Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Turkey Tracking .... for the month of November, 2016

Full fledged chaos is fast approaching.  Karma is a bitch. 

Turkish top court approves jail term for opposition HDP leader
Turkey's Supreme Court approves the Adana court's decision to sentence HDP co-chair Yüksekdag to a 10-month jail term
The 16th Criminal Office of Supreme Court on Wednesday approved a 10-month imprisonment for the opposition Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) co-chair Figen Yüksekdag for making propaganda for a terrorist organization.

A charge of promoting terrorists, namely the Marxist–Leninist Communist Party (MLKP), propaganda against Yüksekdag relates to a speech she gave during her visit to MLKP terrorist Yasemin Çiftçi's commemoration ceremony in the southern province of Adana in 2012....

Turkey blocks social media sites again to stall protests — here’s how to access them
Turkey has once again blocked access to social media in an apparent effort to keep a lid on protests; many in the capital and elsewhere are demonstrating following the arrest of a number of opposition leaders.
Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp and YouTube are reportedly blocked or at least being throttled to the point of inaccessibility, reported Turkey Blocks. The outage started late last night and seems to be ongoing. The government also blocked internet access entirely for several days in some locations earlier this week.....

Police have fired tear gas to disperse crowds of demonstrators in Istanbul.

Many are angry about the arrests overnight of several pro-Kurdish politicians.

Fighting broke out between police and protesters in a number of cities.

Officials say 10 protesters were detained in Ankara, five in Antalya and seven in Istanbul.

Erdogan’s Al Qaeda Mercenary Army of Uyyghur Chinese “Jihadists” Dispatched to Syria
...Pres. Erdogan’s mercenary Army are all Chinese citizens of the far Western region in China, and home of the Uygur people, and are Sunni Muslims.  The Uygur people are an ethnic group of Muslims living near the far west frontier of China and they speak the ancient Turkic language, which is the root of the modern Turkish language now spoken in Turkey.  Their province is Xinjiang, and their capital city is Urumqi.
For many years, Pres. Erdogan has supported the Uygur’s claims of oppression by the Chinese government.  Pres. Erdogan has made speeches in which he compared the Uygur people to the ancestors of the people of Turkey.  Pres. Erdogan feels there is a close historical and ethnical tie between modern Turkey and the Uygur people.  In a speech, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan stated that “Eastern Turkestan is not only the home of the Turkic peoples, but it is also the cradle of Turkic history, civilization, and culture. The martyrs of Eastern Turkestan are our own martyrs.”  His designation of Eastern Turkestan is actually the Chinese province of Xinjiang, the home of the Uygur people.

Pres. Erdogan used his own mercenary Army of Chinese citizens: the Uygurs.   He had allowed them Turkish passports, which they used to pass legally through Central Asia to arrive in Turkey.  The immigration officials at the airport in Turkey recognized these special passports, and would confiscate them, but allow the Chinese to pass through legally and enter Turkey.  Pres. Erdogan had arranged for them to be transported from the airport in Turkey into Syria through the large and porous border area North of Idlib, which was once a mid-size town in North West Syria.....

Turkey pro-Kurdish leaders Demirtas and Yuksekdag detained
The two co-leaders of Turkey's pro-Kurdish HDP opposition party have been detained along with other MPs, officials say.

Selahattin Demirtas and Figen Yuksekdag were detained as part of a counter-terrorism inquiry, security sources quoted by Anadolu news agency said.
Mr Demirtas was detained at his home in the south-eastern city of Diyarbakir while Ms Yuksekdag was taken into custody in Ankara.
Nine other HDP MPs were also held.

Turkey claims that the HDP has links to the PKK Kurdish militant group, but the party strongly denies this.......

Car bomb blast in Turkey's Diyarbakir kills nine
The attack targeted a police station in the south-eastern city and comes after Turkish authorities arrested senior HDP leaders from the region as part of a counter-terrorism investigation.
At least seven civilians and two police officers were killed when a car bomb targeting a police station exploded in Turkey's south-eastern city of Diyarbakir on Friday morning, Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said. The attack was originally attributed to PKK, which has been designated as a terror group by the US, EU, NATO and Turkey, but was later claimed by Daesh.

