Friday, April 17, 2015

World War 3 News and Updates .... April 17

Some of the countries in it, either in major or minor roles:
USA, UK, Canada,  Australia, New Zealand, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Jordan, UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Iraq, Israel, Syria, Turkey, Kurdistan, Yemen, Nigeria, France with (Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger and Chad ) Germany, Italy, Czech Republic, Albania, Estonia, Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, Japan, Republic of Korea, Ireland, Spain, Slovakia, Norway, The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Bulgaria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Novorussia, Ukraine, Russia, Chechnya, Somalia, Iran, India, South Korea, North Korea,  Central African Republic, Kenya, Tunisia, The Philippines, Egypt,  Albania, Serbia, China, Sudan, South Sudan, Bukina Faso, Palestine, Georgia, Chad, Spain, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Indonesia, Nepal, Congo, Uganda, Romania, Mexico, Gambia, Haiti, Cameroon, Chad, Algeria, Venezuela, Thailand, Argentina, Vietnam, Myanmar, Georgia ....

From RonPaul
....The German government announced last week that it would purchase 100 more “Leopard” tanks – a 45 percent increase in the country’s inventory. Germany had greatly reduced its inventory of tanks as the end of the Cold War meant the end of any threat of a Soviet ground invasion of Europe. The German government now claims these 100 new tanks, which may cost nearly half a billion dollars, are necessary to respond to the new Russian assertiveness in the region. Never mind that Russia has neither invaded nor threatened any country in the region, much less a NATO member country.

The US Cold War-era nuclear bunker under Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado, which was all but shut down in the 25 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall, is being brought back to life. The Pentagon has committed nearly a billion dollars to upgrading the facility to its previous Cold War-level of operations. US defense contractor Raytheon will be the prime beneficiary of this contract. Raytheon is a major financial sponsor of think tanks like the Institute for the Study of War, which continuously churn out pro-war propaganda. I am sure these big contracts are a good return on that investment.
NATO, which I believe should have been shut down after the Cold War ended, is also getting its own massively expensive upgrade. The Alliance ............

From IndependentUK
Isis suicide bombers target government  buildings in Ramadi as militants launch counter-offensive in western Iraq.

Isis has launched suicide bomb attacks in western Iraq in a counter-offensive after a series of losses, capturing three villages in Ramadi, the capital of western Anbar province.
Anbar provincial council member Athal al-Fahdawi told the BBC suicide bombers had targeted government buildings and checkpoints, warning that the government compound was now within range of the militant's weapons. He said Ramadi and its government compound "are in great danger".....

From AlMonitor
Why Pakistan said no to King Salman.
Saudi Arabia's request for tangible Pakistani help for Operation Decisive Storm in Yemen has led to an unprecedented rejection by Islamabad. In response to a direct face-to-face request from King Salman bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud for ground troops and aircraft for the war against Zaydi Shiite Houthi rebels in Yemen last month, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif took the issue to the Pakistani parliament, which on April 10 unanimously decided to stay out of the war. On April 13, Sharif reaffirmed the parliament's decision while also pledging Pakistan's commitment to Saudi Arabia............

From CNN
A former model and DJ  from Melbourne, described by his former agency as having a promising future, is the latest Australian believed to have been killed while fighting alongside ISIS militants in Syria.
The parents of Sharky Jama, 25, were informed of their son's death via a text message and phone call Monday, said Hussein Harakow, president of the Somali Australian Council of Victoria.....

From ArmyTimes
The Army on Thursday identified the soldier who was killed in a deadly insider attack in Afghanistan.
Spc. John Dawson, 22, was from Whitinsville, Massachusetts. He died Wednesday in Jalalabad from wounds suffered when he was attacked by small arms fire while he was on an escort mission, according to the Defense Department.
Dawson was assigned to 1st Squadron, 33rd Cavalry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division. He was stationed at Fort Campbell, Kentucky.
Dawson was a combat medic. He joined the Army in 2012 and arrived at Fort Campbell in January 2013....

Oh oh ... what kind of  nonsense are these residents of Ukraine spouting, eh?  Our esteemed politicians of the West and our truth telling MSM tells us different.  Of course these old-timers must be lying, right?

From IBTimes
A car bomb has exploded    near the US Consulate in Erbil, capital of Iraqi Kurdistan, on 17 April 2015.
The device was detonated on a road outside the US Consulate, which houses diplomats and staff, but there were no immediate reports of casualties.
Gunfire was heard immediately after the blast but stopped later, a witness told Reuters.
Photographs posted on social media captured the aftermath of the explosion, showing burning and billowing smoke coming from near the consulate.
The blast occurred in the city's Christian quarter Ankawa, Reuters reported, a popular location with foreign nationals.......

