Saturday, January 3, 2015

American media releases propaganda against South Korea ....

yes,  I said South Korea, not North Korea. And, if you are wondering why all of a sudden the Empire is carrying nasty tales about her ally, you will recall that a few days ago we heard that the two Koreas have  been making friendly overtures towards each other.  If those overtures blossom into forgiveness and friendship, the Empire's war machine will lose a sizeable chunk of its blackmailing contractual monopoly in those waters.  The Emipire has more than a dozen army, navy and air bases in South Korea and a significant portion of the the Empire's war machine is funded by South Koreans' tax money.

I am predicting there will be much more dirty laundry from South Korea that the US media outlets will take turns to air from now on.  Wait and see. 

The Empire's motto is, was and always will be: "If you don't walk the walk we have mapped out for you, we will destroy you PERIOD"

Moreover, like the good neighbour that  Canada is to America, we carry all the propaganda dished out from there to feed the gullible here too.

At Yahoo thru Canadian Press: Foster Klug writing at AP 
SINUI ISLAND, South Korea - He ran the first chance he got.
The sun beat down on the shallow, sea-fed fields where Kim Seong-baek was forced to work without pay, day after 18-hour day mining the big salt crystals that blossomed in the mud around him. Half-blind and in rags, Kim grabbed another slave, and the two disabled men headed for the coast.
Far from the glittering steel-and-glass capital of Seoul, they were now hunted men on this remote island where the enslavement of disabled salt farm workers is an open secret.
"It was a living hell," Kim said in a recent series of interviews with The Associated Press whose details are corroborated by court records and by lawyers, police and government officials.
Lost, they wandered past asphalt-black salt fields sparkling with a patina of thin white crust. They could feel the islanders inspecting them. Everyone knew who belonged and who didn't.
Near a grocery, the store owner's son rounded them up and called their boss, who beat Kim with a rake and sent him back to the salt fields.

Slavery thrives on rural islands off South Korea's rugged southwest coast, nurtured by a long history of exploitation and the demands of trying to squeeze a living from the sea..........

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