The blast came hours after the Turkish government detained 11 lawmakers from opposition party HDP from several areas including Diyarbakir, Ankara, Hakkari, Van, Sirnak and Bingol.

"We as a nation strongly condemn this inhuman attack," Yildirim said, adding one suspected terrorist was also killed by the security forces.
The attack took place around 8am local time (0500 GMT) near a building used by riot police. Around 100 people were injured as the explosion occurred in a densely-populated area. Vehicles and nearby buildings were damaged by the impact.

Earlier in the day, the Diyarbakir provincial governor's office released a statement saying the PKK claimed responsibility for the attack. In a video message on a website associated with PKK, one of the group’s commanders said it would intensify armed action against Turkey.

However, by early Saturday morning, Daesh had claimed responsibility for the attack on its news agency Amaq...

Egypt slams Erdogan's 'double standards'
Egypt condemned what it described as “irresponsible” statements made by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan about the Egyptian government.

Earlier on Thursday, Erdogan said during an interview with Qatari channel Al-Jazeera that he accused “the Egyptian regime of providing support to the Gulen movement”, which is led by Turkish cleric Fethullah Gulen, who has been accused of masterminding the failed coup attempt in Turkey last July.

“We differentiate between the Egyptian people and the administration there. We love the nation like it was ours and that’s why we have provided all support to them but we are against coup governments and the violation of freedoms, and we will stand with the Egyptian people in their fight for democracy,” the Turkish president said during the interview aired on Thursday.

In an official statement on Thursday, the Egyptian foreign ministry spokesman said Egypt considered the Turkish statements as a “continuation to the blundering and double standards approach that the Turkish policies have been characterised  by through out the past years.”

The foreign ministry spokesman Ahmed Abu Zeid expressed his “surprise” at the Turkish president inaugurating himself as a “guardian of democracy and protector of freedoms at a time when his government is arresting hundreds of professors and media personnel and tens of parliamentary members, as well as shutting down tens of newspapers and eliminating thousands of civil workers and army officers and judges from their jobs.....

Nov 14
Sirnak residents face ruins as they return after 246-day curfew
After 246 days, the curfew in the Kurdish town of Sirnak is partially lifted from the hours of 05:00-22:00 each day since Monday.

A curfew was declared in the town on March 14, where operations against the urban youth wing of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), the Civil Protection Units (YPS) were launched. The YPS waged an armed fight against military forces in the town, with demands of autonomy.

Sirnak, a town with a population of about 290,000 once, is now a town left demolished as a result of the Turkish army’s attacks on the town during operations against the YPS.

The extent of the destruction became evident with the lifting of the curfew, with many homes destroyed and razed to the ground. Displaced locals returning to the town, most of whom had to live in tents and nearby towns, will return only to face with the elimination of their homes.

Alongside many homes, the pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) and the Democratic Regions Party (DBP) headquarters in the town are seen to be demolished. Parks and gardens are amongst the destroyed areas in the town, yet these areas had witnessed no clashes during the course of fighting which ended months ago....

Nov 17
Senior EU figure says FETO "certainly played a role" in failed coup
First vice president of the European Commission Frans Timmermans' statements marks the first time a senior European Commission official has spoken about FETO's involvement in the coup attempt.
Allegations regarding the role of the Fethullah Gulen Terror Organisation (FETO) in Turkey's July 15 coup attempt are not "total nonsense," a senior European official said.
Turkey accuses FETO, led by Fethullah Gulen, of being behind the attempted coup which resulted in the deaths of 248 people. Turkey also accuses the group of being behind a long-running campaign to overthrow the state through the infiltration of Turkish institutions, particularly the military, police and judiciary.

First vice president of the European Commission Frans Timmermans, was quoted in an interview with a Belgian magazine saying US investigations are pointing to "growing indications that the FETO certainly played a role."....

