Saturday, September 19, 2015

Wonder of Wonders ... New York Times reports on ongoing genocide in Yemen which is supported by USA

Good to see New York Times doing some factual reporting on the ongoing war in Yemen which has also seen an exodus of Yeminis from affected areas becoming refugees in Somalia and Sudan ... for now.  Couldn't help wondering which route would be ideal for Yeminis escaping USA-made weapons used by KSA, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain and other cavemen, would be the best and fastest to reach Europe and then get themselves allocated to USA, Canada and Australia.

The first two vids are from 3-5 months ago.  You can well imagine how many more might have and will continue to get out of Yemen as the missiles keep raining down on civilian areas and the genocide continues as fast as the USA, UK and others can replenish the cavemen' artillery. 
Wars ... aren't they wonderful!! 

Arab Coalition Bombs Yemen’s Capital,   Killing Dozens
 A Saudi-led military coalition bombarded government buildings and residential neighborhoods in Sana, the Yemeni capital, overnight on Saturday, killing more than two dozen people, officials and witnesses said, and destroying homes in Sana’s Old City, a Unesco World Heritage site.

The Saudi coalition, which includes nine other Arab nations and is supported by the United States, began fighting Yemen’s Houthi rebels in March, two months after the Houthis drove the government from power and took control of Sana. Coalition warplanes have sharply intensified their bombing of Sana in recent weeks, leading analysts to speculate that the airstrikes are intended to ease the way for a coalition ground incursion of the capital.

The airstrikes hit the headquarters of the Interior Ministry and a military honor guard, killing at least 17 security and military personnel, according to government officials and witnesses. But several of the targets appeared to have no military value, witnesses said.

One set of airstrikes crushed a group of houses, killing at least 10 members of one family and destroying at least two other houses, all in the Old City, which has been inhabited for more than 2,500 years.

Other bombs struck an underpass, damaging a passing truck, as well as a four-story residential building.

The aerial campaign has helped coalition forces advance in parts of Yemen, but has been marked by a persistent imprecision that has led to the deaths of more than a thousand civilians, according to human rights groups. The warplanes have bombed homes, markets, refugee camps and hospitals, but the coalition has consistently refused to acknowledge any culpability for the deaths.

Errant airstrikes have become so frequent that critics of the coalition say they are part of a deliberate policy intended to terrorize the population and turn public opinion against the Houthis.

On Friday, Unicef said that an airstrike in Dhamar, south of the capital, had destroyed a warehouse the agency used for water supplies, imperiling more than 11,000 people. Last week, the United Nations human rights chief called for an independent inquiry into violations by the coalition, as well as by the Houthi rebels.........

Airstrikes Take Toll    on Civilians in Yemen War
The airstrike slammed into Al-Sham water-bottling plant at the end of the night shift, killing 13 workers who were minutes away from heading home.

Standing among the strewn bottles, smoldering boxes and pulverized machines a few days after the airstrike here, the owner, Ibrahim al-Razoom, searched in vain for any possible reason that warplanes from a Saudi-led military coalition would have attacked the place.

Nothing in the ruins suggested the factory was used for making bombs, as a coalition spokesman had claimed. And it was far from any military facility that would explain the strike as a tragic mistake: For miles around, there was nothing but desert scrub.

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