Libyans dying in the seas around Libya in their dash to get out of the NATO-created Utopia.  Very soon we will see the same kind of tragedies befalling the Yemenis.  But hey ... all's good because our ally Saudi Arabia says so and the Empire seconds that.  Everything is working to plan in the Muslim countries of the Middle East.  Divide and conquer is the name of the game. Set Muslim against Muslim is the goal.  All going smoothly ... very smoothly. 
From AlJazeera
Aid group: 400 feared dead  after migrant boat capsizes
Italy's coastguard rescued 144 from ship off Libya, but survivors tell Save the Children that hundreds were on board.
Survivors of a capsized migrant boat off Libya have told the aid group Save the Children that an estimated 400 people are believed to have drowned.
The Italian coastguard had helped rescue 144 people on Monday and immediately launched an air and sea search operation in hopes of finding others.

"According to their stories, they all departed from Libya, more than 550 people on the same boat that capsized only 24 hours after they departed," Carlotta Bellini, a Save the Children spokeswoman in Rome, told Al Jazera...........

After more than a decade, the killers from Blackwater who blew innocent Iraqis to pieces during the illegal war, sentenced.  The vid also has info re. Yemen war, etc..........

Palestinians are once again insisting that they are human  beings and not blades of grass but chances are they will be giving an excuse for the Israeli butcher of Gaza to come "mow the lawn" and kill even more children and their mothers.
From AlJazeera
Palestinians clash with Israeli troops  on Prisoners Day
Prisoners Day is marked every year in solidarity with the more than 6,000 Palestinians in Israeli jails.
Palestinian protesters clashed with Israeli troops in the northern West Bank during annual demonstrations marking Palestinian Prisoners Day.
More than 100 Palestinians rallied near Israel's separation barrier in the village of Bilin on Friday, with some throwing stones before soldiers opened up with tear gas to disperse the crowd. One protester was wounded, AFP news agency reported.
Prisoners Day is marked every year in solidarity with the more than 6,000 Palestinians in Israeli jails....

From Economist
After Francis calls genocide by its name,
Turkey recalls its ambassador
AS THIS weekend's rupture between the Vatican and the Turkish government demonstrated, upsetting people has become an integral part of being pope these days. On April 12th Pope Francis delivered an address in which he came down more publicly than ever before in favour of the Armenian interpretation of the state-sanctioned persecution in Anatolia a hundred years ago that killed as many as 1.5m Armenians. At a mass attended by Armenia's president, Serzh Sargsyan, Francis called it “the first genocide of the 20th century”. Turkey hit back by recalling its ambassador to the Holy See for consultations and declaring that the pope’s remarks were based on “prejudice

From Reuters
Boko Haram slit throats of 12 as army tries to save civilians: sources
Boko Haram militants have slit the throats of 12 people in northeast Nigeria as the army was trying to evacuate civilians from the area, a military source and a witness said on Friday.
The Islamist group has been driven out of much of the huge swathe of territory they controlled at the start of the year, thanks to a concerted push by troops from Nigeria and neighbours Chad, Niger and Cameroon.
The town of Gwoza, in mountainous terrain, was one of the last places to fall, on March 27, and there remain pockets of Boko Haram activity in the area, security sources say.
"Just as troops were trying to evacuate some civilians from the hills so as to safeguard them from a planned air strike ... some Boko Haram attacked them and slit the throats of 12 people," a military source said of Wednesday's attack. ..........

From TimeMag
Egyptians Question President’s Decision   to Go to War in Yemen
Egypt's last foray into Yemen in the 1960s was a disaster and the country is beset by domestic problems
A public debate is unfolding in Egypt about whether to expand the country’s role in military invention against Houthi rebels in Yemen, creating a political predicament that could undermine the Saudi-led campaign to support the government.
Egypt said it would join the coalition that is bombing Yemen to combat the Houthis and the forces loyal to Yemen’s former President Ali Abdullah Saleh. Egypt sent naval vessels to Yemen’s coast and Egyptian officials have said that a ground assault was planned.
But now there are signs that public anxiety is creating a dilemma for Egypt’s President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi, who must balance the concerns of a public worried about domestic security and social problems, and the pull of Saudi Arabia, a close ally that has donated billions to Egypt’s government......

