Sunday, July 3, 2016

On the jihadi attack and siege of a popular cafe in Dhaka, Bangladesh

Wherever there are Wahhabi madrasas, there you will find jihadis aplenty.
Question: Who is responsible for all the deaths (not just the cafe ones) in Bangladesh by jihadis?
Answer: The Government of Bangladesh is solely responsible for flooding the country with madrasas which are often the birthplace of  jihadis.

From En.Prothom
A total of 1.4 million students have been studying in 13,902 Qawmi madrasas across the country. Of them, the highest 4,599 madrasas are located in Dhaka division while the lowest 1,040 are in Barisal, says a report.

The report prepared by Bangladesh Bureau of Educational Information and Statistics (BANBEIS) following the directives of the Prime Minister’s Office, is the first ever study conducted on Qawmi madrasas in Bangladesh.....

Tahmina Anam at Guardian dated May 2011 (gives a very mild version of what goes on in a girls' madrasa)
An education: Inside Bangladesh's madrasas

Bangladesh's madrasas are viewed with suspicion for their links with militant Islam. So what kind of schooling do they offer girls? Tahmima Anam entered their secretive world to find out

....Bangladesh has two kinds: private Quomi madrasas and state-sponsored Alia madrasas. There are an estimated 6,500 Quomi madrasas in the country, with almost 1.5 million students. The Quomi madrasas are entirely supported by private donations, enabling these institutions to resist any efforts by the state to control, modernise or reform them. By contrast, there are 7,000 or so Alia madrasas, which follow a standardised syllabus that includes subjects such as English, Bengali, science, and mathematics. They dispense degrees, up to MA level, and are registered with, and regulated by, the Bangladesh Madrasa Education Board. The students who graduate from Alia madrasas often go on to complete their education at secular institutions – in fact, 32% of Bangladeshi university teachers in the humanities and social sciences are graduates of Alia madrasas. Depending on how you look at it, madrasas are either an insignificant proportion of the education system, or crucial in determining the future of the nation's relationship to its faithful.....

Julfikar Ali Manik, Geeta Anand and Ellen Barry at NYTimes
Bangladesh Attack Is New Evidence That ISIS Has  Shifted Its Focus Beyond the Mideast
The cook was crouching in a washroom, taking refuge from the gunmen who had invaded the Holey Artisan Bakery, when he understood that there was a logic behind the killing: The people in the restaurant were being sorted.

“Bengali people, come out,” one gunman shouted. When the cook, Sumir Barai, and eight other men opened the bathroom door, trembling, they saw two young men, clean shaven and dressed in jeans and T-shirts.

“You don’t need to be so tense,” one of the men told them. “We will not kill Bengalis. We will only kill foreigners.” At that, Mr. Barai’s gaze flicked to the floor of the restaurant, where he could see six or seven bodies, apparently shot and then sliced with machetes. All appeared to be foreigners.

The gunmen, he said, seemed eager to see their actions amplified on social media: After killing the patrons, they asked the staff to turn on the restaurant’s wireless network. Then they used customers’ telephones to post images of the bodies on the internet.....

...Bangladesh’s 160 million people are almost all Sunni Muslims, including a demographic bulge under the age of 25. This makes it valuable as a recruiting ground for the Islamic State, now under pressure in its core territory of Iraq and Syria. Western intelligence officials have been watching the organization pivot to missions elsewhere in the world, launching attacks on far-flung civilian targets that are difficult to deter with traditional military campaigns.....

From BBC
Bangladesh attack: Dhaka's Holey cafe  attackers were known to police
...Bangladesh's home minister said on Sunday that the attackers belonged to a local militant group which has been banned for more than a decade.

"They are members of the Jamaeytul Mujahdeen Bangladesh," Asaduzzaman Khan said. "They have no connections with the Islamic State."

Mr Khan said the men made no demands during the attack.

He said three of the gunmen were under 22 and had been missing for six months....

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