Strait with his Russian and Ukrainian counterparts on Wednesday, state-run Anadolu News Agency reported.
In separate phone calls with Russia's President Vladimir Putin and Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko, Erdogan expressed his concern and called on the two sides to resolve the confrontation via diplomacy..... Turkey's Erdogan urges Islamic world to use national currencies in trade
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called on the Islamic world to use national currencies in trade so as to be free from "imperialist shackles."

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