Friday, March 25, 2016

Israeli "Defence" Force (IDF) executes wounded Palestinian attacker ...

in just one execution, from several in any given week, that "unfortunately" was caught on camera.
Most Israelis have become truly extremely evil. There's no excuse whatsover, for this atrocity, NONE.  We have learnt to expect such behaviour from Muslim extremists, do we now have to think of Israelis as equal to or even worse than those kind of Muslims?

From TheGuardian
UN envoy condemns Palestinian attacker's 'gruesome' killing by Israeli soldier
Nickolay Mladenov enters row over death of Abed al Fatah a-Sharif, who died after stabbing attack on Israel soldier

The United Nations special envoy for the Middle East peace process joined the growing row over what he called the “apparent extra-judicial execution of a Palestinian assailant” by an Israeli soldier in Hebron, condemning it as a “gruesome” killing.

Nickolay Mladenov’s intervention in the dispute over the killing of the severely wounded Abed al Fatah a-Sharif – who had already been shot and incapacitated during a stabbing attack on an Israeli soldier – followed the release on Thursday of a video of the shooting.

In a statement, Mladenov, who reports to the UN security council, said: “I strongly condemn yesterday’s apparent extrajudicial execution of a Palestinian assailant in Hebron in the occupied West Bank. This was a gruesome, immoral and unjust act that can only fuel more violence and escalate an already volatile situation.”

Mladenov’s statement came as the family and lawyer of the unnamed soldier arrested for the shooting attempted to explain his actions, and as the investigation by the Israeli military was widened to take into account the actions of officers also at the scene. The soldier, a combat medic, is facing an initial court hearing in Jaffa on Friday.

The killing, filmed by a volunteer with the Israeli human rights NGO B’Tselem, and widely reported and circulated on social media, has drawn widespread condemnation including from senior Israeli and Palestinian political figures.

The video shows what appears to be one of the most flagrant cases so far of Israeli forces’ alleged use of excessive force in the wave of Israeli-Palestinian violence that erupted in October.

The incident was immediately condemned as an “execution” by B’Tselem and as a war crime by Palestinians.....

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