Saturday, September 17, 2016

US and US-led lapdogs bomb Syrian army positions, killing and wounding 100s of soldiers and civilians

From Reuters
U.S.-led jets kill dozens of Syrian soldiers: Russia, monitor

U.S.-led coalition jets bombed a Syrian army position at Jebel Tharda near Deir al-Zor airport on Saturday, killing dozens of Syrian soldiers, Russia and a war monitor said, paving the way for Islamic State to briefly overrun it.

The U.S. military, in an apparent admission that it may have hit the position, said in a statement that coalition air strikes near Deir al-Zor had been halted when Russia told coalition officials they may have hit the Syrian army.

Syria's army general command said in a statement that the air strike was "conclusive evidence" of U.S. support for Islamic State, noting that the strike was "dangerous and blatant aggression".

Islamic State said in a statement on its Amaq news channel that it had gained "complete control" over Jebel Tharda but both Syrian state television and Russian state media said the positions lost to the militant group were later recaptured.

The defense ministry in Russia, which has been aiding Syria's President Bashar al-Assad in the civil war, said U.S. jets had killed more than 60 Syrian soldiers in four air strikes by two F-16s and two A-10s coming from the direction of Iraq. .........

....Russia's Defence Ministry said that if the coalition bombing was a mistake, it was evidence of Washington's "stubborn refusal" to coordinate its actions with Russia's government. ....

From PressTV
One killed in Israeli drone attack in Syria’s Golan Heights

Syrian military positions have been targeted in an Israeli drone attack in the southwestern Syrian province of Quneitra located in the Golan Heights.

At least one person was killed and five more wounded in the Saturday attack which took place in the province’s Khan Arnabah district.

Last week, the Syrian army announced that it had shot down an Israeli warplane and a drone inside Syria following an Israeli attack on Syrian army positions.

Syrian forces are currently engaged in a battle against terrorists in the Golan Heights.

Syria says Israel and its Western and regional allies are aiding Takfiri militant groups operating inside the Arab country. Moreover, the Syrian army has repeatedly seized huge quantities of Israeli-made weapons and advanced military equipment from the foreign-backed militants inside Syria....

From Moon Of Alabama blog
U.S., Israel Launch Airstrikes On Syrian Government Forces - Directly Supporting ISIS And Al-Qaeda

The U.S.

    refuses to publish the details of the agreement with Russia  about the ceasefire  in Syria
    has done nothing over the last days to separate, as promised, the "moderate rebels" it supports in Syria from al-Qaeda
    today bombed a Syrian army position in support of an Islamic State attack in Deir Ezzor.

Details of the last attack:

    "Today at 17:00-17:50 Moscow time, international anti-Daesh coalition (two F-16 and two A-10 jets) carried out four strikes on Syrian government forces' units encirled by Daesh near Deir ez-Zor airport. The coalition's aircraft entered Syrian airspace from the side of the Iraqi border," Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said.
    As a result of the attack, 62 Syrian soldiers were killed and some 100 others were injured, according to information received from the Syrian command in Deir ez-Zor, he said.

    The Russian Defense Ministry said that Daesh terrorists launched an offensive soon after the US-led coalition aircraft attacked the Syrian government forces.

The death toll is likely to increase.....

 From France24
Moscow to call UN Security Council meeting over Syria strikes: foreign ministry

Moscow will convene an urgent meeting of the UN Security Council after a string of deadly US-led coalition air strikes hit a Syrian army base, foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said late Saturday.

"The Russian ambassador to the UN has been tasked with convening an urgent meeting of the Security Council over this issue," Zakharova told Rossia-24 public television. "We demand Washington's full and detailed explanation, and that must be made before the UN Security Council."


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