Sunday, April 1, 2018

Turkey for the month of March

Waiting for Karma to get to Erdogan ... why is it waddling like a turtle?  Come on, come on!!

Erdogan has released the genealogy of thousands of Turks – but what is his motive?

In 2003, the Armenian newspaper Agos, whose editor Hrant Dink was assassinated outside his office in 2007, reported that the Turkish government was secretly coding minorities in registers

Shock in Turkey after Basaran heiress, friends die in plane crash
Daughter of Turkish billionaire Huseyin Basaran among 11 killed after private jet crashed in central Iran.
Mina Basaran, 28, the daughter of Turkish billionaire businessman Huseyin Basaran, and her female friends were flying back to Istanbul after celebrating Basaran's bachelorette party in Dubai....

Turkey forces encircle Kurdish-controlled centre of Afrin
Turkish army says forces encircle city of Afrin and control 'areas of critical importance' in northern Syria.

Russia to deliver S-400 air defences to Turkey in 2020
Delivery will begin in early 2020.
Russia will begin implementing the contract on the delivery of S-400 air defence systems with Turkey in early 2020, the presidential aide on military cooperation has told local television.

Erdogan hopes Kurdish-held Afrin town to be fully captured by Turkey Wednesday evening 
The Kurdish Syrian enclave of Afrin “will soon fall completely, God willing,” Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan declared in a speech. He added that he hopes it will happen by Wednesday evening.
The statement came as Erdogan addressed local administrators at the presidential compound in Ankara. He also said civilian residents of the area were being evacuated through humanitarian corridors organized by Turkey.

Ankara launched an operation in northwestern Syria two months ago after the US announced that it was planning to boost the predominantly-Kurdish militia force, SDF, with training and weapons. The militias played the role of the ground force for the US-led siege of Raqqa, the now-destroyed stronghold of the terrorist group Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS)....

Afrin week 8: Kurdish stubbornness spells their doom

It’s been 8 weeks since Turkey together with its jihadist forces launched operation Olive Branch to clear the Afrin region of US-backed Kurdish militias (YPG). During these weeks, YPG forces have been taking a beating, losing well over 70 % their territory, including Afrin city itself.

It should hardly come as a surprise to anyone who has been following the situation that the Turkish backed jihadists would eventually capture the region. The Turkish Air force has been flying freely over the skies of northern Aleppo without Washington, YPG’s benefactor uttering a single word, despite being a close NATO ally with Ankara. This says a lot about who Washington cares for in Syria.....

‘We can suddenly come’: Turkey’s Erdogan puts all Kurdish-held towns in Syria & Iraq on notice

 Turkey’s military operation in Syria will target other Kurdish-held towns – and may even spill over into Iraq – President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has announced just a day after pro-Turkish forces seized Afrin.

The controversial cross-border offensive “will go on until the terror corridor through Manbij, Ayn al-Arab, Tell Abyad, Ras al-Ayn, Qamishli has been wiped out,” Erdogan said, speaking in the presidential complex in Ankara on Monday....

Iraq’s Sinjar & Syria’s Tal Rifaat next targets of Turkish military op – Erdogan

 Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has announced the launch of a new military operation against Kurdish militants in Iraqi Sinjar. He also vowed to take over the Kurdish-controlled town of Tal Rifaat in northern Aleppo, Syria.
“We’ve eliminated 3,747 terrorists [in Syria’s Afrin],” Erdogan said on Sunday, adding that Ankara has now begun an operation against the Kurdish militants in Iraq’s Sinjar.

“Remember, I told you we’d get them. They will flee, we will chase; the work will not end with Afrin. The PKK went to Sinjar – ‘We’ll go there as well,’ I said. Operations there began,” the president declared...

Turkey begins operation in Iraq's Sinjar, Erdogan says 

President Tayyip Erdogan said on Sunday that Turkey had begun operations in Iraq's Sinjar region, an area where it has threatened a military incursion, two days after sources said Kurdish PKK militants would withdraw from the area.

"We said we would go into Sinjar. Now operations have begun there. The fight is internal and external," Mr Erdogan told a crowd in the Black Sea province of Trabzon, without elaborating on what operations he was referring to.

Iraq's Joint Operations Command denied that any foreign forces had crossed the border into Iraq....

Turkey started preparations for further operations in northern Syria: Erdogan

Turkey has started preparations to clear northern Syria’s Ayn al-Arab, Ras al-Ain and Tel Abyad regions from militants up to the Iraqi border, President Tayyip Erdogan said on Friday, adding that it would also clear militants from Iraq. ....

Turkish leader slams Kosovo’s PM over secret deportations

Turkey’s president slammed Kosovo’s prime minister on Saturday for criticizing the secret deportations of six Turkish men who Turkey claims were supporters of an alleged coup plotter.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said he was “saddened” that Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj had dismissed both his interior minister and his intelligence chief on Friday for deporting six Turkish citizens from Kosovo without his permission....

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