Monday, May 9, 2016

London elects its SECOND Muslim mayor, not FIRST as media wants you to believe

Goes to show that if you are a WHITE Muslim like  Boris "Kemal" Johnson   then you are forgiven for being a Muslim, but if you a brown or black Muslim like the second Muslim mayor of London, then you ARE a Muslim, no getting away with it.

So, ultimately, dear folks, it all comes down to color and race, not religion as we the sheeple are made to believe.  
Hypocrites have never owned a mirror and never will.

From StopTurkey blog (all links at link below)
This is the first in a new series of profiles of some of the main conspirators plotting to destroy European civilisation by admitting Turkey to the European Union.

Boris Johnson, as he styles himself, is the mayor of London. His grandfather was one Ali Kemal Bey, a Turk. So Boris' real name is Boris Kemal. Although Boris Kemal likes to adopt a caricature English toff persona, he is actually an American. Born in New York in 1964, until very recently he had American nationality.

Boris Kemal is a founder member of the Conservative Friends of Turkey Association and regularly uses his column in the Daily Telegraph to support the Turkish cause.

When Boris Kemal won the mayoral election in London, the headlines in the Turkish press read as follows:

London’s new boss is Turkish Johnson
Ali Kemal’s Grandchild’s Victory in London
Turkish Johnson unseated Ken

Boris Kemal's father, Stanley Johnson (really Stanley Kemal) said the following in an interview, shedding an interesting light on the pro-Turkish sympathies that must have been inculcated into Boris during his childhood years:

"I stayed in regular touch with my Turkish family over the years."

"I regret very much the length of time that it has taken to conclude the arrangements for Turkey’s accession to the EU which were outlined in principle as long ago as the sixties. I am gratified to learn that my cousin Selim is now responsible for this important dossier in his current role in the Turkish foreign ministry as deputy secretary for economic affairs. Britain, of course, has long been a strong advocate of Turkey’s accession to the EU, so Selim will probably not need to send any urgent text messages to Boris’s mobile phone, asking for help!"

Despite Andrew Gilligan's exposure of the East London Mosque as a front for the extremist IFE, Boris Kemal has, perhaps unsurprisingly, always had good relations with it. Boris has even visited the mosque personally (see picture).....

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