Monday, January 12, 2015

World War III News and Updates .... January 12

Some of the countries in it, either in major or minor roles:
USA, UK, Canada,  Australia, New Zealand, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Jordan, UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Iraq, Israel, Syria, Turkey, Kurdistan, Yemen, Nigeria, France with (Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger and Chad ) Germany, Italy, Czech Republic, Albania, Estonia, Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, Japan, Republic of Korea, Ireland, Spain, Slovakia, Norway, The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Bulgaria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Novorussia, Ukraine, Russia, Chechnya, Somalia, Iran, India, South Korea, North Korea,  Central African Republic, Kenya, Tunisia, The Philippines, Egypt,  Albania, Serbia, China, Sudan, South Sudan, Bukina Faso, Palestine, Georgia, Chad, Spain, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Indonesia, Nepal, Congo, Uganda, Romania, Mexico, Gambia, Haiti, Cameroon.....

From DefenseGov:
Airstrikes Continue Against ISIL in Syria, Iraq
From a Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve News Release
SOUTHWEST ASIA, Jan. 10, 2015 – U.S. and coalition military forces have continued to attack Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant terrorists in Syria and Iraq, Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve officials reported today.
Officials provided details on the latest airstrikes, which took place between 8 a.m. yesterday and 8 a.m. today, local time, noting that assessments of results are based on initial reports.
Airstrikes in Syria
Attack, fighter and bomber aircraft conducted 12 airstrikes in Syria:
-- Near Kobani, 11 airstrikes struck two large ISIL units and an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL building and 15 fighting positions.
-- Near Hasakah, an airstrike destroyed two ISIL guard facilities.
Airstrikes in Iraq
Attack, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft conducted three airstrikes in Iraq:
-- Near Irbil, an airstrike struck an ISIL controlled bridge.
-- Near Ramadi, an airstrike destroyed an ISIL armored vehicle and semi-truck.
-- Near Mosul, an airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed two fighting positions.
Part of Operation Inherent Resolve
The strikes were conducted as part of Operation Inherent Resolve, the operation to eliminate the ISIL terrorist group and the threat they pose to Iraq, Syria, the region and the wider international community.
Coalition nations conducting airstrikes in Iraq include the United States, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Coalition nations conducting airstrikes in Syria include the United States, Bahrain, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

From McClathyDC:
U.S. airstrike in Syria  may have killed 50 civilians
A U.S.-led coalition airstrike killed at least 50 Syrian civilians late last month when it targeted a headquarters of Islamic State extremists in northern Syria, according to an eyewitness and a Syrian opposition human rights organization.
The civilians were being held in a makeshift jail in the town of Al Bab, close to the Turkish border, when the aircraft struck on the evening of Dec. 28, the witnesses said. The building, called the Al Saraya, a government center, was leveled in the airstrike. It was days before civil defense workers could dig out the victims’ bodies.
The U.S. Central Command, which had not previously announced the airstrike, confirmed the attack Saturday in response to repeated McClatchy inquiries. “Coalition aircraft did strike and destroy an ISIL headquarters building in Al Bab on Dec. 28,” Col. Patrick S. Ryder said in an email......

From Reuters:
Bahraini protesters clash with police  over opposition leader's detention
Dozens of Bahraini protesters on Friday clashed with security forces who fired bird shot and tear gas to disperse them during an anti-government rally over the detention of an opposition leader, a Reuters witness said.
Western-allied Bahrain has seen outbreaks of sectarian tension since security forces quelled 'Arab Spring' protests in 2011. Bahrain's majority Shi'ite Muslims have demanded reforms and a bigger share in government in the Sunni-ruled kingdom, where the U.S. Fifth Fleet is based.........

From AlAkhbar:
Lebanon: Twin Suicide Bombing Kills  Nine in Tripoli's Jabal Mohsen
Two Lebanese suicide bombers blew themselves up in a crowded cafe in the neighborhood of Jabal Mohsen in the northern Lebanese city of Tripoli Saturday night, killing nine civilians and wounding 37 others.
A security source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told AFP: "The first suicide bomber entered into the Ashqar cafe at around 7:30 pm (5:30 GMT) and blew himself up.Then, a second suicide attacker arrived, and blew himself up too.”
The Ministry of Health said in a statement that "nine people were killed and 37 others wounded.”
Al-Qaeda's Syria branch, al-Nusra Front, claimed responsibility for the attack in the majority Alawite neighborhood of Jabal Mohsen via Twitter.........

