Thursday, February 18, 2016

Iraq sentences 40 jihadis to death

These are only some from the many more that took part in the killing of 1700 military recruits, most of them Shiites, at Camp Speicher and in nearby Tikrit, in June 2014.

From BBC dated today
IS Camp Speicher massacre: IS Camp Speicher massacre:
Iraq sentences 40 to death
Iraq has sentenced 40 men to death over the killing of up to 1,700 military recruits at a former US base in 2014.

The Camp Speicher massacre was carried out by fighters from the so-called Islamic State (IS) group as they seized territory across northern Iraq.

Outrage over the massacre of the mostly Shia cadets helped mobilise Iraq's Shia militias in the fight against IS.....

From TelegraphUK of July 2015 on the June 2014 massacre of mostly Iraqi Shiites Air Force cadets and military recruits
Isil releases new video of 2014 Speicher massacre 
of Shia army recruits
The extremist group are believed to have killed 1,700 soldiers and now a new video shows the victims lying ready for execution in pits
.... Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) released new footage from its deadliest massacre, showing executions on an industrial scale at the Speicher military base after the attack near the Iraqi city of Tikrit last year.

The chilling footage shows young army conscripts falling off the back of trucks and later lying ready for execution in pits or at the edge of the Tigris River. At times, the water runs red with blood.

The soldiers are lined up in their hundreds and shot in shallow graves. The highest estimates put the number of dead at 1,700, most of whom were Shia. At one point, the video shows an excavator being used to move piles of bodies.

Isil’s capture of the Speicher base and nearby Tikrit took place during its lightning sweep across Iraq in June 2014. Government forces and allied Shia militia were only able to begin exhuming bodies in April, after a long and drawn out fight to dislodge Isil militants from Tikrit. ....

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