The new and much more deadly than the Italian Mafia is the Ukrainian Nazi Mafia.  Canada's Conservative party supports the regime there as does the USA and her allies.
From LiveLeak
Three Prominent Poroshenko Critics Killed in Kiev    in Three Days
As the political situation in Ukraine destabilizes, the suspicious killings of prominent opposition supporters continue to transpire.
A prominent Ukrainian journalist, known for his critical views of Poroshenko's government was shot dead in Kiev on Thursday, in the latest series of suspicious deaths of opposition supporters.
Oles Buzina, 45, a supporter of ex-president Viktor Yanukovych, was shot in the street. Buzina's body was found on the ground nearing his apartment building close to the city center. The head of Kiev’s police department Alexander Tereschuk said that a TT gun was allegedly used in the crime.
According to the neighbors, the journalist was probably shot while jogging. He was found wearing a sports outfit. The 45- year-old was shot by two men in masks who disappeared from the crime scene in a Ford Focus car with either Latvian or Belarusian number plate.
Buzina was a columnist and editor of the daily newspaper Segodnya financed by Rinat Akhmetov, Ukraine's richest man and a leading sponsor of Yanukovych's Party of Regions. He was an opposition journalist, writer and TV host, well-known for his criticism of Poroshenko's goverment......

From Reuters
  Former Ukrainian lawmaker shot dead in Kiev: interior ministry
Oleg Kalashnikov, a former member of parliament for ex-president Viktor Yanukovich's discredited Party of Regions, was found shot dead in Kiev on Wednesday, the Ukrainian Interior Ministry said in a statement.
Senior ministry official Anton Gerashchenko said Kalashnikov, 52, had knowledge of the "Anti-Maidan" movement, which opposed pro-Western protests that ousted Yanukovich in 2014, suggesting this might be a motive for his alleged murder.
The ministry had opened up a criminal case, he said............

From Reuters
Putin says Washington told leaders not to attend World War Two parade
President Vladimir Putin accused Washington on Thursday of putting pressure on some world leaders not to attend events in Russia marking the 70th anniversary of the end of World War Two in Europe.

Russia will stage a military parade on May 9 in what Putin called a display of "respect for victims of Nazis and to pay tribute to the ... victors over Nazism". However, many world leaders have declined to attend because of Moscow's backing for separatist rebels in Ukraine.
Asked at his annual phone-in whether Russia should be offended by those who have declined invitations, Putin said "whoever doesn't want to (join) can do as they please".
"This is the personal choice of every political leader and the decision of the country they represent," he said. "Some are unwilling to do so and some are prohibited to do so by the "Washington Obkom" and told they should not go -- although many would like to."
The "Obkom" is a Soviet term for a Communist Party committee and his use of it suggests that post-Soviet states and some activists in Russia follow orders from the United States......

Lunatic warmonger John McCain thanks God for the Saudis!!!  (The article is from June 23, 2014)
From TheAtlantic
'Thank God for the Saudis': ISIS, Iraq, and the Lessons of Blowback
U.S lawmakers encouraged officials in Riyadh to arm Syrian rebels. Now that strategy may have created a monster in the Middle East.
“Thank God for the Saudis and Prince Bandar,” John McCain told CNN’s Candy Crowley in January 2014. “Thank God for the Saudis and Prince Bandar, and for our Qatari friends,” the senator said once again a month later, at the Munich Security Conference.

McCain was praising Prince Bandar bin Sultan, then the head of Saudi Arabia’s intelligence services and a former ambassador to the United States, for supporting forces fighting Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria. McCain and Senator Lindsey Graham had previously met with Bandar to encourage the Saudis to arm Syrian rebel forces.
But shortly after McCain’s Munich comments, Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah relieved Bandar of his Syrian covert-action portfolio, which was then transferred to Saudi Interior Minister Prince Mohammed bin Nayef. By mid-April, just two weeks after President Obama met with King Abdullah on March 28, Bandar had also been removed from his position as head of Saudi intelligence—according to official government statements, at “his own request.” Sources close to the royal court told me that, in fact, the king fired Bandar over his handling of the kingdom’s Syria policy and other simmering tensions, after initially refusing to accept Bandar’s offers to resign. (Bandar retains his title as secretary-general of the king’s National Security Council.)................

From IBTimes
Bahrain: Dissidents in Jaw Prison   'subjected to mass torture' in nightmarish building No. 10
A recent riot at the infamous Bahrain's Jaw Prison, south of capital Manama, where political and criminal prisoners are held, has led to a bloody crackdown with harrowing episodes of mass torture by riot police, according to a human rights group and testimony exclusively seen by IBTimes UK.

