Wednesday, January 7, 2015

We have all become Charlie Hebdo now thanks to our nitwit, braindead politicians

Here's what I had said about Charlie Hebdo on September 19, 2012 when France had decided to close its embassies and
schools in 20 Muslim countries fearing a backlash in those countries after publication of a batch of cartoons showing the plague of  islam insanity.  And, today, I stand by everything I said then. It is becoming more and more apparent that the unbridled immigration of illiterate refugees and immigrants from Muslim countries is the cause of terrorism and loss of personal freedoms, especially the freedom of speech, in Judeo-Christian countries.  Moreover, the damn political correctness from the damn ruling elite is one of the main causes we are in this mess. 

I am feeling sorry for the anguish and survivor guilt the woman who let in the murdering muslim scum must be going through. Hopefully, there's more to that story which will come out later and we will learn that there was nothing she could have done different.  

From France24:
French, world leaders condemn attack at Charlie Hebdo.
 French and world leaders have strongly condemned a shooting at the offices of satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo in which at least 12 people were killed. Thousands turned out across French cities Wednesday night in solidarity with the victims.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack at the Charlie Hebdo weekly, whose caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed have frequently drawn protest from Muslims.

The Paris prosecutor’s office confirmed that 12 people had so far been killed, including four of France’s best-known cartoonists and the magazine’s director, Stéphane Charbonnier (also known as Charb). A further 11 people were reportedly injured, four of them critically.

France has raised its security alert to its highest level and reinforced protective measures at houses of worship, stores, media offices and on public transportation while government officials convened for an emergency meeting.

In a televised address on Wednesday evening, Hollande said the attack was an attack on all of France and on the ideal of freedom of expression. He declared a day of national mourning on Thursday for the victims.

Police said that some 15,000 people had gathered at Place de la République in Paris Wednesday evening in a show of solidarity with the slain and injured journalists. People also flocked to Twitter to show their support online using the #JeSuisCharlie hashtag.

Tens of thousands braved the cold night in other cities across France. The police prefecture estimated that between 13,000 and 15,000 paid homage to the Charlie Hebdo victims in Rennes while another 10,000 turned up in both Toulouse and Lyon, local authorities said.......

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