Wednesday, April 8, 2015

World War 3 News and Updates ..... April 8

 Some of the countries in it, either in major or minor roles:
USA, UK, Canada,  Australia, New Zealand, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Jordan, UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Iraq, Israel, Syria, Turkey, Kurdistan, Yemen, Nigeria, France with (Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger and Chad ) Germany, Italy, Czech Republic, Albania, Estonia, Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, Japan, Republic of Korea, Ireland, Spain, Slovakia, Norway, The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Bulgaria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Novorussia, Ukraine, Russia, Chechnya, Somalia, Iran, India, South Korea, North Korea,  Central African Republic, Kenya, Tunisia, The Philippines, Egypt,  Albania, Serbia, China, Sudan, South Sudan, Bukina Faso, Palestine, Georgia, Chad, Spain, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Indonesia, Nepal, Congo, Uganda, Romania, Mexico, Gambia, Haiti, Cameroon, Chad, Algeria, Venezuela, Thailand, Argentina, Vietnam, Myanmar, Georgia ....

From Reuters
Pressure mounts on Kenya's president    after university massacre
Political pressure mounted on Kenya's president on Wednesday with scathing editorials and growing anger at a seven hour delay in the deployment of a special forces unit that eventually ended the bloody siege at Garissa University last week.

The al Qaeda-aligned al Shabaab group has now killed more than 400 people in Kenya since President Uhuru Kenyatta took office in April 2013, denting the east African nation's image abroad and severely damaging its vital tourism industry.
The pre-dawn attack on the college, 200 km (120 miles) from the Somali border, came a day after Kenyatta berated Britain and Australia for issuing travel advisories, saying their security warnings were "not genuine".
However, Kenyan media, some of them owned by Kenyatta's family, are becoming increasingly critical of the president and government efforts to stop future attacks, drawing comparisons to al Shabaab's assault on Nairobi's Westgate mall, where the Islamists killed 67 people during a four day siege in 2013.
In a front page editorial entitled "If Westgate was a disaster, what do you call Garissa?" Kenya's biggest-selling Daily Nation newspaper singled out Kenyatta for not meeting the grieving families.........

Look who's making sure that that the ISIS messages have a wider audience.  Saudi Arabia is propping up the ISIS with help from other Sunni nations but let's all ignore all that as just hogwash because as Israel, the West's numero uno ally, hating Iran and Syria the way it does, now sides with the Sunni nations, it's fully justified to destroy our own Western countries while trying to keep Israel safe and sound.  USA/Canada/EU/Australia your collected name is SUICIDE.
From AlArabiya
The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) group has launched English-language radio news bulletins on its al-Bayan radio network.

The militant group’s English bulletin, launched Tuesday and promoted via Twitter, accompanies Arabic and Russian bulletins already airing on the network.

The first bulletin, which provided an overview of their activities in Iraq, Syria and Libya, discussed a range of topics including the alleged death of an ISIS commander in the Yarmouk refugee camp in the Syrian capital, Damascus, a suicide bombing in the Iraqi city of Kirkuk and mortar attacks on militias in Sirte, Libya..........

Mossad's tentacles reached even Nigeria where few know even to this day that Israel has unholy influence.  Will the new leader, Mr.Buhari turn Nigeria into a wholly Muslim backward country thus making the world hate Islam even more?  Was this the desired outcome for Mossad's ploys?  Was Mossad hired by the USA to dampen the influence of China in Nigeria or was USA concerned about Nigeria's economy getting too big and perhaps strong enough to rival Middle Eastern oil producers?  Our world is a very dark place and made so by primarily the powers-that-be that control the United States of America.
From NYTimes
........Mr. Buhari was born    on Dec. 17, 1942, in the country’s far north, the son of a village chief. He attended officer cadet school in England in the early 1960s, according to the historian Max Siollun, and took active parts in the military coups of 1966 and 1975, later serving in the successive military governments of the late 1970s, including as minister of petroleum.

In 1983, troops under his command cleared rebels from Chad from Nigeria’s border, and he then refused civilian orders from Lagos to retreat into his own country. A New Year’s Eve coup against the elected president, Shehu Shagari, then brought him to power.

Off all the peremptory episodes that marked his rule, perhaps the best remembered is the bizarre and unsuccessful kidnapping plot  targeting a corrupt former minister who had fled to London,  Umaru Dikko. It involved Israeli secret agents, a giant packing crate into which Mr. Dikko was stuffed, and anesthetic drugs. The episode put a severe strain on relations between Nigeria and its former colonial master, Britain, for years..........

What Hezbollah Fighters Think About the Iran Nuclear Deal

......... "This doesn't affect us directly, but what's good for Iran is good for Hezbollah," he says. "The US is frightened of Iran, because it is a superpower now. This is not Iraq or Afghanistan. If the US blinks, Iran would destroy it. We aren't just a bunch of Arabs. If they have a problem with Iran, they have a problem with all the Shia."

