Tuesday, July 19, 2016

On the Fethullah Gulen cult and how our shameless Canadian politicians prefer to stuff their faces with samosas given freely ..

at these feeding frenzies organized by the cults. Our ignorant politicians welcome these Trojan Horses with open arms with nary a thought to the danger they bring to the citizenry of this country.

There's no beast on our planet more disgusting than a politician. 

Really important information revealed within the vid below which was posted July 18.

From description to vid at YouTube: As we predicted last year, the deep state coup against Erdogan finally materialized last weekend...but it fizzled out almost as quickly as it arrived. So what are we to make of this would-be putsch? Did Erdogan allow it to happen in order to further cement his control on the rebound? Or was this merely a trial run for the real CIA/NATO/Gulenist coup yet to come? And what role do the Turkish people play in all of this? Joining us today to dissect the mayhem is Sibel Edmonds and Spiro Skouras of Newsbud.com.

From Gagrule.net
Turkish Imam Fethullah Gulen “Interfaith Scam” have now deeply infiltrated Canadian Political society
Gulen Movement is using the same tactic as their forefather did when they infiltrated Islamic empire and hijack islam used as tools went on conquering three continent,  But the movement’s influence extends far beyond Turkey, funding schools, and think tanks and media outlets, from washington to Toronto from Kenya to Kazakhstan. It has attracted millions of followers and billions of dollars.

now that they have fully concurred United State political elite culture they are turning on Canadian political culture, by giving away award under name of  falsified interfaith dialogue scam,

    Recently they have put up  hollywood style award giving show in Toronto, Canada, The award ceremony, which took place at Toronto’s Fairmont Royal York Hotel on Jan. 19, was attended by Lieutenant Governor of Ontario Elizabeth Dowdeswell, Toronto Mayor John Tory, Mississauga Mayor Bonnie Crombie, as well as parliamentarians, academics and representatives of civil society groups.

Hizmet has no formal structure, no visible organisation and no official membership, yet it may have grown into the world’s biggest Muslim network.....

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