Thursday, November 19, 2015

Any little respect I had for the Financial Times is now dead because ...

in the article below three of their journalist taking credit for the article have this quote:
Jihadis’ oil operation forces even their enemies to trade with them
You gotta wonder if at least one, if not all three writing, are being paid under the table by the powers-that-be in Israel and Turkey (two main buyers of stolen goods from jihadis) to put out this disinformation so the "buyers" of stolen goods are made to look like victims instead of ISIS's godfathers.

Erika Solomon, Guy Chazan,Sam Jones writing at FinancialTimes
Isis Inc: how oil fuels the jihadi terrorists

Jihadis’ oil operation forces even their enemies to trade with them

On the outskirts of al-Omar oilfield in eastern Syria, with warplanes flying overhead, a line of trucks stretches for 6km. Some drivers wait for a month to fill up with crude.

Falafel stalls and tea shops have sprung up to cater to the drivers, such is the demand for oil. Traders sometimes leave their trucks unguarded for weeks, waiting for their turn....

Below is vid from RT on the oil trucks running for miles towards their eagerly awaiting customers in the two neighbouring countries of Turkey and Israel.

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