From TodayInAfghanistan blog;
News of the Day for Sunday,  January 11, 2015
A couple of stories today indicating that some militants in Af-Pak are adopting the Islamic State brand, and that foreigners identifying with IS are coming to the region. First, a video posted on-line shows a former Taliban spokesman addressing a crowd to announce that various Afghan and Pakistani leaders have pledged allegiance to IS. A Pakistani soldier is then beheaded with a machete.
Meanwhile, the police chief of southern Zabul says that Arab militants have entered the area, with their families. It is not clear how extensive support for IS is in the region or how seriously one should take all this.
Residents of Sangin, Helmand, also say IS is operating in the area............

from NBC:
Boko Haram Torches Nigerian Town of Baga; 2,000 Missing: Senator
More than 2,000 people are unaccounted for after radical Islamist sect Boko Haram torched more than 10 towns and villages in Nigeria, a local lawmaker told NBC News. Ahmed Zanna, a senator for Borno state where the attack happened, said the militants razed the town of Baga as well as "10-to-20" other communities in the country's rural northeast over the past five days. "These towns are just gone, burned down," he told NBC News via telephone. "The whole area is covered in bodies.".........

You gotta wonder which well-heeled  nation is funding Boko Haram.  Guns and bombs are expensive and do not grow on trees. Someone somewhere is pleased that Nigeria won't be able to join the BRICS ... not anytime soon.  Someone somewhere is estastic that that part of Africa will remain poor and illiterate for many more decades.
from AlJazeera
Boko Haram attacks Cameroon military base
Nigeria's armed group launches assault in northwest Cameroonian city of Kolofata, forcing many to flee, police say.
Fighters from the Nigerian armed group Boko Haram have launched an attack on a military base in the northwest Cameroonian city of Kolofata, police say.
Monday's attack came a day after blasts struck an open market selling mobile handsets in the town of Potiskum in Yobe state, one of three Nigerian states after Adamawa and Borno that have been hit by Boko Haram.......

From Reuters:
Three Saudi guards killed  in suicide, gun attack on Iraq border: ministry
Militants killed two Saudi border guards and their commanding officer on the frontier with Iraq early on Monday, the interior ministry said, in a suicide and gun attack one analyst called Islamic State's first assault on the kingdom.
The boundary, defended by earth barriers and fences and monitored by cameras and radar, has been attacked in the past by mortar bombs fired from a distance, but there have been no ground assaults in recent years.........

from Reuters:
Saudi Arabia has arrested  three Saudi nationals and four Syrians over links to a suicide bombing and gun attack on the kingdom's border with Iraq, the first ground assault by militants on the frontier in years........

From MiddleEastEye
Two Egyptian protesters  killed in Cairo The two were killed when Egyptian security forces dispersed a protest
Two protesters were killed in Cairo on Friday when security forces dispersed a protest staged by supporters of ousted President Mohamed Morsi, a source with Morsi's main support bloc has said......

These nitwits are probably converts to islam and their new names are probably Mohammed1 and Mohammed2 but don't expect the shitty Canadian politically correct media to tell you that even though we would not be where we are today if not for the damned political correctness from the media and from the lousy politicians of the Western world.
from CBC:
Ashton Larmond and Carlos Larmond,  Ottawa twin brothers, face terrorism charges
Man arrested at airport as he was 'intending to travel overseas for terrorist purposes,' RCMP say
RCMP have arrested and charged twin brothers from Ottawa — Ashton Carleton Larmond and Carlos Larmond — on several terrorism-related offences, including one charge of trying to leave Canada to "participate in terrorist activity abroad."
The two men each face multiple charges. The statement didn't say if the pair were related, but they share a last name and a Nov. 21, 1990, birthday. A former minor hockey teammate also confirmed the two men are twins.
Carlos Larmond was arrested at Montreal’s Trudeau airport as he was "intending to travel overseas for terrorist purposes," RCMP said in a release...........

from BBC: 
Two sieges in France have been brought to a bloody end, with three gunmen and four hostages killed.
Two brothers who killed 12 in an attack on Charlie Hebdo magazine on Wednesday were shot dead as they fled a warehouse north of Paris, firing at police.
Shortly afterwards in eastern Paris, anti-terrorist forces stormed a kosher supermarket where hostages were being held by a gunman with reported links to the brothers.
The gunman and four hostages died.
French police believe the captives were killed before the assault on the Hypercasher supermarket near Porte de Vincennes, Paris prosecutor Francois Molins told reporters late on Friday.
Four hostages were seriously injured and 15 were rescued unhurt. Two police officers were injured......

A big rally, supposedly of 3 million people, was held on Jan 11 in Paris and was attended by a horde of hypocritical world leaders who are much better known killers than the French jihadis responsible for 17 deaths.  The rally was supposedly held  to show that the French have now
miraculously all become united after the Hebdo tragedy ... just like how the Americans all cried their eyes out to show they were all united after 9/11.  The stench from the hypocrisy rising from the world leaders marching side by side with millions of the sheeple must have reached well beyond our universe and polluted the atmosphere of even the next.

from CBC:
In Ukraine's Donetsk,    the 'death clutch' of a forgotten war
Both Russian and Ukrainian economies in tatters, half a million people displaced
Frozen and forgotten — it's a tempting way to describe the bitter, low-grade war in eastern Ukraine.

