Saturday, January 10, 2015

Our "ally" Saudi Arabia flogs the husband of woman living as refugee in Canada

How disgusting that Canada along with the USA, United Kingdom, France, Germany and so many other Western nations who profess to be against  the kind of human indignities Saudi Arabia takes pleasure in, continue to remain allied to the most horrible nation on this planet !!!

From CBC:
Raif Badawi flogged in Saudi Arabia  for activism, Amnesty International says
Wife and 3 children feared for safety before settling in Sherbrooke, Que.

An activist who has a wife and three children in Sherbrooke, Que., underwent the first round of 50 lashes in public after morning prayers today in Saudi Arabia, human rights group Amnesty International says.

Raif Badawi was sentenced last year to 10 years in prison, 1,000 lashes and a fine of one million Saudi Arabian riyals (about $315,000 Cdn) for offences including creating an online forum for public debate and insulting Islam.

The flogging will be carried out over a period of 20 weeks, Amnesty International said.

“We received confirmation that the 50 first lashes were given this morning," Mireille Elchacar told the CBC Radio show Quebec AM, adding that Badawi spoke with his wife not long after receiving his first 50 lashings.

"Of course she is devastated. I think he was not very fond of giving details to his wife to not scare her, so he did not give any more details."

Elchacar, who is a spokeswoman for Amnesty International, said Badawi is not in good health.

"They decided to make him see a doctor before the lashing — to make sure he is in good health to receive the lashing ... After the lashing, he was sent directly to his prison cell."........

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