Monday, July 20, 2015

World War 3 ... news and updates July 20

Some of the countries in it, either in major or minor roles:
USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Jordan, UAE, Qatar,Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Iraq, Israel, Syria, Turkey, Kurdistan, Yemen, Nigeria,France with (Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger and Chad ) Germany, Italy, Czech Republic,Albania, Estonia, Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, Japan,Republic of Korea, Ireland, Spain, Slovakia, Norway, The Netherlands, Luxembourg,Bulgaria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Novorussia, Ukraine, Russia, Chechnya, Somalia, Iran,
India, South Korea, North Korea, Central African Republic, Kenya, Tunisia, ThePhilippines, Egypt, Albania, Serbia, China, Sudan, South Sudan, Bukina Faso, Palestine,Georgia, Chad, Spain, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Indonesia, Nepal, Congo, Uganda, Romania,Mexico, Gambia, Haiti, Cameroon, Chad, Algeria, Venezuela, Thailand, Argentina, Vietnam,Myanmar, Georgia, Burundi, Senegal, Macedonia, Armenia, Dominican Republic

From TeleSurTV
Socialist Youth Targeted As suicide Bomb Kills 30 in Turkey
Members of the Socialist Youth Associations Federation were in Suruc on their way to help reconstruction efforts in the Kurdish held town of Kobane. At least 30 people were killed and another 100 injured in a bomb attack targetted a meeting of leftists in the Turkish border town of Suruc Monday. Members of the Socialist Youth Associations Federation (SGDF) held an event in the town on their way to assist reconstruction efforts in the neighbouring Syrian town of Kobane, where left-wing Kurdish forces have been battling Islamic State group fighters for months.......

From DailyMail
Violent clashes in Turkey as police fire water cannon at activists protesting over car bomb massacre in Kobane

    Massive blast hit the city of Suruc, close to Turkey's border with Syria
    Hundreds of pro-Kurd activists have been demonstrating in Istanbul  
    Officials believe today's explosion was caused by an ISIS suicide bomber
    Blast comes after Turkey made its first serious efforts to combat terrorists

From Xinhuanet
45 people killed in fighting in Yemen's Aden 
ADEN, Yemen, July 19 (Xinhua) -- Deadly battles broke out on Sunday between the Shiite Houthi group and Gulf-backed fighters in Yemen's southern port city of Aden, in which 45 people were killed and about 170 others wounded, health officials said, two days after the exiled government announced "liberation" of the city.

A senior health official told Xinhua reporter that 45 people, mostly civilians, were killed and about 170 others wounded during the shelling on the residential neighborhoods in Daar Saad district in northern Aden.

Houthi militia in neighboring Lahj province started on Sunday morning military operations in Aden's northern entrance, vowing to retake the strategic city from the pro-government fighters who are supported by the Saudi-led coalition forces, the official said on condition of anonymity........

From MoonOfAlabama
U.S. Air Force Is Supporting AlQaeda In Yemen And - Coming Now - Also In Syria

A few days ago newly Saudi trained Yemeni forces were inserted into the southern harbor city Aden to fight against Houthi and parts of the Yemeni army loyal to the former president Saleh. The inserted forces had brand new mine resistant vehicle and were led by special forces from the United Arab Emirates. With Saudi and U.S. air support they managed to push the Houthis from several Aden quarters. But after a day of fighting the attack got stuck and the Houthi hit back. An Emirati officer, likely acting as Forward Air Controller providing target designation for the air attacks, was killed. The Wall Street Journal notes that AlQaeda was part of the Saudi/U.S. supported forces:

    Local militias backed by Saudi Arabia, special forces from the United Arab Emirates and al Qaeda militants all fought on the same side this week to wrest back control over most of Yemen’s second city, Aden, from pro-Iranian Houthi rebels, according to local residents and Houthi forces.

The U.S. is providing the ammunition, refueling and targeting intelligence for the "Saudi" campaign. Not only did it help to recently destroy various important bridges, hospitals and all three cement factories in Yemen, it is now actively giving air support to AlQaeda.............

From Rabble
Will Canadian troops in Ukraine have to train radical Islamist volunteers said to be tied to ISIS?

It's been evident for several months now Ukraine has a problem with neo-Nazis, in particular battalions of "volunteers" who espouse Nazi ideology and use Nazi symbols fighting on the government side in the ongoing civil strife in that European country.

Now it appears Ukraine may have a problem with radical Islamist volunteers in the ranks of its army as well, according to a New York Times report on Tuesday.

This raises the spectre that Canadian troops sent to Ukraine as military trainers could not only be used train neo-Nazis, but to assist Islamic militants tied to ISIS as well.