Asked if the nuclear deal will change Hezbollah's stance toward the United States, Hussein offers a scornful chuckle.

"There is a little cooperation between us because of Daesh [the Islamic State]," he says, referring to Hezbollah's war against the Sunni militants, which coincides with America's own military action against the group in Iraq. "But we still have a lot of issues we need to resolve. We still mistrust the US. They could turn on us anytime, especially if the government changes. We think Obama's talk is just talk. Is he watching the kids being slaughtered in Yemen? Where are the guns in Yemen coming from? The US. The Americans said they would help the Saudis with intelligence. We consider the planes attacking Yemen to be US planes." ...........

From DefenseNews
U.S. launches aerial refueling mission in Yemen
The U.S. military has begun daily aerial-refueling tanker flights to support the Saudi-led coalition that is intervening in Yemen's civil war, the latest sign of growing American involvement in the new Middle East conflict.
A U.S. Air Force KC-135 Stratotanker flew the first mission Tuesday night, providing fuel for a Saudi-owned F-15 Eagle and an F-16 Fighting Falcon operated by the United Arab Emirates air force, Army Col. Steve Warren, a Pentagon spokesman, said Wednesday.
U.S. Central Command plans to fly one daily tanker mission to support the allied aircraft, but the tanker will not cross into Yemeni airspace, Warren said.............

From PressTV
Iran Navy’s 34th fleet   sets sail for Gulf of Aden
The 34th fleet of the Iranian Navy has left for the Gulf of Aden and Bab al-Mandab Strait in line with the country’s policy of safeguarding naval routes for vessels in the region.
The flotilla, which comprises the Bushehr logistic vessel and Alborz destroyer, left Iran’s southern port city of Bandar Abbas on Wednesday, Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari said on the sidelines of a ceremony to deploy the fleet. 
The commander said that the 34th Fleet is sent on a mission “to provide [safety for] Iran’s shipping lines and protect the Islamic Republic of Iran’s interests in the high seas.”..................

From ZeroHedge
Iran Enters Hornets Nest:   Parks Two Warships Off Yemen Coast Immediately Next To Two US Aircraft Carriers
The probability of a major escalation over the latest proxy Middle Eastern civil war just escalated substantially.
While it has been widely reported that the United States has been accelerating its weapons supply to the Saudi-led coalition striking rebels in Yemen as a sign of how foreign powers are deepening their involvement in the conflict, the biggest regional backer of the Houthi rebels, the state of Iran, had been mostly inert. Until this morning, when as AP reports, Iran dispatched a naval destroyer and another vessel Wednesday to waters near Yemen...............

From NewsWeek
The New Exodus: Christians Flee  ISIS in the Middle East

........That is what happened in Mosul when ISIS took over the city in June 2014. Earlier, under Saddam Hussein’s despotic rule, the city was a sanctuary, home to tens of thousands of Christians. But in Mosul and other towns in the region, ISIS gave Christians an ultimatum—convert to Islam, pay a tax known as jizya or be killed. Aziz Emmanuel al-Zebari, 65, is a Chaldean Catholic who left Mosul in 2006 and moved to Ankawa, an Assyrian suburb of Erbil, in the Kurdish region of northern Iraq, where a statue of the Virgin Mary watches over the streets outside the Cathedral of St. Joseph. A professor of English at Salahaddin University in Erbil, al-Zebari says more than 125,000 Christians from Mosul and the surrounding Plains of Nineveh have been driven from their homes. He lists a string of Christian towns he says are now deserted: Qaraqosh, Karemlesh, Bartella, Bashiqa, Tel Keppe, Batnaya, Tesqopa, Alqōsh, Sharafiya. “For the last nine months the church bells have gone silent and there is not a single Christian in those villages and the city of Mosul,” al-Zebari says.

William Warda, an Assyrian Christian from the Hammurabi Human Rights Organization in Baghdad, says he hears from Christians that they want to leave. “I tell them that they must stay or we will not have a Christian population,” he says. “I go to northern Iraq, and I tell people to stay in their villages, not to run away, to resist. I tell them to be patient. I try to reassure them it is a temporary crisis, and it will pass.”..................

From NewsWeek
Spiritual Leader of Libya’s Biggest Jihadi Group Pledges Allegiance to ISIS
Ansar al-Sharia, the top jihadi group in the civil war-torn country of Libya, has edged closer to pledging allegiance to ISIS after its spiritual leader and top judge, Abu Abdullah al-Libi, defected to the radical group, according to an audio message released by the terror group.

On Sunday, al-Libi - who was Ansar al-Sharia’s Shari’i (or judge) - confirmed his departure from the jihadi group when he tweeted a picture of a book entitled The Legal Validity of Pledging Allegiance to the Islamic State, along with the caption “Soon, God willing”.
In an audio message released on ISIS-controlled radio in the central Libyan city of Sirte last week, ISIS accepted al-Libi’s pledge of allegiance to the group’s caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.........

