Tuesday, April 28, 2015

World War 3 News and Updates .... April 28

Some of the countries in it, either in major or minor roles:
USA, UK, Canada,  Australia, New Zealand, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Jordan, UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Iraq, Israel, Syria, Turkey, Kurdistan, Yemen, Nigeria, France with (Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger and Chad ) Germany, Italy, Czech Republic, Albania, Estonia, Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, Japan, Republic of Korea, Ireland, Spain, Slovakia, Norway, The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Bulgaria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Novorussia, Ukraine, Russia, Chechnya, Somalia, Iran, India, South Korea, North Korea,  Central African Republic, Kenya, Tunisia, The Philippines, Egypt,  Albania, Serbia, China, Sudan, South Sudan, Bukina Faso, Palestine, Georgia, Chad, Spain, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Indonesia, Nepal, Congo, Uganda, Romania, Mexico, Gambia, Haiti, Cameroon, Chad, Algeria, Venezuela, Thailand, Argentina, Vietnam, Myanmar, Georgia, Burundi ....

From PressTV
Russia, Syria sign agreement on fighting terrorism
Russian Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev and his Syrian counterpart Mohammad Ibrahim al-Shaar have signed a cooperation agreement on fighting terrorism.
The agreement was inked in the Russian capital, Moscow, on Monday during Shaar’s visit to the European country, Syria’s official SANA news agency reported.
The agreement provides a new legal springboard to reinforce the Russian-Syrian relations, which are developing on a steady pace, Kolokoltsev said following the agreement’s signing ceremony.
Shaar, for his part, said the deal sets new mechanisms to combat and eliminate terrorism.....

From TodaysZaman
12 police officers who participated  in anti-ISIL operation arrested
A total of 12 members of the police force who took part in operations against Al-Qaeda and were detained in the latest government-orchestrated investigation against Turkey's police force were arrested on Tuesday.
In an operation which spanned nine provinces, 19 members of the police force were detained on charges of illegal wiretapping early on Saturday and sent to court on Monday. A Van court ruled to arrest 12 police officers on the charges of being members of a crime organization, forgery of official documents and illegal wiretapping while it decided to release six police officers. Another police officer detained in Manisa could not be taken to Van due to bad health.
The officers had carried out an operation against the al-Qaeda terrorist organization in January 2014. The investigation discovered that al-Qaeda operatives were involved in a recruitment network in Turkey that was transporting militants to join the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in Syria as well as providing logistical support to the terrorist organization.........

Sad but true.  USA has succeeded in bringing Veneszuela to her knees.
From Forbes
How Bad Is Venezuela's Economic Crisis?
Venezuela’s already struggling economy has been devastated by declining oil prices. In a recent article Jason Mitchell explained, “Venezuela has one of the worst managed economies on the planet and its bonds are trading at levels that suggest a default is priced in.” The country depends on oil revenues for more than 95% of its foreign income and its reserves have dwindled to $20 billion. Bondholders are increasingly worried that the country will fail to service its debt. According to Fernando Losada, an economist at AllianceBernstein, “the availability of macro and financial information on a timely basis is essential for figuring out where to put your money.” And in Venezuela, the challenges for investors and analysts are exacerbated by the reluctance of President Nicolas Maduro’s government to publish timely economic data. ....
.......Barclays economist Alejandro Grisanti now estimates that Venezuelan inflation is over 100%.......

Almost 21,000 Burundians flee to Rwanda this month to escape electoral violence
Almost 21,000 Burundian civilians have fled to neighbouring Rwanda this month to escape electoral violence, including a surge of more than 5,000 who crossed the border over the weekend. Most of the refugees are women and children, who say they have experienced intimidation and threats of violence linked to the June 26 presidential election.
There was a spike in the numbers leaving Burundi after the official list of candidates to run in the presidential election was announced last Saturday, sparking demonstrations and violence in the nation's capital, Bujumbura.
The Government of Rwanda has allocated land in Mahama, Eastern Province, for a new camp and UNHCR and its partners last week began moving refugees there in daily convoys of up to 1,500 people.......

