Monday, January 5, 2015

US Consulate security personnel in Israel pelted with rocks and threatened with axes ....

and no, the killers-in-training were not Palestinian kids.

Do you see any difference between the stone throwing Israelis and the Palestinians?  The only difference of note is that the Israelis are not shot at nor arrested nor are they manhandled by the IDF and neither are they thrown in prison like the Palestinians when they resort to throwing stones.

Conclusion to draw from this incident is one and only one. American consular personnel are worth ZERO in the eyes of the Israeli government under warlord Netanyahu.

Peter Enav and Mohammed Daragmeh writing at Globe&Mail:
Jewish settlers attacked American consular officials Friday during a visit the officials made to the West Bank as part of an investigation into claims of damage to Palestinian agricultural property, Israeli police and Palestinian witnesses say.....

......“There were six security guards from the consulate riding in two cars,” Abu Samra said. “When they got out of the cars they were attacked by young settlers from the outpost who were carrying clubs and axes. They struck the cars with clubs but the security guards did not respond with their weapons.”

Abu Samra said that after the attack began the American security guards returned to their vehicles and drove away, explaining that they were under strict instructions not to engage the settlers in any way. He said that the planned visit of the additional officials from the consulate was called off after the incident.

Abu Samra said that last spring he and his family planted some 10,000 olive tree saplings on land the family owns in the village, but that since then, settlers have uprooted most of them.....

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