Saturday, July 2, 2016

Saudi Arabia's dirty money being solicited by Canadian Islamic schools and mosques

Disgusting!   Libs will have a lot to answer for when the inevitable jihadi attack(s) on Canadian soil start off.  You know they are bound to happen because our government has given free rein to Canadian Muslims to open their own Islamic Schools and as many mosques as they desire.

IMO, each and every kind of religious school should be shut down.  Religious study should be conducted at home with parents being the sole teachers. 

The directors of the Islamic schools/institutions that the Globe&Mail got to speak to, lied through their rotting teeth that KSA has no influence on the schools. That is one BIG FAT LIE that only the gullible idiots  like Trudeau and his equally gullible Libs will take as the Gospel  Koran truth. Saudi Arabia sends tonnes of text books to each and every address where a donation has been sent.  These text books have filth written in them about Christians and Jews and anybody not Muslim. 
Is it any wonder that students of such schools grow up hating all non-Muslims and become raving Wahhabists bent on jihad?

The below article from a few months ago.

Colin Freeze and Affan Chowdhry at Globe&Mail
Saudi government funding private Islamic schools in Canada, documents show

The Saudi government is donating hundreds of thousands of dollars to help finance the expansion of private Islamic schools in Canada, according to newly leaked documents that shine a light on how foreign states are helping finance a growing demand for religious education.

The documents, involving cables between diplomats at the Saudi embassy in Ottawa and government officials in Riyadh, contain conversations from 2012 and 2013 about a $211,000 donation to a school in Ottawa and $134,000 to a school in Mississauga.

The schools confirmed to The Globe and Mail they had sought such donations to help build or buy new facilities for rapidly expanding student bodies.

The memos about the donations were among 500,000 Saudi diplomatic cables that WikiLeaks has begun releasing, yielding unprecedented insights into how the secretive Arab kingdom operates outside its own borders.

Foreign donations to private schools are legal. But Riyadh is frequently accused of spreading a puritanical form of Islam, and its critics allege Saudi dollars can pave the way for Saudi doctrine....

Excellent information from one of the commentators to the above article is a MUST READ:  Emphasis mine.

Comment from:

Boreal Books

Would it surprise you to learn that Islamic studies programs at such prestigious universities as Harvard, the University of Edinburgh, Georgetown and Cambridge are funded by Saudis?(Carleton University, Ottawa's second largest, will not revealed whose funding it's CENTRE FOR THE STUDY OF ISLAM.)

Saudi funding, whether it be for mosques, madrassas – anywhere the Koran is taught – usually comes with one large string attached: the recipients of the Kingdom’s largesse will preach the somewhat virulent Wahhabi creed, the creed of the Saudi Royal Family. Preaching the Wahhabi doctrine usually entails using the Saudi approved translations of the Koran by Abdullah Yusuf 'Ali and/or Muhammad Muhsin Khan.

Following is an assessment of each translation by Khaleel Mohammed an assistant professor in the Department of Religious Studies at San Diego State University:

"Several Muslim scholars have built upon the Yusuf 'Ali translation. In 1989, Saudi Arabia's Ar-Rajhi banking company financed the U.S.-based Amana Corporation's project to revise the translation to reflect an interpretation more in conjunction with the line of Islamic thought followed in Saudi Arabia. Ar-Rahji offered the resulting version for free to mosques, schools, and libraries throughout the world. The footnoted commentary about Jews remained so egregious that, in April 2002, the Los Angeles school district banned its use at local schools."

"From the beginning, the Hilali and Muhsin Khan translation reads more like a supremacist Muslim, anti-Semitic, anti-Christian polemic than a rendition of the Islamic scripture. Although this Saudi-sponsored effort, undertaken before 9-11, is a serious liability for American Muslims in particular, it still remains present in Sunni mosques, probably because of its free distribution by the Saudi government."

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