From TheAustralian
Australians held in Turkey  over IS fears, Tony Abbott confirms
Prime Minister Tony Abbott has confirmed Australians have been detained in Turkey, apparently trying to enter Syria to join the Islamic State terror group.
Mr Abbott didn’t go into details, but said Australians had been detained in Turkey “from time to time” . To say anything more would involve discussion of operational matters, he said..
The Sydney Daily Telegraph reported today that two suspected Australian terrorists had been arrested in Turkey. They were believed to be still detained in Turkey. Speaking from the deck of frigate HMAS Anzac off Gallipoli, he said there was already strong security and intelligence co-operation between Australia and Turkey........

From ChristianPost
ISIS Suicide Bomber Kills 35 in its First Major Attack in Afghanistan
At least 35 people were killed and more than 100 injured after a suicide bomber, who Islamic State claimed belonged to their ranks, blew himself up in front of the Kabul Bank in the city of Jalalabad in eastern Afghanistan early Saturday.
Agence France Presse said a person purporting to be an Islamic State spokesman called its office claiming responsibility for the suicide bombing in Jalalabad in Nangarhar Province.
Afghan President Ashraf Ghani also blamed Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, for the terror attack.......

From AlJazeera
Nigerian army says 293 females rescued from Boko Haram
Army spokesman says women and girls rescued in northeastern Nigeria are not schoolgirls abducted from Chibok.
Nigeria's army says it has rescued 200 girls and 93 women from Boko Haram camps during a military operation to wrest back control of the Sambisa Forest.
An army spokesman told AP news agency on Tuesday that the 293 females were not the girls abducted from Chibok a year ago. ............

From PressTV
Finland fires warning shots   at suspected submarine in Baltic
Finland says its navy has fired warning shots at a suspected foreign submarine within the country’s territorial waters, off the coast of Helsinki.
“During surveillance of (Finland’s) territorial integrity, the navy detected a possible underwater object at midday (0900 GMT) on April 27, 2015, within Finland’s territorial waters close to the border outside Helsinki,” the Finnish Defense Ministry said in its statement.
The ministry added that “a warning was given” in the early hours of the day after a second sighting was made.
“We strongly suspect that there has been underwater activity that does not belong there. Of course it is always serious if our territorial waters have been violated,” Finland’s Defense Minister Carl Haglund said.....

From CruxNow
After fresh tragedy, Syrian Christian leader warns: ‘We could disappear’
While most of the world celebrated Easter 2015 with church services and family get-togethers, Christians in the Syrian city of Aleppo spent the holiday digging through rubble to locate the bodies of 15 people who died after a ferocious round of rocket bombs rained down on a Christian neighborhood.

It was merely the latest assault on Christians in the city, which has seen some of the most intense fighting between jihadists and Syrian forces.
Archbishop Jean-Clément Jeanbart, head of the Melkite Greek Catholic Archparchy of Aleppo, was on the scene immediately afterwards. Among the lost was an entire Melkite Greek family of four, crushed to death when a section of their apartment building collapsed. One of Jeanbart’s grim responsibilities was to find a suitable spot for their burial, since the cemetery used by his Church for centuries is now a battle zone ringed by snipers..........

From DailyBeast
ISIS Pushes West, Eyeing a New Caliphate in Tunisia
It used to be known as the birthplace of the Arab Spring. Now, Tunisia could become the latest addition to the so-called Islamic State.
There are increased signs that the self-proclaimed Islamic State has sets its sights on expanding its caliphate to Tunisia next.
In the last two weeks, ISIS has published videos taunting the government, shared pictures of some its fighters brandishing guns and made fun of a Tunisian tourism campaign in the wake of a March bombing at a museum that was reportedly carried out by ISIS. The group also has posted online photos of supposed Tunisian martyrs to its cause—though the tweets don’t make clear where those purported members died...........

