Friday, June 1, 2018

Turkey for the month of May

Erdogan's sins against the secular nation of Syria should never be forgotten nor forgiven.  Hope he gets his comeuppance from numero uno stabber-in-back, the good old USA with whom he had conspired to destroy Syria.
Pompeo's meeting with Turkish FM fails to calm tensions
Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu met with Mike Pompeo, his US counterpart, in Brussels last week on the sidelines of a NATO ministerial gathering in the hope of opening a new and more positive chapter in Turkish-US ties.

Turkey pro-Kurdish party says jailed ex-leader Demirtas to run for president
Turkey's main pro-Kurdish party on Wednesday said its charismatic former leader Selahattin Demirtas would be its candidate for president in polls next month, even though he is currently jailed and on trial in several legal cases

Turkey’s bid to legitimize 'illegal' territory claims doomed to fail – Greek FM 
Turkey’s efforts to legitimize ‘illegal’ claims on Greek sovereign territory are doomed to fail because they are contrary to international law, Greece’s foreign minister said Monday. According to Nikos Kotzias, Turkey has submitted a document to the UN containing “erroneous positions” regarding Greek territory in the Aegean and the eastern Mediterranean and is trying to present such claims as lawful. Kotzias said Monday that international law can’t be manipulated to suit such schemes, AP reports. Ankara disputes Greece’s ownership of a number of uninhabited islands in the eastern Aegean and eastern Mediterranean. Turkey also claims that part of an area where Cyprus is conducting an offshore gas search falls within its own continental shelf. Cyprus says its gas search fully abides by international law....

Over 30 FETÖ terror suspects arrested across Turkey
Former Treasury Undersecretariat employees, ex-police personnel among those held
A total of 33 suspects linked to the Fetullah Terrorist Organization (FETÖ), the terror group behind the 2016 defeated coup in Turkey, were arrested in simultaneous raids across eight provinces on Wednesday, according to security officials.

In capital Ankara, police arrested four FETÖ suspects; the arrests came after prosecutors in Ankara and Izmir issued arrant warrants for 10 FETÖ suspects.

Nine former employees of the Undersecretariat of the Treasury are among those being sought with arrest warrants, according to Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office.....

Turkey Pushes Back at US Attempt at Regime Change
Turkish President Recep Erdogan’s bid to get re-elected in the snap poll on June 24 cannot be in doubt. But seventy days is a long time in politics and Erdogan’s main opponent, a 54-year old former physics teacher, is famous for combative rhetoric.

The surcharged political climate provides the context for the extraordinary remarks by Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu in a television interview on May 6 by riding on the wings of Turkish nationalism. Nonetheless, the salience lies in Ankara’s deepening disillusion over the doublespeak in the US’ regional policies.....

ISIS Suspects Planning to Attack U.S. Embassy Arrested
 And More 'Terrorists' Killed in Turkey
Turkey's official broadcaster reported Monday that four suspected members of the Islamic State militant group (ISIS) were detained in connection with a "security threat" at Washington's embassy in Ankara.

The four men, all Iraqi nationals, were detained in the Black Sea province of Samsun and were among up to 20 suspected members of ISIS arrested in police raids across the country, according to Anadolu Agency, citing an unnamed security source. The operation came a day after the local U.S. embassy was closed for what it said were unspecified security reasons. The embassy remained closed through Monday....

Erdogan: In Mideast, US has chosen to be part of the problem, not solution
Turkish president says East Jerusalem is capital of Palestine, most of the world does not support Trump's recognition of Jerusalem
The US has lost its role as mediator in the Middle East by moving its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in London on Monday. ...

Turkey recalls ambassadors to Israel and United States
Turkish president accuses Israel of committing a 'genocide' and condemns US for moving its embassy to Jerusalem....

Istanbul summit urges international force to protect Palestinians
A summit in Istanbul of Muslim heads of state on Friday (May 18) called for the creation of an international peacekeeping force to protect the Palestinians, as host Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan accused Israel of "brutality" comparable to the Nazis.

The 57-member Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) - seeking to bridge severe differences within the Muslim world - said in a final communique that Israel had carried out the "wilful murder" of some 60 Palestinians on the Gaza border Monday.

'Fair' elections impossible in Turkey, warns Reporters Without Borders
RSF's Erol Onderoglu says 24 June polls cannot be free due to the 'liquidation' of the media
The "liquidation" of the media in Turkey means it is impossible for "free and fair" elections to be carried out on 24 June, a leading media activist warned on Wednesday.

Erol Onderoglu, head of Reporters Without Borders (RSF) in Turkey, said that a combination of pro-government buyouts of media outlets, the mass arrest of journalists and the cowing of remaining independent media means that there could be no hope of an honest choice in the upcoming parliamentary and presidential votes....

Erdogan Urges Turks To Stick With Collapsing Lira, 
Warns Financial Speculators "Will Pay A Heavy Price"
Since Recep Tayyip Erdogan's election to Prime Minister of Turkey in 2002 (and even more so since his 'election' to President for life in 2014), the Turkish Lira has been on a one-way street to hyperinflatio
The ailing currency has lost over 20% of its value against the U.S. dollar this year as The FT points out that a volatile mix of electoral populism and a rising dollar have pushed the country to the brink of a currency crisis. At the helm is a leader obsessed with growth, who has long dismissed higher rates as a way to make “the rich richer and the poor poorer” and often feuded with the country’s central bank...

Turkey and US agree plan for YPG withdrawal from Syria's Manbij
Kurdish military commander says Washington and Ankara's plans for flashpoint northern city are premature
Turkey and the United States have agreed on a roadmap for Syria's Manbij that would see the Kurdish YPG militia leave the northern city, Turkey's Anadolu Agency said on Wednesday.

US support of the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) has enraged Washington's NATO partner Turkey, which considers the militia part of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK). The YPG have played an integral part in efforts, supported by an international coalition, to roll back the Islamic State (IS) group in Syria. The PKK has waged a decades-long insurrection in Turkey....

Idlib could be trump card or time bomb for Turkey
Dangerous confrontations are cropping up between Turkish troops and those of the Syrian regime.

As part of an agreement involving the ongoing Syrian peace talks in Astana, Kazakhstan, Turkey recently completed its 12th and last military observation post in Idlib — the northwestern Syrian province that has become a “jihadi reserve.” With that done, and with regime pressure mounting on Idlib, Turkish troops and their rebel allies on May 27 ventured into the adjacent Jabal al-Akrad region in the province of Latakia.

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