Friday, July 17, 2015

Nigel Farage on sovereignty of nations or lack of it

 In the vid below after the article, Farage talks about uncontrolled immigration and the danger of  refugees entering the EU from the war-torn regions of North Africa and the Middle East.

Nigel Farage writing at TelegraphUK
The humiliating terms imposed on Greece show just how far the EU will go to snuff out any hint of sovereignty in its member states

What we are seeing in Europe is the complete and total failure of supranationalism. While cooperation between independent nations has always been important, the last few weeks have laid totally bare the European Union's brand of authoritarian dogma. Much of what I have been warning about for many years indeed is playing out on the world stage - a Greek tragedy that beggars belief.

For many years in the European Parliament I have done my best to point out how the EU's bullying tactics are not just undemocratic, but anti-democratic. I have been derided, called names, and so on (don't worry, I can take it). But now, with the EU's nauseating approach to Greek sovereignty, it is clear that more and more people are waking up to the dangers of this supranational beast sweeping aside national sovereignty completely. Many who had continued to believe until very recently that the EU was compassionate and forward-looking are beginning to realise just how backwards the whole project is........

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