Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Allah's headchopper in Moscow

Islam drives people mad, PERIOD.  Just as the sun is responsible for the climate change we are experiencing, so also is Islam responsible for insanity.  I am not giving a pass to Christianity and Judaism either.  All three religions, if you fanatically follow their tenets, you are a nutcase, and should be put away before bringing harm to your fellow beings.

From RT
‘Allah ordered me’ to kill child: Beheading nanny appears smiling in court
 The nanny accused of beheading a four-year-old girl in Moscow and waving her severed head outside a Metro station told journalists before a court hearing that ‘Allah ordered’ her to murder the child.

Gulchekhra Bobokulova from Uzbekistan appeared in court on Wednesday over the gruesome murder of the girl in her care. She was detained on Monday near Oktyabrskoye Polye Metro station in northwestern Moscow, where she was waving the child’s severed head and shouting “Allahu Akbar, I am a terrorist, I am a suicide bomber.”...

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