Sunday, February 22, 2015

World War 3 news and updates ... Feb 22

Some of the countries in it, either in major or minor roles:
USA, UK, Canada,  Australia, New Zealand, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Jordan, UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Iraq, Israel, Syria, Turkey, Kurdistan, Yemen, Nigeria, France with (Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger and Chad ) Germany, Italy, Czech Republic, Albania, Estonia, Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, Japan, Republic of Korea, Ireland, Spain, Slovakia, Norway, The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Bulgaria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Novorussia, Ukraine, Russia, Chechnya, Somalia, Iran, India, South Korea, North Korea,  Central African Republic, Kenya, Tunisia, The Philippines, Egypt,  Albania, Serbia, China, Sudan, South Sudan, Bukina Faso, Palestine, Georgia, Chad, Spain, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Indonesia, Nepal, Congo, Uganda, Romania, Mexico, Gambia, Haiti, Cameroon, Chad, Algeria, Venezuela, Thailand....

There are two rival governments in the fractured Libya.  One of them sides with the jihadis.

From BangkokPost
Car, motorcycle bombs injure 13 in Narathiwat
Car and motorcycle bombings in Narathiwat province on Friday injured 13 and damaged 20 buildings in Muang district.
A third bomb attempt failed when someone threw a dud grenade at a restaurant on the road leading to Yi-ngo district. It did not explode and ordnance-disposal officers collected and destroyed it.
The first explosion came from a pickup truck stuffed with explosives parked outside a restaurant on the main road near the Isuzu showroom intersection at 1.06pm, said Pol Lt Gen Anurut Kritsanakaraket, commander of the Southern Border Provinces Police Operation Centre.
They said the bomb was detonated by radio while the employees of the car company were out to launch. About 20 food shops and a karaoke bar were damaged by the powerful blast. Torn corrugated roofing, electrical wires, shattered glass and the charred shell of the car littered the street as police secured the area, according to an AFP witness.

From AlJazeera
The US Homeland Security Department   has said that it is not aware of any specific plot against US shopping malls, backing away from comments by the department's chief that he takes seriously a threat by Somali-based armed group al-Shabab against shopping sites in Western countries.

Some US and Canadian officials earlier on Sunday had cast doubt on the credibility of the threat made in a video attributed to al-Shabab, which appeared to call for attacks on Western shopping areas, specifically mentioning Mall of America in Minnesota, the West Edmonton Mall in Canada, London's Oxford Street and sites in Paris.
But Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said that "anytime a terrorist organisation calls for an attack on a specific place, we've got to take that seriously", and told shoppers to be careful without providing any more detail...............

Life is wonderful in the USA/NATO created Utopia of Libya.  The Ukraine is anxiously awaiting to experience  similar wonderful life akin to Libya.
From ABCnews
Islamic State Bombers   Kill Dozens in Libyan Suicide Attacks
 Islamic State militants unleashed suicide bombings Friday in eastern Libya, killing at least 40 people in what the group said was retaliation for Egyptian airstrikes against the extremists' aggressive new branch in North Africa.

The bombings in the town of Qubba, which is controlled by Libya's internationally recognized government, solidified concerns the extremist group has spread beyond the battlefields of Iraq and Syria and established a foothold less than 500 miles from the southern tip of Italy.

The militants have taken over at least two Libyan coastal cities on the Mediterranean — Sirte and Darna, which is about 30 kilometers (19 miles) from Qubba. They released a video Sunday that showed the beheading of 21 Egyptian Christians who were abducted in Sirte, and Egypt responded Monday with airstrikes on Darna.

The Islamic State group has established its presence in Libya by exploiting the country's breakdown since dictator Moammar Gadhafi was ousted and killed in 2011. Hundreds of militias have taken power since then, and some of them have militant ideologies. A militia coalition known as Libya Dawn has taken over Tripoli, where Islamists set up their own parliament and government. Islamic extremist militias controlled the second-largest city of Benghazi until late last year, when army troops began battling them for control.

The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for Friday's suicide bombings in Qubba, but said there were only two attacks, while the government said there were three.
Army spokesman Mohammed Hegazi said one attacker rammed an explosives-packed ambulance into a gas station where motorists were lined up.
"Imagine a car packed with a large amount of explosives striking a gas station; the explosion was huge and many of the injured are in very bad shape while the victims' bodies were torn into pieces," Hegazi said.
Two other bombers detonated vehicles next to the house of the parliament speaker and the nearby security headquarters, he said..........