Nov 18
UN expert urges Turkey to release detainees
amid “grave concern” about free speech
The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the right to freedom of opinion and expression, David Kaye, today expressed deep concern about widespread measures being used to erode independent opinion and expression in Turkey.

“Across the board, the Government is imposing draconian measures that limit freedom of expression,” said Mr. Kaye at the end of a one-week official mission to the country.
“The press, individuals online, artists, opposition voices and many others face unprecedented pressure, from censorship to outright detention. I urge the Government to reverse this course and return to protecting and promoting the rights that all people in Turkey enjoy under their Constitution and international human rights law.”
Mr. Kaye said that Turkey was facing a wide variety of threats, and he had particular sympathy for those who continued to feel the shock of the 15 July attempted coup, the deaths and injuries it caused, and its assault on Turkey’s democratic institutions.....

Nov 20
15 arrested after Kurds clash with pro-Erdogan demonstrators in Paris – media
Fifteen people have been reportedly arrested after dozens of Kurdish protesters opposing the policy of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan clashed with police and pro-Erdogan demonstrators as a rally of hundreds in support of the Turkish president was held in Paris.

The incidents took place as about 700 Erdogan supporters rallied at Place de la Republique in central Paris....

Three Turkish soldiers killed in suspected Syrian government air strike
An air strike “thought to have been carried” out by Syrian government forces killed three Turkish soldiers and wounded 10 others, one of them seriously, early on Nov. 24, the Turkish Armed Forces has announced.

The attack occurred at around 3:30 am in the course of the Operations Euphrates Shield in northern Syria, the army statement said, adding that the wounded soldiers were evacuated rapidly from the area.

It is the first time Turkish soldiers are known to have been killed by Syrian government forces in the offensive which was launched on Aug. 24.

Nov 24
Blast in Turkish city of Adana kills two people, wounds 16 - governor
An explosion which rocked the governor's building in the southern Turkish city of Adana killed two people and wounded another 16, provincial governor Mahmut Demirtas was cited as saying by the state-run Anadolu agency on Thursday.

Anadolu said the blast occurred in a vehicle in the car park in front of the building.

Ankara vows ‘retaliation’ against Syrian attack on Turkish troops 
Prime Minister Binali Yildirim has said an attack by the Syrian regime that killed three Turkish troops in northern Syria will “not be left unanswered,” vowing that the Turkish army’s determination to “clear the area of terrorists is unaffected by the move.”...

Nov 25
Turkey will open border gates if European Union goes "too far"
Turkey hosts more than three million refugees and says it has spent more $15 billion on them.
Turkey would allow refugees to stream into Europe if EU leaders continued to back away from their promises, President Recep Tayyip  Erdogan said on Friday.

Erdogan's statement comes a day after the European Parliament voted for the temporary suspension of accession talks with Ankara.
He said that Turkey was hosting 3.5 million refugees – mostly Syrian – and had spent $15 billion in the process.
“If you go too far, the border gates will be opened," Erdogan was quoted as saying by Anadolu Agency during the Second International Women and Justice Summit in Istanbul.
Turkey and the EU signed the refugee deal on March 20, 2016, in which Turkey agreed to take back refugees who cross into Greece illegally. According to statistics from Turkey's Interior Ministry, there are currently 140,000 undocumented refugees....

Erdogan: Turkish forces are in Syria to end Assad's rule

 Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said that the Turkish Army entered Syria to end the rule of President Bashar Assad, whom he accused of terrorism and causing the deaths of thousands.

“We entered [Syria] to end the rule of the tyrant al-Assad who terrorizes with state terror. [We didn’t enter] for any other reason,” the Turkish president said at the first Inter-Parliamentary Jerusalem Platform Symposium in Istanbul, as quoted by Hurriyet daily.

Erdogan said that Turkey has no territorial claims in Syria, but instead wants to hand over power to the Syrian population, adding that Ankara is seeking to restore “justice.”.......

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