Saturday, July 22, 2017

US Sanctions Iran for Complying With Nuclear Deal

The USA, as usual dances to the orders  from Tel Aviv and Riyadh.  Hopefully, there will be at least a handful of honest historians who will inform seekers of truth, in the far away future if Planet Earth has one, that the downfall of America was largely due to its "Israel First" policies and secondly for its greed for Saudi Arabia's petro dollars.
Interview 1288 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato
Story #1: US Imperils Nuclear Deal With New Iran Sanctions

John Bolton’s Op-Ed: Trump Must Withdraw From Iran Nuclear Deal — Now

Iran’s Nuclear Deal a Battleground Between Trump and His Cabinet

Bannon & Kushner Want to Outsource Afghanistan to Mercenaries

Trump Kills More Civilians In Six Months Than Obama Did In Eight Years

and many more links to what's discussed in the video.........

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