From AP
Violence in Egypt's Sinai kills 11 civilians, 2 soldiers
 Military officials say 11 civilians and two soldiers have been killed in three attacks in Egypt's restive northern Sinai.
The officials said a mortar landed Wednesday on a residential area south of Sheik Zweid, a town in northern Sinai, hitting a house and killing nine of its residents.
Separately, officials said a missile landed on a house in another village, killing two civilians.
In a third attack, outside the provincial capital el-Arish, officials said an explosive detonated as a military vehicle drove past, killing two police officers. The officials spoke anonymously because they were not authorized to speak to the media.
Northern Sinai has been a longtime hotbed of Islamic insurgency.....

From UPI
Militant attack kills 15 soldiers, 2 civilians in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula
At least 15 soldiers and two civilians have been killed in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula after militants opened fire on military checkpoints on Thursday.
Seven militants reportedly died in the gunfire exchange. Responsibility for the attack has not been claimed, but there have been multiple attacks in the region by Islamic State affiliate Sinai Province, previously known as Ansar Beit al-Maqdis before pledging allegiance to IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. ............

From DefenseNews
Egypt Hellfire Buy OK'd   Amidst Yemen Strikes
An Egyptian procurement of 356 AGM-114K/R3 Hellfire II missiles has been cleared by the State Department, the first new procurement since the White House lifted a freeze on weapon sales to that nation.
The sale also comes as Egypt takes part in anti-militant operations in Yemen, which the US is indirectly aiding with logistical support.
If the sale is given the OK by Congress and details are worked out between the two governments, it would represent the first sale of the R model of Hellfire to Egypt. Egyptian military forces currently operate the F and K variants.
The sale, with a projected cost of $57 million, would occur under a Foreign Military Sales agreement. Lockheed Martin would be the prime contractor, with work occurring at its Orlando, Florida, facility............

From SputnikNews
Greece 'Openly Disapproves' of Anti-Russian Sanctions
 During a joint press conference with President Vladimir Putin, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said that the EU economic war against Russia could lead to a new Cold War, and that Athens will try to become a 'negotiations bridge' between Europe and Russia to resolve the issue
Greece disagrees with the anti-Russia sanctions imposed by the West and considers them a form of economic warfare, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said Wednesday..........

From DailyMail
Interrogated - then beheaded and crucified:   Depraved ISIS militants execute four men accused of stealing in front of baying mob in latest atrocity in Iraq

    Young victims were interviewed on a sofa before being savagely murdered
    Four men were dragged out before bloodthirsty crowds in central Mosul
    Militants forced them to their knees and read out the charges against them
    Masked jihadis then swarmed on the men and beheaded them with knives
    Locals said the decapitated bodies were later displayed in a town square .....

From NewsWeek
ISIS Mass Grave Death Toll   in Iraq and Syria Surpasses 3,000
The combined number of bodies discovered in ISIS mass graves has surpassed 3,000 after the gruesome extent of the terror group’s mass murder in the Iraqi city of Tikrit was revealed on Tuesday.

A number of mass graves dug by the terror group have been confirmed in both Syria and Iraq, taking the toll from the graves and mass killings to 3,071. The toll does not include individual civilian deaths nor deaths of those killed in clashes with the terror group.
Nine months ago, the radical Islamists claimed to have captured and killed 1,700 at a former U.S. military base in Tikrit, named Camp Speicher, as they swept across northern Iraqi, capturing the key Sunni cities of Tikrit and Mosul, Iraq’s second-largest................

From Reuters
After Bardo attack, Tunisia treads line between security and freedoms
Soon after Islamist militants gunned down 21 foreign tourists in Tunisia's Bardo museum last month, newspaper columnists, radio hosts and politicians swiftly called for a merciless crackdown to save their young democracy.
In the cafes and mosques of working-class Tunis, fears are now emerging that a campaign against militants may a spiral into repression like the old days of Tunisia's police state before the freedoms won in a 2011 revolt.
Tunisia has since been held up as a model of democratic transition, the only country where an uprising during what came to be known as the "Arab Spring" did not end in large scale violence or civil war..............

From AlAkhbar
Turkey Pushing for Own ‘Popular Mobilization’ Militia in Iraq.
Turkey is investing in the upcoming battle for the liberation of Mosul to expand its influence in Iraq. An increasing number of credible reports indicate this course of action, in the aftermath of the operation launched by the Iraqi government to retake Tikrit (the last major stronghold for Daesh before Mosul), with support from the Iranian Qods Force led by General Qassem Soleimani.
Regional powers are rushing to get a seat at the Iraqi roundtable, which makes sense given the significance of what is taking place in Mesopotamia and its implications on neighboring countries. Turkey, the most prominent among these powers, has indicated its desire to influence events in Iraq through Mosul in the north, a city within its strategic s
phere. .........

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