Sunday, November 15, 2015

I wonder if Charlie Hebdo will print a "sex tape" cartoon of the France citizens killed in the terrorist attack of November 13 ...

something on the lines of their turd titled "Crash dans le Sinai  - Enfin la Sextape"  after the Russian plane crash and the horrific death of 224 innocent passengers.
Come on Charlie Hebdo Shithole ... show us your "talent" and "humor"  with a "sextape" on your own dead citizens ?

From Newsweek:
  Russia Outraged At Charlie Hebdo Cover Depicting Sinai Plane Crash
French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo has once again prompted outrage in Russia by publishing a cartoon on its new cover that likens the crash of the Russian Metrojet liner in Egypt’s Sinai peninsula to a sex act.

The latest issue landed on newsstands on Wednesday with a cover cartoon showing what appears to be the Russian A321 liner with a missile penetrating its tail. The caption reads “The crash in Sinai: Finally the sex tape.”

The magazine, which often prints controversial depictions of current events, also published cartoons of the crash, which killed 224 people, in its issue last week. The cartoons were received with great offense in Russia: The Kremlin branded them “sacrilege” while members of parliament in Russia labeled the artists “scumbags” and called for a media campaign, mocking France......

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