Thursday, January 29, 2015

Revolution USA 2015

Can't wait to see American Blacks coming into their own.  Come on, come on Black America ... the time is now and the time is ripe!

Posted on January 27, 2015 by Jodie Tonita at Stproject:
#BlackLivesMatter: Lessons from a Leader-ful Movement

In the 15 years that I have been supporting social change leaders to become more powerful, effective and collaborative I have never been as hopeful as I am today. A new civil rights movement with bold new leadership is emerging, and there is already a lot to be learned from these efforts, and much to celebrate.
I was saddened but not surprised when Oprah Winfrey recently said she was looking for “some kind of leadership” from this movement. Saddened that she could not yet see the incredibly courageous, strategic, and talented leadership at the heart of this “leader-ful” movement. Not surprised given the generational gap between boomers and millennials and the tendency for traditional media to seek a single charismatic leader to deliver the message...................

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