Friday, July 1, 2016

New PM Justin Trudeau is as warlike as ex-PM Stephen Harper

It's true. Both can now be labelled "warmongering" Prime Ministers of Canada.  Once politicians get hold of that high office, they become pawns in the hands of the actual powers-that-be ruling  our planet. Justin Trudeau is no different.  All politicians are a curse on their voters after they lie to steal their votes.

I didn't vote for this man like I had for the previous one ... so I don't give a shit what he does or doesn't do.  It will now be fun to watch those who voted for this Hollywood-wannabe (who is actually like Obama II) make excuses for  his foolhardy decision(s).

From CBC
Canada to send troops to Latvia for new NATO brigade
Trudeau government agrees to NATO troop deployment in Eastern Europe
The Trudeau government has decided it will send troops to join a NATO high-readiness brigade preparing to deploy in Eastern Europe.

Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan says Canada will take a leadership role and establish one of the battle group formations requested by the alliance.

The impending dispatch of forces builds on the former Conservative government's placement of troops in Eastern Europe for training exercises and to reassure governments in the region that western nations were serious about holding Russian expansionism in check.

With Crimea still under Moscow's rule and war raging in eastern Ukraine, Sajjan acknowledged Friday the fielding of the new NATO brigade is a serious step, but one that Canada is prepared to wholeheartedly support.

"As part of NATO we were giving assurance to member states there, but now this has evolved to deterrence," the minister said. 

The shift in language is important.

The roughly 200 Canadian troops that have been training with allies in Poland will assume a different posture and signal their willingness to stand up to any potential interference in their host nation. A battle group also has the potential to bring with it heavy equipment, including tanks, artillery and surveillance systems.

But Sajjan insisted the build up does not exclude open dialogue with Russia, as the Liberals promised in the last election....

From GuardianUK
Canada to send 1,000 soldiers 
to boost Nato presence on Russia border

With US, UK and Germany, Canada will lead a high-readiness brigade of Nato’s enhanced presence in Europe

Canada will deploy 1,000 soldiers in Latvia to one of four battalions Nato is assembling in eastern Europe in response to Russia’s annexation of Crimea, Canadian media reported Thursday.

Along with the US, Britain and Germany, Canada “will establish and lead” a high-readiness brigade that will “contribute to Nato’s enhanced forward presence in Eastern and Central Europe,” the defense ministry said in a statement, adding that more details would be provided at a Nato summit in Poland next month.
“As a responsible partner in the world, Canada stands side by side with its Nato allies working to deter aggression and assure peace and stability in Europe,” defense minister Harjit Sajjan said in a statement.

The announcement comes a day after the US president, Barack Obama, challenged Canada to do more to support Nato during a speech in the Canadian parliament.....

A comment at the article above caught my attention.  It's slightly off topic, but the info is an eye-opener and I am 99% sure that what's divulged is accurate info.
From commentator:
I know this is off topic but the relevant articles don't allow comments. This is about the Russian terrorist responsible for the Turkey airport attacks and why more trust and cooperation between the West and Russia is essential if we are to defeat terrorism.

The man in question is Ahmed Chitaev from Chechnya and right now he's held responsible for organising the attack. Here's his trail:
- in 2002 he went to Austria. In 2003 immediately after Russian authorities gave out a warrant for his arrest Austrian authorities gave him refugee status and refused to deport him.
- In 2008 he was arrested and jailed in Sweden because a weapon was found on him (as a refugee he had freedom of movement around the EU).
- In 2010 he was detained by the Ukrainian traffic police because his documents appeared suspicious. During the search they found bomb making instructions on his cell phone. But the head of the Ukrainian SBU personally intervened on his behalf. Ukrainian authorities refused to hand him over to the Russian authorities.
- After the arrest in Ukraine (2010) both the EU Court of Human Rights and Amnesty International urged Ukraine not to hand over Ahmed Chitaev to the Russian authorities as he would be 'unfairly persecuted'.
- He then moved to Georgia and started a family. In 2011 he was stopped at the Bulgarian border attempting to enter Turkey. He was extradited back to Georgia.
- In 2012 there was a firefight between Georgian police and Chechen terrorists on the Russian border. A wounded Ahmed Chitaev was captured. He was released immediately (there's Georgian news footage of him giving interviews coming out of the hospital).
- It's not clear how and when he made his way to Syria to join Isis. He then moved to Turkey and found safe haven there as well. We know the rest.
So, is it possible to start cooperating and fighting against real threats instead of parking tanks on each others borders at this point?

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