From KyivPost
Ukraine shuts down border posts   with Russia
Ukraine has closed 23 checkpoints on the border with Russia as the Kremlin build up forces close to the strategic port city of Mariupol, situated between Russia and Crimea in Donetsk Oblast.
On Feb. 20, Ukraine's government issued a decree ordering the closure of one international, four interstate and 18 local border crossing points in Luhansk, Donetsk, Kharkiv, Sumy and Chernihiv oblasts.
A total of 39 checkpoints will still operate on the border with Russia, the State Border Service said. Three are located in Chernihiv Oblast, 14 in Sumy Oblast, 15 in Kharkiv Oblast, six in Luhansk Oblast and one in Kyiv Oblast.
Ukraine's Cabinet of Ministers in Ukraine had already suspended crossings at 14 border posts (6 in Donetsk Oblast and 8 in Luhansk Oblast), due to a direct threat to the lives of those attempting to cross.
At that stage the border posts closed were Marynivka, Novoazovsk, Uspenka, Ilovaisk, Kvashyno, Donetsk, Dovzhansky, Chervona Mohyla, Izvaryne, Krasna Talivka, Yuhanivka, Herasymivka, Petrivka and Luhansk.........

And, in the middle of death and destruction due to wars that our lovely Earth has to endure because of slimy politicians and money-loving warmongers, below is a vid whose producers decided to  give us news on the Ukraine mixed with a spinkling of comedy...Russian style.  **sigh**

From Venezuelanalysis
Amid International Outcry,   Venezuelan Officials Allege Blackwater, U.S. and Canadian Links to Thwarted Coup
 New revelations  in Venezuela have linked U.S. private security firm Blackwater, now known as Academi, to the aircraft that was to be used as part of Thursday's thwarted "Blue Coup" attempt.

The four-stage plan included economic war, an international media offensive against the Venezuelan government, political destabilization fomenting ungovernability, and finally the use of a Super Tucano aircraft to strike "tactical targets" in the capital, such as the Presidential Palace, teleSur, and military intelligence
The coup was planned for the one-year anniversary of violent opposition protests known as the Guarimba and was to come one day after a public statement by leading opposition leaders calling for a "transition". .......

From Venezuelanalysis
Venezuelan Opposition Mayor,   Alias “The Vampire,” Arrested for Role in Blue Coup Plot
Venezuelan opposition Mayor and longtime rightwing politician, Antonio Ledezma, has been arrested by the country’s intelligence services, SEBIN, for his alleged role in plotting to stage a coup against the democratically elected government of Nicolas Maduro.
The planned coup was uncovered last week by security forces, just hours before several US backed Air Force officials had planned to partake in a bombing spree of strategic targets in the capital. They had hoped this would lead to the assassination of the country’s president and bring about regime change in the South American country. ......

From WashingtonPost
CIA scales back presence   and operations in Yemen, home of potent al-Qaeda affiliate.
The closure of the U.S. Embassy in Yemen has forced the CIA to significantly scale back its counterterrorism presence in the country, according to current and former U.S. officials, who said the evacuation represents a major setback in operations against al-Qaeda’s most dangerous affiliate.

The spy agency has pulled dozens of operatives, analysts and other staffers from Yemen as part of a broader extraction of roughly 200 Americans who had been based at the embassy in Sanaa, officials said. Among those removed were senior officers who worked closely with Yemen’s intelligence and security services to target al-Qaeda operatives and disrupt terrorism plots often aimed at the United States.
The departures were triggered by mounting concerns over security in Yemen’s capital, Sanaa, where Houthi rebels have effectively toppled the government. Britain and France said Wednesday that they also would close their embassies, as news footage showed Houthi fighters driving off in vehicles that U.S. diplomats had abandoned at an airport during their exodus.
The collapse of Yemen’s government had already disrupted some U.S. counterterrorism operations in Yemen. The closure of the U.S. mission compounds the challenges and “is extremely damaging” to the CIA’s mission in Yemen, said a former senior U.S. official involved in the effort. ........

From USAtoday
The latest Islamic State   video posted online appears to show captured Kurdish soldiers paraded in cages through crowded Iraqi streets to wild applause.

The video is less than 10 minutes long but shows what appear to be 21 Kurdish peshmerga fighters being paraded through Kirkuk in individual cages. Some are briefly interviewed in the video.
CNN, translating the inteviews, says most of those interviewed say they are from Kirkuk, a city in northern Iraq with strong Kurdish ties.

