Sunday, April 3, 2016

The destabilization of Brazil by the powers-that-be

Don't let the Empire's propaganda machine mislead you on what's happening in Brazil.
Everything portrayed by the MSM is a farce, a sham, a gigantic lie and is meant to brainwash us into thinking that foreign hands (USA+gang) are not involved in the present political upheaval in Brazil.
The truth is something else altogether.  The Empire's evil machinery is targeting the BRICS furiously from every kind of minion willing to obey the Empire.  All but India is under attack and that's because greedy India allowed itself to be bribed with free military arsenal and other bribes.
In this post, I have collected items relevant only to Brazil.

Does Brazil have internal problems and corruption amongst the politicians.  Definitely.  But then, which country is immune from those sins?  Let Brazil handle their own problems and arrive at their own solutions in due time.  Taking opportunity of people's discontent with their government to destabilize the legitimate power in office is exactly what leads to further misery as we have been seeing in each and every case that the self-appointed World Policeman has poked its long nose into.

From TheRealNewsNetwork ... Vid at link
to the Real News Network. I'm Jessica Desvarieux in Baltimore.

You may remember that back in August Brazilians took to the streets of cities and towns across the country for anti-government protests, trying to oust Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff. This came on the heels of a corruption scandal that has embroiled politician from her workers party, as well as a weakening currency and rising inflation in Brazil. The forces behind those protests were mostly portrayed to be populist, but our guest today did some digging and found that if you look behind the curtain there's a more complex story to be told.

Now joining us to share that story is Michael Fox. He's the co-author of the book Latin America's Turbulent Transitions, and he joins us now from Quito, Ecuador. Thanks for joining us, Michael.

MICHAEL FOX: Thanks so much for having me.

DESVARIEUX: So Michael, let's get right into it. Who's behind these anti-Dilma marches in Brazil, and will you please just cite specific evidence proving that we can make these sort of links?

FOX: I mean, the most important thing here is what we're basically talking about, and the folks that were on the ground in August, are essentially the Brazilian Tea Party. There's several different groups. There's the Free Brazil movement, which is a group of youth, student, kind of neoliberal activists that really champion Reagan and Margaret Thatcher ideology. There's Students for Liberty [and Come] to the Streets, which also have kind of funding from different sources, from the Koch brothers. And even the head of Come to the Streets I think is the former--he receives financing from the [sturdy] foundation, and is also the head of AmBev. So it's a major corporation we're talking about here.

There's Revolted Online, which is another--these are all kind of online Tea Party groups. Revolted Online is a former evangelical, and that's actually a huge connection between the United States and Brazil, the evangelical movement. And they've actually been calling for the overthrow of Dilma. And as of even recently were calling for military intervention, if she wasn't going to step down.

DESVARIEUX: Just quickly let our viewers know, what's their motivation? Why do this?

FOX: You know, obviously things in Brazil aren't good right now. The economy is kind of faltering, the real compared to the dollar is increasing, it's inflating. But really what we're talking about are twelve years of Workers' Party poverty alleviation programs. And this is the flip side of what they actually want. So they're really out against the PT, they're out against the President Dilma. What's interesting however is that when these marches happened in August they were actually much smaller than the marches that happened in March.

DESVARIEUX: Okay. But just give us a sense of what's motivating--like the Koch brothers, for example. Why do they want Dilma out?

FOX: I mean, it's the same things that were happening in the United States, right. We're looking at what are the, you know, they're trying to push free market policies. They're trying to push, we don't want the big government. It's the same thing that we're talking about in the U.S., that folks are really talking about Brazil, these are some of the connections that are really, really strong. And on the flip side what you had after these marches were taking place, just four or five days later, you had nearly a million people out in the streets in pro-government marches that were obviously there in support of the Dilma government, in support of the democratic process.

Because the thing about these opposition marches which is really.......

Dan Steinbock at ConsortiumNews
Behind Brazil’s ‘Regime Change’

While international media focuses on Brazil’s mass demonstrations against corruption, efforts behind the façade precipitate regime change, restoration of a pre-Lula order, and a struggle against the BRICS nations. The U.S. feels threatened by an era of multi-polarity, which deeply implicates China, and other emerging economies.