In the early days of the continuing Ukraine crisis, which from this perspective has all the characteristics of a civil war with religious (Roman Catholic versus Orthodox) and ethno-linguistic (Ukrainian speaking versus Russian speaking) overtones, the role of neo-Nazi formations was either ignored or dismissed by supporters of the current Canadian-backed regime in Kiev as "pro-Russian" propaganda.

Russian suggestions that Islamist formations were also involved in the fight were barely acknowledged, presumably dismissed as propaganda too outlandish to be considered........

From AlWaght
British MP Involved in Illegal ISIS Oil Trade: Report
A member of the British Parliament in Prime Minister David Cameron’s conservative party is reportedly involved in ISIS terrorists’ illegal oil trade.
Reports published on social networks indicate that Nadhim Zahawi is involved in trading oil derived from ISIS-controlled fields in Iraq.
According to Press TV, Nadhim Zahawi, the Conservative MP for Stratford-upon-Avon, has been buying crude at a very low price (between $12 to $30 per barrel) from ISIS terrorists and transporting it to the Israeli regime and European markets through Turkey and the Mediterranean Sea.
The Tory MP, who sat on an influential House of Commons Select Committee during the last parliament, has already been involved in oil business with the Kurdistan Regional Government.
Born in Iraq to Kurdish parents, the Tory MP is believed to have significant influence in the region.
The allegations against Zahawi come against the backdrop of reports that ISIS terrorists sell oil through certain regional countries including Turkey and Iraq’s Kurdistan region.
The value of the ISIS oil trade has been widely estimated at between $1 and $3 million per day, though experts have warned that the figure could be a high estimate.....

From France24
Scores dead after IS suicide bomber targets Iraqi market
Rescuers in the Iraqi town of Khan Bani Saad were searching collapsed buildings for bodies Saturday after a car bomb ripped through a busy market, killing at least 90 people.
The suicide attack by the Islamic State group was one of the deadliest since it took over swathes of Iraq last year and came as the country marked Eid al-Fitr, the Muslim feast that ends the fasting month of Ramadan.

Residents recounted scenes of horror in the aftermath of the attack, in which officials said at least 15 children were killed.
Muthanna Saadoun, a municipal employee whose work is to drive a street sweeper, used his truck to help put out the fires that the huge blast caused in the market area.
"People were burning in their cars because no ambulances or fire engines were able to reach them," the 25-year-old said.
IS said the suicide attacker had three tonnes of explosives ..

From AlArabiya
Egypt vs. ISIS: Is Sinai now an official battlefield?
The July 1 Sinai attacks were not the first, but they were the most shocking. They followed the assassination of the prosecutor general, which made linking the two incidents inevitable, especially since they both took place around the second anniversary of the June 30 protests that toppled former President Mohamed Mursi.

Confusion ensued due to contradictory reports on the number of deaths, with an official figure of 21 but local sources saying 70-100. The media described the battle, between Islamist militants and the army, as the fiercest since the 1973 war between Egypt and Israel. Meanwhile, officials are trying to alleviate fears over the growing power the militant group Sinai Province, which is affiliated to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)..........

If this report is true, I wonder why Israel is not making a bigger noise about it.  This is a clear danger to Israel so how come the silence?  Is it because the danger is from ISIS, a group of terrorists Israel thought it could easily manage and handle?
The Egyptian military revealed  
   on July 8, 2015, that it had captured Turkish intelligence officers who were actively involved in the guerrilla war waged by the Islamic State in Sinai and inside Egypt itself against the Sisi regime.
    The Turkish National Intelligence Organization (NIO) operatives named included Col. Ismail Aly Bal (described as a coordinator of battlefield operations), Diaa al-Din Mehmet Gado, Bakoush al-Husseyni Youzmi and Abdallah al-Turki.
    On July 12, the Egyptian military spokesman announced the uncovering of a “terrorist cell” whose instructions were given by the Muslim Brotherhood headquartered in Turkey and whose mission was to destabilize Egypt.
    If the facts revealed by the Egyptian military are correct, this would dramatically confirm the links between the Turkish regime and the Islamic State militants, as well as with other jihadist groups fighting in Syria and Iraq.......

From RT
Israeli-made air-to-air missile   may have downed MH17 - report
A report on Malaysian Airlines MH17 air disaster in Ukraine last year by a group of old-hand aviation security experts maintains that the Boeing might have been downed by an Israeli Python air-to-air missile
The report was leaked via the private LiveJournal account of Albert Naryshkin (aka albert_lex) late on Tuesday and has already been widely discussed by social media communities in Russia.
The authors of the investigative report have calculated the possible detonation initiation point of the missile that hit the passenger aircraft and approximate number and weight of strike elements, which in turn designated the type and presumed manufacturer of the weapon...........