"The prisoners, under duress, call on their fellow peshmerga soldiers to give up their fight against ISIS," CNN reports.
"We say to the peshmerga: Leave your jobs, or your fate will be like these, either the cage, or under the ground," a man says in Kurdish, according to CNN's translation.
The fate of the men is not shown on the video...............

From AlmasdarNews
Hezbollah and Syrian Army   Reinforcements Arrive in Northern Aleppo; Huge Gains in Al-Malaah
In a surprise counter-attack, the National Defense Forces (NDF) were given a boost from Hezbollah (Party of God) and Syrian Arab Army (SAA) reinforcements that succored the entrenched fighters at Al-Malaah to regain more than half of Mazra’a Al-Malaah after fierce clashes with the Syrian branch of Al-Qaeda “Jabhat Al-Nusra” on Sunday.
North of Al-Malaah, Jabhat Al-Nusra attempted to infiltrate the NDF’s frontline defenses for the 2nd straight day at Bashkoy; however, they were unable to advance past the outskirts of the town, as they faced heavy resistance from both the NDF and the Syrian Arab Air Force (SAAF).
As a contingent from Jabhat Al-Nusra tried to infiltrate into Bashkoy, their comrades to the north continued their attack on the NDF defenses in Duweir Al-Zeitoun; it was repelled following a long day of fighting between the two parties and the SAAF’s persistent bombing of Jabhat Al-Nusra positions.
The SAA recaptured the Sadkoub Fuel Company in the Al-Khalidiyyeh neighborhood of Aleppo City, killing 16 militants from the Islamic Front (Jabhat Al-Islamiyya) and destroying one of their vehicles mounted with a doshka.......
From DailyMail
ISIS extremists 'offer British teenagers cash to become jihadi brides in Syria and Iraq' by grooming them online just like sexual predators

    ISIS supporters offer cash incentives to encourage schoolgirls to join them
    Use money wires to transfer cash for girls' payment and travel expenses
    Employs UK fixer to train girls in how to behave to not arouse suspicion
    Uses grooming techniques employed by paedophiles to lure young girls
    Police believe under-16s have already been lured to marry fighters in Syria..........

From AlJazeera
Syria: Turkish incursion is 'flagrant aggression'
Syrian government says Turkey informed Syria about operation in northern Syria but did not await its agreement.
The Syrian government has said that Turkey informed Syria ahead of a major overnight military incursion but did not await Syrian agreement to the action.

Turkish soldiers guarding the tomb of Suleyman Shah in Syria were successfully evacuated to Turkey in the military operation early on Saturday, Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said.

Davutoglu said the remains of Suleyman Shah, grandfather of the founder of the Ottoman Empire, would be moved to a different area of Syria which has been brought under Turkish military control.
Syrian State TV described the incursion as "flagrant agression".
"Turkey goes beyond supporting ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist gangs to launch a blatant aggression on Syrian territory," state-run SANA news said, referring to the alternate name of ISIL.
The Turkish military said in a statement that there had been no clashes during the operation, the first such ground incursion by Turkish troops into Syria, but that one soldier had been killed in an accident.
"Unfortunately we had one casualty and this was not as a result of a clash but due to an accident that happened at the beginning of the operation," Davutoglu said at a news conference in Ankara on Sunday.
The soldiers brought the remains of Suleyman Shah and some relics back to Turkey......

From AP
Government: Radical militants   kill 4 Tunisian National Guard
Radical militants killed four members of the National Guard in the mountainous Kasserine region near the Algerian border, Tunisia's Interior Ministry said Wednesday.
Ministry spokesman Mohammed Ali Aroui said 20 militants from the Oqba Ibn Nafaa radical group ambushed a night patrol around 20 kilometers (12 miles) from the Kasserine city around midnight......

From LibyaHerald
Tunisia and Algeria   send military reinforcements to borders with Libya........

From Reuters
Civilian deaths in Afghanistan   war reach new high in 2014: U.N.
At least 3,188 Afghan civilians have been killed in the intensifying war with the Taliban in 2014, making it the deadliest year on record for non-combatants, the United Nations said on Friday.
The numbers are a sharp reminder that the Afghan war is far from over, even as a U.S.-led international force formally ends its combat mission at the end of the month, shifting to a supporting role for Afghan forces after 13 years.........

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