It started in the spring, it drags on. Almost 5,000 people have been killed while the world yawns. ISIS, Ebola — these are more terrifying crises.

But for Liuba from Snizhnye, a mining town near Donetsk, the memory of conflict sears.
"I turned around right when the missile landed. The building began to collapse, windows were raining down on us. My legs were injured by the shrapnel, and a shock wave hit my eyes.
"One eye immediately went blind," she says. "My husband and I crawled to the basement. But my mother had stayed on the sixth floor under the missiles and bullets. We went up and brought her down."
I met Liuba this fall in the city of Kharkiv, just outside the war zone. She had escaped the shelling with her husband and mother.
She wasn't sure where the missile came from but she blamed the Ukrainian army. In trying to dislodge pro-Moscow separatists, they had destroyed her family's life..........

.......Ukraine's central bank chief has called 2014 the worst year for Ukraine since 1945, with the economy forecast to shrink by an astounding 7.5 per cent.  
Thanks to war, sanctions and the end of the oil bonanza, Russia will do scarcely better, with forecasts suggesting a five per cent contraction next year. Bitter times..........

From BBC
Turkey bombing:   Female suicide attacker hits Istanbul police station
A female suicide bomber has blown herself up in the Turkish city of Istanbul, killing one police officer and injuring another, officials say.
She targeted a police station in the tourist hub of Sultanahmet, near the Blue Mosque and Hagia Sophia museum.
The woman spoke English with "a thick accent", but her nationality and identity remained unknown, Istanbul governor Vasip Sahin told Turkish TV.
No group has yet said it was behind the attack, the second on police in a week.
Police arrested a man who threw grenades and fired a weapon at officers near the prime minister's office last Thursday, but no-one was injured in that attack.........

From Firatajans:
YBŞ commander: The Yazidi  people are resisting
Sinjar Resistance Units (YBŞ) commander Zerdeşt Şengali called on all Yazidis (Ezidi) to support the YBŞ, adding that the stronger the force became the better it would be for the Yazidis and for Kurdistan.

Şengali told ANF that when ISIS gangs had taken Mosul in June 2014 the Yazidi people had realised Sinjar would be targeted because of its religious, historical and geographical importance. He added: “We called on political and military circles in Kurdistan to review the security situation in Sinjar, but I’m afraid to say that our brothers in the KDP and peshmerga did not allow any other military or political force in Sinjar until the massacre started.”

Zerdeşt Şengali said the YBŞ had been established in order to combat the massacre, coming into being in extraordinary circumstances. He said their expectations for 2015 were that Sinjar would be liberated, and that democratic autonomy would be put in place. “The Yazidi people, who have suffered massacres throughout history, have never submitted to the hegemony of central states. They have always resisted Arab, Turkish and Persian chauvinism. Today, too, the Yazidi people are resisting and will declare democratic autonomy. This is their most legitimate right in order to protect themselves from the massacres that took place last year,” he added..........

From AlJazeera:
Car bomb rips through crowd  in Yemeni capital
At least 38 killed and dozen others injured in massive bomb blast near police academy in capital Sanaa.
A car bomb has exploded outside a police college in Yemen's capital Sanaa, killing at least 38 people, police sources and residents in the area have said.

A police source said on Wednesday that a dozen others were wounded in the explosion that targeted a centre of Houthi fighters near the police academy officers’ club.
The blast was heard across the city and a large plume of smoke was visible in the area of the college.
Al Jazeera's Omar Al Saleh, reporting from Sanaa, said the pictures coming out from the scene suggest the number of casualties is likely to rise........

From CTV
At least nine people were killed  across Afghanistan on Wednesday, including two children who were struck by a bomb blast while gathering firewood, officials said.
The fatal blast took place in the Zhari district of the southern Kandahar province. A separate bomb blast in the Shahwali Kot district of Kandahar wounded another 10 children, leaving seven in critical condition, said Samim Khopalwaq, the spokesman for Kandahar's governor.
"Our children were there to collect wood to burn when they were hit by this bomb," said Bismallah Jan, the father of one of the wounded children. "The government should have cleared the area, it their duty to protect us."
Afghanistan is one of the most heavily mined countries in the world, and children are often killed or wounded while playing, collecting firewood or tending animals............

Wonder how many millions of $s the jihadis are asking for and how many imprisoned jihadis to be released.  Will we ever know?  Not likely.
from MiddleEastEye
Jordan mulls anti-IS coalition exit amid talks over seized pilot 
Jordan is in indirect talks with Islamic State to free Muaz Kasasbeh, as domestic pressure for action grows

Jordanian officials are engaged in a flurry of indirect negotiations in the hope of securing the release of a fighter pilot captured by Islamic State in northern Syria, amid reports that they could be scaling back their participation in the US-led coalition against the militants.......

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