A year since the genocide on Gaza from  a people known to have suffered genocide themselves.  It's true! The abused, most often than not, abuse others.

From LibyaObserver
Tuareg, Tabu clash in Sabha
Tribal clashes broke out between Tuareg and Tabu in Sabha Wednesday night. Both sides exchanged heavy fire in Hai Tayori district until the early hours of the morning.
Number of deaths has not been confirmed yet.Local news sources said several indiscriminate missiles fell in the surrounding districts while many residents of Hai Tayori, fled the district in panic.
Hai Tayori is a mixed district of Tuareg, Tabu, which added fuel to the fire....

From DefenseOne
.....Recent reports from other former captives of Boko Haram indicate that the fate of the Chibok girls has taken an even darker turn. Many are allegedly carrying out atrocities on behalf of Boko Haram, including flogging prisoners who are unable to recite the Quran or killing Christian captives.

This is not the first instance of Boko Haram employing women in their attacks. According to the Aljazeera Center for Studies, women were responsible for fifteen of Boko Haram’s successful suicide bombings as of January. An April Amnesty International report includes the story of a girl forced to learn how to shoot, use bombs, and attack villages on pain of death: “Some refused to learn how to kill others. They were buried in a mass grave in the bush. They’ll just pack the dead bodies and dump them in a big hole, but not deep enough.”.......

From Jamestown
Berlin, Paris Seek Constitutional Status for Donetsk-Luhansk  in Ukraine
Twice in recent days (July 10 and 14), German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President François Hollande have jointly demarched Kyiv to, first, legalize the Donetsk-Luhansk authorities in Ukraine’s constitution, and next, to legitimize those authorities through local elections in those territories. Moscow has been airing similar demands publicly. But the Kremlin has not (at least not officially) contacted Ukraine’s leadership by telephone to press those demands recently. Instead, Merkel and Hollande have been working the phones toward that end. .....

From LongWarJournal
Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb  claims ambush that killed Algerian troops
Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), al Qaeda’s official branch in North Africa, claimed its fighters ambushed and killed more than 10 Algerian soldiers in an attack that took place just west of the capital of Algiers late last week.
The ambush, which occurred in the Ain Defla area as troops were preparing to celebrate the end of Ramadan on July 16, killed 11 Algerian soldiers according to the BBC. Al Jazeera reported that the 11 soldiers were killed as they were traveling back to their barracks for Eid festivities.
After the attack, the AQIM fighters are said to have escaped into a nearby forest. Algerian security forces have launched an operation to hunt the attackers down, according to Al Jazeera........

From AlArabiya
Car bomb explodes  in Riyadh, driver killed
A car bomb exploded Thursday night at a security checkpoint in the Saudi capital Riyadh, killing the driver and wounding two policemen, the interior ministry said.
The policemen were taken to hospital and were in a “stable condition,” a spokesman for the ministry said, according to the official Saudi Press Agency.
Al Arabiya News Channel reported that the suicide bomber killed his uncle, who worked in the interior ministry, before blowing himself up.

From AlWasat
  ISIS puts up a billboard  on clothing requirments for women in Sirte
The terror group sets out 7 rules for females to follow:

1- No see-through clothes
2- Only wear loose fitting clothes
3- Must cover all body parts
4- No name brands
5- Do not wear masculine items or items worn by faithless women
6- No clothes with designs that will attract attention
7- No perfumed clothes


From Reuters
Islamic State claims   kidnapping of three African Christians in Libya
Sat Jul 18, 2015 8:02pm EDT
BENGHAZI, Libya (Reuters) - Islamic State has kidnapped three African Christians in eastern Libya, the group said, publishing their passport pictures.
The men come from Egypt, Nigeria and Ghana, Islamic State said in a statement on social media, without elaborating.
The kidnapping took place in Noufliyah, an Islamic State stronghold southeast of the city of Sirte, said a resident, asking not to be named.
Mohamed El Hejazi, a military spokesman loyal to the internationally recognized government based in the east, also said the abduction happened in the small town.
The militant group has expanded in the North African country by exploiting chaos and a security vacuum like it did in Iraq and Syria.......

From CNN
Report: ISIS steps up use  of chemicals on battlefields in Iraq and Syria
ISIS recently used devices filled with chemical agents against Kurdish forces and civilians in both Iraq and Syria, a joint investigation by two independent organizations has found.

