Sunday, January 1, 2017

Turkey Tracking for the month of December 2016

This is how a genuine civil war begins.  The havoc in Syria, labelled "civil war" is a creation of external forces,  USA/Israel as main actors with supporting cast of Muslim nations tricked into destroying other Muslim nations; Turkey/Saudi Arabia/Qatar/UAE, etc. 
What has started slowly but will surely loom and bloom larger in coming months. is a direct cause of  wannabe sultan Erdogan's doing.  If at all there is a trace of foreign support for the terrorism in Turkey, I would point fingers at the same two main actors eternally present wherever there is chaos and discord anywhere and everywhere on this planet.

ISIS Spokesman Threatens Turkish Embassies Worldwide,
 Urges Supporters not to Flee Tal Afar
Terror group ISIS’ newly appointed spokesman made wild threats on Monday promising attacks against Turkish embassies around the world. The spokesman also urged hardline militants in the flashpoint Iraqi town of Tal Afar near Mosul not to flee as the group fights offensives on different fronts.

“Destroy their vehicles, raid them … in their shelters so they can taste some of your misery and do not talk yourselves into fleeing,” Abi al-Hassan al-Muhajer said in an audio recording posted online.

Muhajer also said that ISIS supporters would target “the secular, apostate Turkish government in every security, military, economic and media place even every embassy and consulate that represents it in all the world’s countries.”.........

Turkey airstrike kills US and German citizens:
Syrian Kurdish group
A Turkish airstrike in Syria has killed two militants - one from the United States and one from Germany - from a group allied with the main Kurdish militia in the country, according to a statement from a local Syrian military council on Thursday.

The two were killed near the northern Syrian city of Minbij, which the Kurds, along with Arab allies and backed by United States airstrikes, seized from the Islamic State extremist group after protracted battles.

Turkey opposes the presence of the Syrian Democratic Forces - an umbrella group dominated by the Kurds - near the city of Minbij. Ankara wants its own Syrian armed groups to take control over the area.....

Turkish soldiers killed by Syrian air strike: Military
In first such incident on Syrian territory, three dead and 10 wounded in attack near northern city of Al Bab.

The Turkish military has said that three of its soldiers have been killed and 10 more wounded in Syria by an air strike allegedly launched by Syrian government forces.

A statement from the Turkish armed forces on its website said that the attack occurred at 3:30am local time [00:30 GMT] on Thursday.

Dec 10
Deadly twin bomb attack injures 20 police officers
near Istanbul stadium
At least 1 explosion apparently caused by suicide bomber

Two explosions struck Saturday night outside a major soccer stadium in Istanbul after fans had gone home, in an attack that caused fatalities and wounded at least 20 police officers, Turkish authorities said. A private television channel put the wounded at nearly 70.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan issued a statement saying "unfortunately we have martyrs and wounded" but did not specify the number.

One of the blasts was thought to be a car bomb and the second appeared to have been caused by a suicide bomber.

Police cordoned off the area as smoke rose from behind the newly built Vodafone Arena Stadium, known colloquially as Besiktas Stadium after the local team and neighbourhood. Witnesses also heard gunfire after the explosions.........
....Turkey's radio and television board issued a temporary coverage ban citing national security concerns. It said "to avoid broadcasts that can result in public fear, panic or chaos, or that will serve the aims of terrorist organizations."....

Turkish Forces Supported ISIS-Daesh in Attack on Palmyra,
 Al-Bab in Retaliation for Defeat in Aleppo. Analyst
The developments in Syria show that Turkey’s attack against al-Bab city is aimed at provoking Damascus and Moscow and heightening the terrorists’ weakened morale.

Atwan also referred to the ISIL terrorists’ aggression against Tadmur (Palmyra), and said that according to reports from Iraq and Northern Syria, the ISIL is collapsing but its attack against Palmyra proves that it is still being supported by certain countries.

“The first reason for such a claim is that the Iraqi forces’ operations against the ISIL in Mosul which had started two months ago have been faced with the terrorists’ strong resistance,” he said.

    “Also, Ashton Carter, the US secretary of defense, has announced that his country will send 200 soldiers to Iraq and Syria to fight against the ISIL. Another reason is the Syrian Democratic Forces’ (SDF) statement on starting the second stage of Euphrates Rage Operation to capture the self-proclaimed capital of the ISIL, Raqqa.”

“The last reason is that the US congress has approved a bill to support the armed groups in Syria and Iraq,” Atwan added.

The ISIL carried out one more large-scale attack on government positions at the Eastern entrance of Palmyra on Saturday night. They took control of the strategic height of al-Tar in the Northern side of Palmyra and the village of al-Ameriyeh Northwest of the city. They further laid siege on the city.....

A bomb blast targeting a bus carrying dozens of soldiers 
in Turkey's central Kayseri province at 08:45 local time has injured and killed several according to reports.

An immediate broadcast ban was issued by the Turkish government.

According to eye-witness reports a car ploughed into the bus, exploding immediately.

Reuters has said the bus, carrying off duty soldiers and civilians was hit by a car laden bomb outside Kayseri University.

Other reports say the bus was carrying special forces soldiers going on leave.

