Thursday, May 7, 2015

World War 3 news and updates ..... May 7

Some of the countries in it, either in major or minor roles:
USA, UK, Canada,  Australia, New Zealand, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Jordan, UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Iraq, Israel, Syria, Turkey, Kurdistan, Yemen, Nigeria, France with (Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger and Chad ) Germany, Italy, Czech Republic, Albania, Estonia, Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, Japan, Republic of Korea, Ireland, Spain, Slovakia, Norway, The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Bulgaria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Novorussia, Ukraine, Russia, Chechnya, Somalia, Iran, India, South Korea, North Korea,  Central African Republic, Kenya, Tunisia, The Philippines, Egypt,  Albania, Serbia, China, Sudan, South Sudan, Bukina Faso, Palestine, Georgia, Chad, Spain, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Indonesia, Nepal, Congo, Uganda, Romania, Mexico, Gambia, Haiti, Cameroon, Chad, Algeria, Venezuela, Thailand, Argentina, Vietnam, Myanmar, Georgia, Burundi, Senegal

We have become jaded  by this kind of news.  Al Qaeda and their various gangs going by several other exotic names (Al Nursa, FSA, ISIS, ISIL, etc.etc.) have been/are partnering with USA on several fronts and yet the media tells us that their "top leaders are killed by US strike" The lies go on unceasingly.
From HuffingtonPost
Al Qaeda Claims Senior Official Nasser Bin Al-Ansi Killed By U.S. Strike In Yemen
Al-Qaida in Yemen has announced the death of one of its top commanders in a U.S. airstrike.
Nasr al-Ansi's death was announced by al-Qaida operative Khaled Batarfi in a video posted on the Internet Wednesday. Batarfi did not say when or where in Yemen he was killed, adding only that al-Ansi's eldest son, Mohammed, and several fighters were killed in the same airstrike......

I am gloating over this news item because I can safely predict that thousands of these jihadis who are now being even better trained thanks to the USA killers trainers will get their immigration visa applications approved when they submit them to the USA, Canada, UK, the West in general,  a few years down the road .... and then they and their extended families will be landing on our shores to enrich our glorious "diversity"  ... what's not to love about that, eh?  We have welcomed Iraqis, Afghans and Pakistanis who trained and fought side by side with our guys, didn't we?   What a great show awaits us all.  The attack in Texas at the Mohammad cartoon contest will be considered a joke when compared to subsequent ones to come.  The hotheads will attempt outright terrorist attacks which will fail miserably (at least I hope they will fail) whereas; the smarties will run for MP positions and other positions of power and the West will be won more effectively by stealth jihad and stealth shariah than by terrorist acts.
From SputnikNews
US Defense Secretary   Ashton Carter said that the US began combat training of Syrian opposition forces as a part of counter ISIL efforts.
The United States has started combat training of Syrian opposition forces, US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter said during a press briefing on Thursday.
“Combat training has begun for a company size group of new Syrian forces,” Carter said. “The program is a critical and complex part of our counter ISIL [Islamic State] efforts.”
Carter added that a second group of Syrian soldiers will begin training in a couple of weeks.
The United States and its allies plan to train and equip some 5,000 Syrian opposition fighters as part of their efforts to battle the Islamic State.

Israel was given License to Kill by Stephen Harper, Barack Obama, David Cameron, Hollande, Merkel and others of the EU and perhaps even by the Chinese and Russian leaders.  All of them are accessories to the war crimes committed by Israel.

From WashingtonPost
Israeli veterans say permissive rules   of engagement fueled Gaza carnage
The war last summer between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip left more than 2,100 Palestinians dead and reduced vast areas to rubble. On Monday, a group of Israeli veterans released sobering testimony from fellow soldiers that suggests permissive rules of engagement coupled with indiscriminate artillery fire contributed to the mass destruction and high numbers of civilian casualties in the coastal enclave.
The organization of active and reserve duty soldiers, called Breaking the Silence, gathered testimonies from more than 60 enlisted men and officers who served in Gaza during Operation Protective Edge.
The soldiers described reducing Gaza neighborhoods to sand, firing artillery at random houses to avenge fallen comrades, shooting at innocent civilians because they were bored and watching armed drones attack a pair of women talking on cellphones because they were assumed to be Hamas scouts.....

