Friday, February 12, 2016

Together at last ... after almost 1000 years

So glad to see powers-that-be were not able to keep the Catholic Pope and the Orthodox Christianity Patriarch from reconciling after almost a 1000 yr split.
Do you hear the gnashing of teeth and the spurting of blood from the eyes of the evil enemies of mankind on our Earth?  I can feel the evil vibes from the warmongering beasts.

From USAToday
Pope, patriarch meet in Cuba nearly 1,000 years after split
Despite famine, religious wars, worldwide conflict and the spread of civilization, the heads of the Roman Catholic and the Russian Orthodox churches haven't spoken since the Great Schism of 1054 shattered Christendom, so they had a lot of catching up to do when they sat down for their historic meeting Friday afternoon in Cuba.
No pope has ever visited Russia. En route to the historic visit Friday, journalists asked Francis if a visit to the nation is on his papal bucket list. “China and Russia, I have them here,” Francis said, pointing to his heart. “Pray.”....
Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill embraced and kissed one another three times on the cheek as they met in the wood-paneled VIP room at Havana's José Martí International Airport. The two church leaders then proceeded to a pair of straight-backed chairs turned at angles.

After another round of handshakes for the cameras and greetings with members of their entourages, the two men sat and began talking. Clasping their hands in their laps, both occasionally gestured and nodded as they spoke. They were scheduled to hold a two-hour "personal conversation" and then sign a joint declaration.

The split between the two churches nearly 1,000 years ago has festered over issues such as the primacy of the pope and accusations by the Russian Orthodox Church that the Catholic Church tries to poach converts in Russia......

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