Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Anybody remember the victims of State Terrorism?

While everybody is so engrossed with jihadi terrorism, let's take a peek at the masters of terrorism ... the government bodies themselves.  Is it possible that the jihadis of today have learnt their tricks from those who rule over us?  Is it possible that terrorism from governments which goes by the name "war" begets another kind of a war ... this time from those who were terrorized by the State? There is no end to the cycle of violence.
Warning: the link has graphic pics.

Dr David Halpin writing at Global Research:
“Je suis Ali Abbas”: The Forgotten Victims of State Terrorism
Massive terrorist attacks were hatched back soon after the pretext of cinematographic ‘terrorist’ attacks in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania on September 11, 2001.

The state broadcaster in the UK pumped out the propaganda for these with all vigour and its usual guile.  The people of Afghanistan were first in line, that winter bombing and invasion had been planned for some months before smoke billowed up from the Twin Towers.

Iraqi humans were to be next.  Perle, Wolfowitz, Edelman, Bolton and other Zionists were sitting in our homes as bold as brass.  People like Tom Mangold frightened the old ladies with stories about the nerve gas attacks on the Tokyo tube and how Sarin in a bursting light bulb could kill in seconds.  ‘Free speech, fraternitÄ—, and democracy’ were in the mix, but only a small part of broadcasting time was given over to speakers who were against terrorism by states.  They naively thought the Nuremberg protocols and the Charter of the UN had meaning in international law.

The psychopathic cabal in No 10 got the cogs turning in the Ministry of Defence, the Foreign Office and MI6.  A ‘dossier’ was produced in September 2002 but it turned out to be a ridiculous cut and paste job of a PhD ‘thesis’ from LA.  To laugh in the faces of those with any power of analysis is usual.  And there were the anthrax attacks in the ‘land of the free’.  Those were surely false flags, and lo, Perle claimed that they originated from Iraq.

The war machinery was gathering pace in spite of a majority of British citizens which tried quite hard to throw a spanner in the works.  The smiling, paramount psychopath and war criminal Blair, was undeterred (image, right).  A second ‘dossier’ was washed many times through the MoD and No 10 computers.  Another psychopath and ex-Mirror journalist Alistair Campbell (image below) was the editor it seems.  Saddam, the terrorist, could hit UK forces in Cyprus after a 45 minute order to launch.

This planned holocaust  – the mass killing of humans by humans, as usual, gained it own momentum.  A Danish freighter, the MV Barbara, had cast off ............

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