.......The report alleges that the IDF reduced whole neighborhoods of densely populated Gaza to ruins without any clear operational justification but instead to “demonstrate presence in the area.” More than 18,000 homes were severely damaged or destroyed in the conflict, and civilian infrastructure was frequently targeted.
A first sergeant in an infantry unit in northern Gaza recalled that armored combat bulldozers “didn’t rest for a second. Nonstop, as if they were playing in a sandbox. Driving back and forth, back and forth, razing another house, another street. And at some point there was no trace left of that street.” ............

From MintPress
Israel Fuels The Syrian Crisis With Aid To Al-Qaida Rebels
Media reports hammer home the notion that Israel’s borders are under new threat from fighting from ISIS and al-Qaida, but rarely explain how Israel offers direct aid to al-Qaida.
Israel Fuels The Syrian Crisis With Aid To Al-Qaida Rebels
The Israeli army reported renewed danger along its border with Syria as long-held tensions in the region reignited late last month. Yet these reports overlook the ways in which Israel is deliberately inflaming those tensions.
Historically, Israel has denied most claims of direct involvement in the conflict, but army forces admitted to carrying out an attack last weekend on what they describe as a terrorist group approaching the Golan Heights..............
.........The practice of treating wounded Syrian rebels has continued into this year, according to investigative journalist Asa Winstanley.............

From HurriyetDaily
40 US soldiers arrive in Turkey to train   Syrian rebels
Around 40 U.S. Special Forces members have arrived in Turkey to join their Turkish colleagues in training Syrian rebel groups to fight the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), sources have told Hürriyet.
The U.S. soldiers have moved to the Hirfanlı gendarmerie base in the Central Anatolian province of Kırşehir, where they will start the training in 10 days, the sources said.
Turkmens are said to be the most prominent group among those to be trained and Turkey’s National Intelligence Organization (MİT) is currently selecting the rebels to join the program. The process of picking the rebels will be completed soon, according to sources.
The rebels will be trained in Turkey in groups of 400.
The start of the program was initially scheduled for the end of last year, before it was postponed to February, but the talks between the Turkish and U.S. officials continued until recently.
A U.S.-led program will start in May, Turkish Defense Minister İsmet Yılmaz was quoted as saying by the state-run Anadolu Agency on March 31. ............

On again-Off again unrest continues in Turkey, the soon to be fully islamist kingdom of Erdogan. Also, the rumour today (May 7th) is that Turkish convoy of 1000+ soldiers and tanks are amassed on Syrian border and about to invade.  Let's see the progress in the coming days.

From CBC
The cellist of Baghdad plays at location of fatal car bombing
A normally busy thoroughfare in Baghdad's Mansour district was eerily quiet one morning earlier this week... except for the sound of music. Traffic was being rerouted away from the road after a car bombing the night before that killed at least five people, and maimed another 15.
The principal conductor of the Iraqi National Symphony Orchestra performed an impromptu solo performance in the blast zone of the bombing.
Sickened by the bloodshed, Karim Wasfi decided he wanted to make a statement. And he wanted to make it with his cello. So the principal conductor with the Iraqi National Symphony Orchestra walked down to the blast zone. He rolled a stool out onto the charred pavement, unpacked his cello ... and played.
"I was at the exact same spot, believe it or not, only hours earlier: Wasfi said about the site of the car bombing. He said his impromptu performance was meant to be both a personal act and a global act.....