From NeoPresse
According to this French language article,
Charlie Hebdo was bought by the Rothschilds, a few weeks before the attack on it.  Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 

From Independent
Boko Haram renames itself Islamic State's West Africa Province (Iswap) as militants launch new offensive against government forces.
The Isis militant group may have gained a firm foothold beyond the Middle East and North Africa for the first time, after Nigeria’s Boko Haram adopted the name “Islamic State’s West Africa Province” (Iswap).
The Nigerian terror group’s leader Abubakar Shekau pledged allegiance to Isis last month, but the diffuse organisation had appeared to continue to operate under its official name Jama'atu Ahlis Sunna Lidda'awati wal-Jihad, Arabic for “People Committed to the Propagation of the Prophet's Teachings and Jihad”.........

ISIS Affiliate Plans To Publish Execution Videos Out Of Yemen
Following on from a declaration last week that ISIS had established a presence in war-torn Yemen, a group also affiliated with the network says it intends to post videos showing beheadings that have become the macabre trademark of the group.
Calling itself the “Shabwah Province” of the Islamic State, and likely located in eastern Yemen, the affiliate released a video called “Strike their necks,” purporting to show beheadings. ISIS supporters on the group’s forum and on social media are promoting this video, promising its imminent release. Recently social media users circulated videos and images of Yemeni soldiers being executed in the area of Shabwah, although it is unclear if they are the subjects of the upcoming release...........

From LATimes
Islamic State suicide bombers    kill Iraqi soldiers at Jordanian border
Suicide car bombings by Islamic State militants at an Iraq-Jordan border crossing left at least five Iraqi soldiers dead Saturday and crippled the movement of trucks between the two Middle East nations.
Three attacks were carried out by suicide bombers from Senegal, Belgium and France on the Iraqi side of the Trebil border crossing, according to a statement from Islamic State in Iraq's western Anbar province............

From Newsweek
The Islamic State’s temporary leader is a former Iraqi physics teacher located in the country’s second-biggest city, Mosul, the adviser to the Iraqi government on ISIS has revealed.
Yesterday, it was reported by the Guardian that the terror group’s caliph, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, was seriously wounded in a U.S. coalition airstrike in western Iraq in March, leaving him with injuries which allegedly rendered him incapable of carrying out the day-to-day duties as caliph. The revelation raised questions about the leadership structure of the group and reportedly led to frantic meetings between senior ISIS officials on life after Baghdadi.
Speaking to Newsweek, Dr Hisham al Hashimi, the Iraqi government adviser, confirmed that Abu Alaa Afri, the self-proclaimed caliph’s deputy and a former physics teacher, has now been installed as the stand-in leader of the terror group in Baghdadi’s absence.....

NBC and "journalist" Richard Engel lied.

From ABC
NATO: Big Military Build-up on Russia-Ukraine Border
 NATO's chief on Thursday reported a sizeable Russian military buildup on the border with Ukraine that he said would enable pro-Moscow separatists to launch a new offensive with little warning.
NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said Russia has substantially stepped up supplies to the rebels, as well as providing them with advanced training and equipment like drones, despite a cease-fire.
Making an accusation of their own, Russian officials said U.S. military instructors were training Ukrainian national guardsmen in urban fighting techniques in the same eastern regions where Ukrainian forces and separatists have been fighting for the past year.
In Washington, the U.S. State Department rejected the Russian claim of U.S. trainers in eastern Ukraine, saying all the activity was in western Ukraine near the border with Poland.
"We've been doing this for about 20 years now," State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf told reporters, calling the Russian statement "ridiculous."............