Turkish Forces Supported ISIS-Daesh in Attack on Palmyra,
Al-Bab in Retaliation for Defeat in Aleppo. Analyst
The developments in Syria show that Turkey’s attack against al-Bab city is aimed at provoking Damascus and Moscow and heightening the terrorists’ weakened morale.

Atwan also referred to the ISIL terrorists’ aggression against Tadmur (Palmyra), and said that according to reports from Iraq and Northern Syria, the ISIL is collapsing but its attack against Palmyra proves that it is still being supported by certain countries.

“The first reason for such a claim is that the Iraqi forces’ operations against the ISIL in Mosul which had started two months ago have been faced with the terrorists’ strong resistance,” he said.

    “Also, Ashton Carter, the US secretary of defense, has announced that his country will send 200 soldiers to Iraq and Syria to fight against the ISIL. Another reason is the Syrian Democratic Forces’ (SDF) statement on starting the second stage of Euphrates Rage Operation to capture the self-proclaimed capital of the ISIL, Raqqa.”

“The last reason is that the US congress has approved a bill to support the armed groups in Syria and Iraq,” Atwan added.

The ISIL carried out one more large-scale attack on government positions at the Eastern entrance of Palmyra on Saturday night. They took control of the strategic height of al-Tar in the Northern side of Palmyra and the village of al-Ameriyeh Northwest of the city. They further laid siege on the city.....

Dec 13
Turkish police and soldiers execute more than 400 people in 2016
AKP’s police and soldiers have captured more than 400 Kurds alive and executed them during the genocidal attacks of 2016. The number of people executed by the police and the army under enemy law just this year has surpassed 400 according to data from the Human Rights Association (Insan Haklari Dernegi – IHD).
A small sample from AKP’s political murders are as follows:

Sêvê Demir, Pakize Nayir and Fatma Uyar were murdered by state forces in Sirnak’s Silopi district on the evening of January 4. It was later found out that the person murdered alongside with the female politicians was Islam Atak (20).

In Van’s Edremit district, 12 HPG members were executed on January 10 in a house raid by the special operations units with the claim that “there was a clash”. Access to the file and autopsy reports on the massacre was barred.

In Mardin’s Kiziltepe district, 4 people lost their lives when special operations police opened fire on a vehicle in Turgut Özal neighborhood on January 12. Witness accounts say the vehicle with the license plate 63 F 1579 was in motion when suddenly it was raked by the police armored vehicles. After the attack, 4 unidentified persons were killed in the vehicle and dozens of bullet holes were seen on the vehicle. Later it was found out that one of the people who were executed was DBP administrator Cengiz Erdem, brother of Aydin Erdem who was murdered by the police in a student protest in Amed in 2009.

A bomb blast targeting a bus carrying dozens of soldiers in Turkey's central Kayseri 
province at 08:45 local time has injured and killed several according to reports.

An immediate broadcast ban was issued by the Turkish government.

According to eye-witness reports a car ploughed into the bus, exploding immediately.

Reuters has said the bus, carrying off duty soldiers and civilians was hit by a car laden bomb outside Kayseri University.

Other reports say the bus was carrying special forces soldiers going on leave.

Dec 19

Dec 25

Turkey's Erdogan: 'Confirmed evidence' US-led coalition supports ISIS & other terrorists in Syria
 Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said "it's very clear" that the US-led coalition is supporting terrorist groups in Syria, Islamic State (IS, also known as ISIS/ISIL) among them.

"They give support to terrorist groups including Daesh (Arabic for IS)," Erdogan said.

Saying that the US have accused Turkey of supporting IS, speaking at a press conference on Tuesday the Turkish leader blamed the US-led coalition for assisting terrorists themselves.

Apart from IS, he also mentioned Kurdish People's Protection Units in northern Syria (YPG) and Democratic Union Party (PYD) as groups supported by the coalition.

"We have confirmed evidence, with pictures, photos and videos," he added.......

Plans for stronger Turkish presidency pass first hurdle
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan will be able to appoint and dismiss government ministers, take back the leadership of the ruling party, and govern until 2029 under plans approved by a parliamentary commission on Friday.

The approval by the constitutional commission after a 17-hour overnight session means the plans for an executive presidential system, long sought by Erdogan and the ruling AK Party he founded, have passed their first hurdle.

The proposal will now go to a vote in parliament's general assembly, before a referendum expected by spring....

Dec 31
Istanbul Reina nightclub attack 'leaves 35 dead'

At least 35 people have lost their lives in an attack on a nightclub in Turkey, Istanbul's governor has said.

Among the dead at the Istanbul club is one police officer, Vasip Sahin stated, adding that it was a terror attack.

At least another 40 were injured in the attack which took place in the Reina nightclub, in the Ortakoy area, at about 01:30 local time (22:30 GMT).

One attacker was involved, the governor said, while CNN Turk reported he was dressed in a Santa Claus costume.

"A terrorist with a long-range weapon ... brutally and savagely carried out this incident by firing bullets on innocent people who were there solely to celebrate the New Year and have fun," Mr Sahin told reporters at the scene of the upmarket Reina nightclub, which sits on the banks of Bosphorus in the city's European side...

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