From TheNation
Kabul: National Directorate of Security (NDS) – Afghanistan’s intelligence agency – has arrested a would-be suicide bomber who says, he was gang-raped by Taliban commanders before sending him out for a suicide attack.
A statement issued today by NDS states that the victim of the gang-rape planned to carry out a suicide attack on the police headquarters of Bagrami District of Kabul, but he was arrested before he could reach to his target.
According to NDS statement rape cases are not unusual within the ranks of Taliban and Haqani network.
Bilal, the rape victim-turned suicide bomber has told NDS that he was gang-raped by Taliban commanders Muzamil, Hijrat alias Abuzar, Tahir and Hanzila in Bati Kot District of eastern Nangarhar province and then sent for a suicide attack.....

From Reuters
Rocket attack kills 3 at Benghazi medical center in Libya
May 1 (Reuters) - A rocket hit a medical center in Libya's eastern Benghazi on Friday, killing three people, medics said.
Seven other people were wounded when the rocket hit a center for dispatching ambulances, medics said. It was unclear who had fired it.........

Israel's blatant and rampant racism and brutality targeting Muslims and Black or colored Jews  is truly vomit-inducing.

From AlJazeera
Yemeni rebels have fired rockets  and mortars into Saudi Arabia, killing at least two civilians and reportedly capturing five soldiers in an attack showing the insurgents' ability to launch assaults despite weeks of bombings by Saudi-led coalition.
Saudi authorities said that the armed Houthi fighters carried out the attacks on Tuesday in the town of Najran, forcing authorities to suspend all flights at a local airport, and shut down all schools......

This spells nothing but trouble for Senegal in the near future.  Very, very foolish.   Some big shots there have now become millionaires many times over by agreeing to sacrifice Senegal soldiers in Yemen.

From AP
Nigerian troops who fled    Boko Haram now have them on the run
 A year ago, a dozen Nigerian troops fighting about 200 Boko Haram militants in the town of Chibok exhausted their ammunition and ran, leaving the road open for the abduction of nearly 300 girls.
Today, Nigerian soldiers are rescuing hundreds of kidnapped girls and women from the last forest stronghold of the Islamic insurgents.
The reason for the unimaginably swift shift in fortunes?
In the last three months, military forces from neighboring Chad, Niger and Cameroon have joined the battle. In addition, Nigerian troops are finally receiving better arms and weapons, as well as hazard pay that they had not received until this year.
As a result, Boko Haram's supply lines are being cut off, creating conditions for the security forces to deliver a potential knockout blow to the extremists who have created havoc in northeastern Nigeria for years.....

From DailyStar
ISIS jihadis launched a fresh offensive Thursday against Iraq’s largest refinery, where a military official said security forces are facing one of their toughest battles.
ISIS launched “a fierce attack at dawn and clashes are ongoing,” an army major general told AFP, on condition of anonymity because he is not authorized to talk to the press.
The country’s largest refinery is located near the city of Beiji, around 200 kilometers north of Baghdad......

From RT
From Ukraine to Australia: Thousands worldwide pay tribute to Odessa massacre victims
Thousands of people in Ukraine, Russia and around the world took to the streets to mark the first anniversary of the Odessa massacre. Last year, 48 activists were killed and over 200 injured as radicals set the local trade unions house on fire.
The commemoration ceremonies for those who died in the fire on May 2, 2014 proceeded without serious incident in the Ukrainian port city of Odessa.

A huge crowd, including the relatives of the victims, gathered in front of the Trade Unions building and released black balloons and doves in air. According to local media, the rally in Odessa was attended by around 5,000 people.
The people held banners reading “fascism won’t pass” and “no to political repressions,” with some carrying photos of journalist Oles Buzina and politician Oleg Kalashnikov, who were assassinated in Kiev last month.
In the Ukrainian capital, Kiev, some 2,000 people marched to honor the victims of the tragedy in an action entitled ‘Kiev Remembers Odessa.’ ..........

From AlJazeera
Protesters killed as Burundi unrest continues
At least three people were killed in Burundi on Thursday in a new outbreak of clashes between police and protesters rallying against President Pierre Nkurunziza's bid for a third term.
The latest casualties bring to seven the number of people killed in the unrest that began when the ruling CNDD-FDD named Nkurunziza as its candidate for the June 26 elections, according to the Red Cross.....

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