From DailyMail
A hug from the executioner   ... then two gay men are stoned to death: ISIS murderers stage show of kindness for the cameras before brutal killing

    Shocking images show men being savagely executed in Homs province
    Executioners embraced the two victims before stoning them to death
    Bloodthirsty crowds are seen in the desert clearing to watch the atrocity
    Men were executed after ISIS militants accused them of being a gay couple........

Only fools in the countries near Syria are cock-sure that ISIS won't invade their lands because they  give arms, funds and logistics to ISIS to carry out successful attacks against Assad. Whether the fools are from countries that are Sunni, Jewish or Christian .... their day will come just as sure as day turns to night.  Focus on short-term thinking is a curse embedded in the psych of both Christians and Jews whereas islamists who desire to take over the world, think long-term. Slow and steady always wins the race...those old adages and fables (tortoise and the hare) have not made any impact whatsoever on the fools of this earth.

From Globe&Mail
Israel killed 44 Palestinians at UN sites in Gaza last year, inquiry finds
A United Nations inquiry has found that at least 44 Palestinians were killed and at least 227 injured by “Israeli actions,” including direct mortar strikes, while sheltering at UN locations during last year’s Gaza war.
The independent board of inquiry also found that Palestinian militant groups hid weapons at three empty UN schools in Gaza and that in two cases Palestinian militants “probably” fired from the schools.
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said Monday that he deplores the deaths, calling UN locations “inviolable.” Ban also said the Palestinian militants’ use of them was “unacceptable.”
The 2014 war was the most devastating for Gaza’s 1.8 million people, killing more than 2,200 Palestinians, a majority of them civilians, according to UN figures. Seventy-two people were killed on the Israeli side, including 66 soldiers...........

From MiddleEastEye
Israel, the bomb and Western double-think
Collusion with Israel's nuclear programme, more than any other issue, exposes the West’s ambivalence and hypocrisy
While Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu continues to rant and posture about the existential threat of Iran – maybe, one day – possessing nuclear weapons, Israel is taking delivery of the latest of its state-of-the-art German submarines, capable of carrying nuclear warheads. 
The cost of the submarines is heavily subsidised by the German tax-payer as part of the country’s ongoing military aid to Israel. According to an exposé in Der Spiegel newspaper, Angela Merkel tried to tie the delivery to various conditions, “including a demand that Israel stop its expansionist settlement policy and allow the completion of a sewage treatment plant in the Gaza Strip, which is partially financed with German money.” None of the conditions were met, but the delivery has gone ahead anyway......

From TruthOut
Pentagon Can't Account for $1 Billion   in Afghanistan Emergency Reconstruction Aid
A total of $1.3 billion that the Pentagon shipped to its force commanders in Afghanistan between 2004 and 2014 for the most critical reconstruction projects can't be accounted for by the Defense Department, 60 percent of all such spending under an emergency program, an internal report released Thursday shows.
About 70 percent of the $100 billion the United States has spent to rebuild Afghanistan during 13 1/2 years of war has gone through the Pentagon, with the rest distributed by the US Agency for International Development and other civilian departments. A small portion of the Pentagon's money went directly to American military officers there in a bid to bypass bureaucracy and rush the aid to urgently needed roads, bridges, schools, hospitals, water-treatment plants and other essential infrastructure......

From DailyMail
Does ISIS really have  
SEVEN-FOOT tall executioners? Parts of grisly film showing beheading of 21 Christians were faked, claim experts

    Isis released a video last week showing the murder of 21 Coptic Christians
    The five-minute film showed the men being marched along a beach
    The victims are then shown lined up and beheaded in sequence
    Experts believe the Egyptian victims were not murdered at the beach
    Instead, they were murdered elsewhere with the background added later
    The shocking scene of the sea turning red is believed to be special effects
    The scene where the sea turns red with blood is also thought to be faked ............