Hundreds of prisoners were subjected to tear gas, shot from close range, beaten and rounded up and taken outdoors, where they were stripped naked and left for three days. Then, they were crammed inside a tent for 30 days with no access to toilets or showers. Inmates were called one by one and taken to infamous building number 10, where further torture took place.
Reports of alleged torture and human rights violations come just days after Amnesty International issued a damning 79-page report accusing the Bahraini government of rampant abuse by security forces on dissidents - with documented episodes of torture and mistreatment of detainees, continued jailing of activists and bans on protests in the capital......

From HuffingtonPost
Canada's Decision To Join Military Training In Ukraine 'Deplorable': Russia
The Harper government's decision to join a U.S.-led military training mission Ukraine has drawn a sharp rebuke from Russia.
Canada is sending at least 200 members of the Canadian Forces to take part in a two-year deployment to improve the combat skills of troops in the embattled eastern European country.
In a statement, the Russian Embassy in Ottawa calls that "counterproductive and deplorable."
It says the move does nothing to resolve the fracturing of Ukraine and that Canada should concentrate on diplomacy and political dialogue with the breakaway eastern regions of the country.........

From PressTV
Terrorists have decapitated five Shia Muslims   belonging to the Hazara ethnic group in the southeastern Afghan province of Ghazni.

"Their bodies were found today afternoon in the Malistan district. All five were beheaded," Ramin Ali Hedayat, the district governor, said on Friday.
No group has claimed responsibility for the cold-blood murder. However, Hedayat stated that the terrorists affiliated with the ISIL Takfiri terrorist group perpetrated the killings......

I fail to understand why Western governments are blocking nitwits from fleeing the West to join jihadis.  The logical thing to do in such cases would be to prevent them from reentering the West by rendering their citizenship and their passports null and void.  If a poisonous snake somehow gains entry to your  house, will you lock the house down to keep it inside or will you smoke it out and then proceed to close all doors leading in?
From NationalPost
  How RCMP officers tracked three Canadian girls in Egypt before they could join ISIL in Syria
There was no time to waste when three young women went missing last July. The teens had already left Toronto for Cairo, where they would be catching a connecting flight to Istanbul. Their parents feared they were headed for Syria.
The RCMP national security officer assigned to the case worked on it through the night. He reached the RCMP liaison officer in Cairo, who convinced his Egyptian police contacts to track down and intercept the women at the airport.
“Another hour or so, a couple of hours, they would have been gone because the fixer was already there (at Istanbul airport) to meet them,” said RCMP Supt. Doug Best, who heads the Integrated National Security Enforcement Team in Ontario.
Nine months after those harrowing few days, the RCMP discussed its role in the case for the first time this week after federal prosecutors decided not to lay criminal charges against the teenagers — a 15-year-old and two sisters, aged 18 and 19..........

Palestinians are being killed, if not by the Israelis then by their jihadi brothers. The Syrian Palestinians, many of whom had joined the FSA and probably many were waltzing around with the jihadis themselves, have only themselves to blame.  What goes around comes around. 
From CNN
'The deepest circle of hell:' Terrified Yarmouk residents describe ISIS raid
They took Yarmouk by storm, a sea of masked men flooding into the streets of one the world's most beleaguered places.
Besieged and bombed by Syrian forces for more than two years, the desperate residents of this Palestinian refugee camp near Damascus awoke in early April to a new, even more terrifying reality -- ISIS militants seizing Yarmouk after defeating several militia groups operating in the area. .....

Proof  below that many bloggers do a better job than the so called "journalists" ... and especially when it comes to exposing the lies from those "journalists".
The Richard Engel Kidnapping Fake   - MoA Scooped MSM By 28 Month

The veil is lifting a bit over the slew of the "bad Assad" propaganda stories that built the case for the war on Syria. The New York Times reports today: NBC News Alters Account of Correspondent’s Kidnapping in Syria

    NBC News on Wednesday revised its account of the 2012 kidnapping of its chief foreign correspondent, Richard Engel, saying it was likely that Mr. Engel and his reporting team had been abducted by a Sunni militant group, not forces affiliated with the government of President Bashar al-Assad of Syria.

Moon of Alabama questioned the original Richard Engel story at that time and found that the whole "kidnapping" and "rescue" was likely a completely staged event:

    Professor As'ad AbuKhalil, the Angry Arab, has reason to not believe that story and has indications that these were not Assad loyalists but FSA insurgents playing the role of Assad loyalists for a fake media stunt.

    There is now new evidence that this was indeed a fake event and that, whatever Richard Engel may believe, he and the people with him (which included one ever unnamed "British engineer" who is more likely some special operations guy) were not in the hands of Shabiha but in the hand of well known experienced video fakers...........

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