In August 2016, Rio de Janeiro should host South America’s first-ever Olympic games, which were supposed to be its great coming out carnival, even amid campaigns against the Zika virus. Only a few years ago, Brazil exemplified the BRIC dream of rapid growth. Now it is coping with its most severe recession in a century. But there’s worse ahead.

When Brazil’s first working-class President Luis Inácio Lula da Silva took office in 2003, the poor nation was on the verge of an economic implosion. President Lula’s center-left Workers’ Party (PT) and its coalition won the markets with conservative fiscal policy and lifted millions from poverty, while living standards rose by 60 percent.

Timing was favorable. A year after China joined the World Trade Organization; Lula initiated Brazil’s economic reforms. To modernize, Brazil needed demand for its commodities; to industrialize, China needed commodities. In the subsequent eight years, the U.S. share of Brazil’s exports plunged, while China’s soared. Regionally, Brazil became Latin America’s growth engine. Brazil and China shunned President George W. Bush’s unipolar foreign policy; each supported a more multipolar view of the world.

So Washington’s neoconservatives began to strengthen ties with Brazil’s center-right opposition. Politically, this opposition....

Pepe Escobar at RT
Brazil, like Russia, under attack by Hybrid War

 Color revolutions would never be enough; Exceptionalistan is always on the lookout for major strategic upgrades capable of ensuring perpetual Empire of Chaos hegemony.

The ideological matrix and the modus operandi of color revolutions by now are a matter of public domain. Not so much the concept of Unconventional War (UW).

UW was spelled out by the 2010 Special Forces Unconventional Warfare manual. Here’s the money quote:

“The intent of US [Unconventional Warfare] UW efforts is to exploit a hostile power’s political, military, economic, and psychological vulnerabilities by developing and sustaining resistance forces to accomplish US strategic objectives… For the foreseeable future, US forces will predominantly engage in irregular warfare (IW) operations.”

“Hostile” powers are meant not only in a military sense; any state that dares to defy any significant plank of the Washington-centric world “order” – from Sudan to Argentina – may be branded “hostile”.
The dangerous liaisons between color revolutions and UW have now fully blossomed as Hybrid War; a warped case of Flowers of Evil. A color revolution is nothing but the first stage of what will become Hybrid War. And Hybrid War can be interpreted essentially as the weaponization of  chaos theory – an absolute conceptual darling of the US military (“politics is the continuation of war by linguistic means”). My 2014 book Empire of Chaos essentially tracks its myriad manifestations.....

Eric Draitser at MintPress
BRICS Under Attack: The Empire Strikes Back In Brazil

The last decade has seen a remarkable coalescing of non-Western nations in both economic and political partnerships. These multilateral institutions have been championed as alternatives to Western organs of political and economic power such as NATO, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank.

From the growth of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization to the establishment of the Eurasian Economic Union, China’s “One Belt, One Road” strategy to link much of the Eurasian landmass via trade and investment, and most recently the establishment of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, many have viewed these developments as essential for the decentralization of global power away from the imperial centers of Washington, Wall Street, London and Brussels. 

But perhaps none of the emerging Global South international groupings has been more promising in terms of both public relations and real economic partnership than that of the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa).

BRICS countries account for 46 percent of the world’s population – over 3 billion people, as of 2015 – making it the single largest bloc in terms of human capacity among global alliances. The scope of BRICS, combined with its increasing assertiveness as an economic power unto itself, has undoubtedly ruffled a few feathers in Washington and elsewhere in the West. 

It should come as no surprise that major moves have been taken in the last 12 to 24 months to undermine each BRICS member nation and destabilize them through political and economic means. And it is no coincidence that those leaders shown smiling and shaking hands at recent BRICS summits are now either the targets of destabilization efforts and subversion – as in the cases of Brazil, Russia, China and South Africa – or are a target of a military ....

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