The findings build on previous reporting that ISIS (the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria) has begun to adapt both suicide bombs and improvised explosive devices (IEDs) to include chlorine and other chemicals and may seek to exploit the use of chemicals as it develops new weapons.

The two U.K.-based groups -- Conflict Armament Research (CAR) and Sahan Research -- sent teams to investigate allegations that ISIS used chemical munitions on three occasions last month. Two of the incidents occurred in Hasakah province in northern Syria, where ISIS is locked in battle with the Kurdish YPG group. The third involved a 120 mm mortar that landed near Kurdish positions at the Mosul Dam in northern Iraq but failed to explode......

From LongWarJournal
The Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP), an al Qaeda-affiliated Uighur jihadist group, recently publicized the use of a suicide bomber during the large jihadist offensive at Jisr al Shughur in Syria’s Idlib province.
The bomber, identified as Mohammad Anas by the group on Twitter, is shown conducting the suicide bombing in a new video released by Islam Awazi, the TIP’s official media wing. According to the jihadist account online, the bomber detonated near the national hospital in Jisr al Shughur. The hospital was one of the last regime positions to fall in the strategically important city.
This is not the first bomber utilized in Syria by the TIP. Another suicide bomber, identified as Dadullah al Turkistani, detonated in an operation in Idlib last year, along with an American bomber, Abu Hurayra al Amriiki of the Al Nusrah Front, al Qaeda’s official branch in Syria. Another bomber, Abdulvaris al Turkistani, also detonated himself in a coordinated assault with the al Qaeda branch sometime last year......

Meanwhile in the USA:

The Revolution is on simmer and developing into a nice thick consistency with the Confederate flag being burnt, brought down here, there, everywhere by African Americans.  The trained in hell white and black police officers continue killing, maiming, bullying white and non-whites here, there, everywhere.  The KKK are once again stepping out spewing anger and hatred towards the "once were slaves" and the Revolution recipe is missing just a few pinches of salt to bring out that long forgotten flavor and taste of a bloody revolution.
AND, of course, where would the Americans be without their favorite commodity, terrorism...whether terrorism is dished out by them or is dished out to them, it is their stable food.

City fires investigator who found cops at fault in shootings    A Chicago investigator who determined that several civilian shootings by police officers were unjustified was fired after resisting orders to reverse those findings, according to internal records of his agency obtained by WBEZ.

Scott M. Ando, chief administrator of the city’s Independent Police Review Authority, informed its staff in a July 9 email that the agency no longer employed supervising investigator Lorenzo Davis, 65, a former Chicago police commander. IPRA investigates police-brutality complaints and recommends any punishment.

Davis’s termination came less than two weeks after top IPRA officials, evaluating Davis’s job performance, accused him of “a clear bias against the police” and called him “the only supervisor at IPRA who resists making requested changes as directed by management in order to reflect the correct finding with respect to OIS,” as officer-involved shootings are known in the agency.

Since its 2007 creation, IPRA has investigated nearly 400 civilian shootings by police and found one to be unjustified.......

From Medium
In the aftermath  of the June 17 massacre of nine black churchgoers by a white Confederate battle flag enthusiast in Charleston, S.C., the symbol that has long been revered by the Ku Klux Klan and other defenders of the antebellum South has come under bitter attack. The flag has been removed from both the South Carolina and the Alabama state Capitol grounds, banned by commercial giants like Amazon, Walmart and eBay, and denounced even by an array of conservative Republicans who had never criticized it in any way.

But as calls continue to mount around the country for the removal of the flag and other monuments to the Confederacy, a major backlash from enthusiasts of the Lost Cause has set in. Most dramatically, the North Carolina-based Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan is staging a July 18 rally in support of the flag in Columbia, S.C., just over 100 miles from Charleston. In the run-up to that rally, there already have been nearly 90 such events with thousands of participants around the country, and more than 20 others are planned in the coming weeks...............

From Reuters
Suspect in slaying of U.S. Marines made 2014 trip to Mideast
The suspect in the fatal shootings of four U.S. Marines traveled to Jordan and possibly other Middle Eastern countries last year, authorities said on Friday, as the investigation focused on any signs of a connection to Islamist militants.
Mohammod Youssuf Abdulazeez, a Kuwaiti-born naturalized U.S. citizen, died on Thursday in a firefight with police after a rampage at two military facilities in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
The 24-year-old engineer traveled to Jordan, possibly between April and November, U.S. government sources and friends of Abdulazeez in Chattanooga told Reuters. One childhood friend, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said he went there for a job opportunity......

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