From Reuters
Taliban announce plans to ramp up attacks in Afghanistan
The Afghan Taliban on Wednesday announced the start of its annual spring offensive, warning it would ramp up attacks on foreign embassies and government officials, as well as military targets, starting on Friday.
The Islamist militant group has been fighting the Afghan government and its foreign backers since it was ousted from power by U.S.-backed Afghan forces in 2001.
"If the foreign occupiers really want to relieve themselves from this nuisance of fighting, they should immediately withdraw," the Taliban said in a statement. ...........

From Reuters
Car bombs, suicide attack kill at least 22 in Iraq
At least 22 people were killed in explosions across Iraq on Sunday, including a suicide car bomb attack on a military post in western Anbar province, police and medical sources said.
The deadliest attack came when a car packed with explosives was detonated at an army checkpoint near the town of al-Nukhaib, an outpost on the route to western neighbors Syria and Saudi Arabia, killing at least seven soldiers, the sources said.
"Deash terrorists used a suicide car bomb attack to distract our soldiers and then they clashed with soldiers, but we managed to repel the attack," an army officer from Anbar operations command told Reuters, using a derogatory acronym for Islamic State.
No group immediately claimed responsibility for any of the attacks, but Shi'ite areas and government forces are often targeted by Sunni Islamist insurgents the government is struggling to dislodge from large sections of the north and west.
Another six people were killed and 17 others wounded when a car bomb went off near Khilani Square in central Baghdad, police and medical sources said...........

From Guardian
'We see more and more unaccompanied children on migrant boats'
I’m in Pozzallo, a small tourist town on the south coast of Sicily. In the past week, more than 700 migrants have arrived here – 373 on Tuesday, 300 on Friday and 100 on Sunday. Our team is tired out after working day and night. The reception centre in Pozzallo was designed for just 180 people. Some of those arriving crossed the sea in rubber dinghies, others in wooden boats, but not one of the vessels was safe to travel in.
The boat that arrived on Sunday night had set off from Turkey, and was carrying young men from Syria, Palestine and Egypt. This was one of the better boats, and so the people were in a better medical condition – Syrians generally travel in better boats, because they are able to pay more.
But the boat that arrived two days earlier had come from Libya, and was carrying mostly people from African countries – Nigeria, Gambia, Mali, Eritrea and Somalia – many of them families with young children.
he migrants from Africa often arrive with ulcers and chemical burns from the petrol that floods the boats’ holds. They may also have skin diseases, like scabies and lice, from being held in detention centres in Libya, often for six or eight months at a time. Others have wounds from being tortured or being victims of violence. A couple of people have arrived with gunshot wounds – they told us that in Libya it is anarchy, and you risk being shot every time you go out in the street.

The medical conditions we see reflect ......

From RT
We’ve arrived’: ISIS wing   in Yemen releases first video, threatens Houthis
The Islamic State has declared its official presence in war-torn Yemen as the jihadists posted a video online, threating to “cut the throats” of Shiite Houthi rebels.
Like most Islamic State (IS, former ISIS/ISIL) videos, the 9-minute-long clip was professionally shot and edited - with CGs and catchy background music.
It showed around two dozen IS fighters in full military gear training in the desert area, which is claimed to be located near the Yemeni capital, Sanaa.
The jihadist carried AK-47s, heavy machine guns and RPGs and then fired from some of their weapons.
After that, the apparent commander of the group stuck the black IS flag into the sand and pronounced that the “soldiers of the Caliphate" have arrived in Yemen to “cut the throats” of the Houthis.
"We have come to Yemen, with men hungry for your blood to avenge the Sunnis and take back the land they have occupied," the IS commander said in a video, the International Business Times reported.
He then addressed all able-bodied Sunni men in Yemen to join him the battle against the Houthis. ........

Police Killings Received   Instructions from Islamic State
Saudi Arabia announced today that a man who authorities arrested for the shooting deaths of two policemen in Riyadh earlier this month was acting on instructions he received from the Islamic State.

Yazied Mohammad Abdulrahman Abu Nayan, 23, the alleged perpetrator of an April 8 shooting in the Saudi capital......

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