Tuesday, December 16, 2014

World War III news and updates .... December 16 .... Part 2

Countries involved in either major or minor roles:
USA, UK, Canada,  Australia, New Zealand, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Jordan, UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Iraq, Israel, Syria, Turkey, Kurdistan, Yemen, Nigeria, France with (Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger and Chad ) Germany, Italy, Czech Republic, Albania, Estonia, Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, Japan, Republic of Korea, Ireland, Spain, Slovakia, Norway, The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Bulgaria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Novorussia, Ukraine, Russia, Chechnya, Somalia, Iran, India, South Korea, North Korea,  Central African Republic, Kenya, Tunisia, The Philippines, Egypt,  Albania, Serbia, China, Sudan, South Sudan, Bukina Faso, Palestine, Georgia, Chad, Spain, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Indonesia, Nepal, Congo, Uganda, Romania, Mexico.....

How many of us had even the tiniest of thoughts that in this supposedly modern and enlightened age we would be looking at a nuclear war, and looking at it in our lifetime??????
Vid posted Dec 14

Over and besides the terrorism attack by the Taliban on innocent children in Pakistan, here's what the hateful are doing in Afghanistan.
From Stripes:
Taliban mount assault on Kunar border district, Afghan officials say  
Taliban insurgents launched a massive attack against local security forces in eastern Kunar province and Afghan army units have been deployed to repulse the assault, officials said Tuesday.
Fighting broke out Sunday in Dangam district near the Pakistani border when fighters allied with the Pakistan-based Tehreek-e-Taliban attempted to infiltrate Afghanistan, Kunar province’s police chief, Abdul Habib Saidkhail, said.
“About 2,000 insurgents are involved in the fight,” Saidkhail said in a telephone interview. Since Sunday, hundreds of local Afghan volunteers have poured into Dangam to shore up the district’s defenses, he added.......

From Syria360:
Kobani – The terrorist attacks   by the Daesh / ISIS mercenaries attempting to occupy Kobani continued yesterday on the 91st day. On all the fronts of Kobani, our forces are leading frequent operations against the terrorists who are on the defensive position.
Yesterday overnight clashes took place between our forces and the terrorist groups on the southern front of the city. Our forces were able to capture 2 firearms and a number of military equipment on this front, however the information on the casualty numbers for these battles were not immediately verified.....
.....People’s Defense Units YPG / Women’s Defense Units YPJ

......The Syrian army started fresh military operations in Aleppo city in a bid to complete its siege of the city which is now under the control of the Takfiri terrorists.
The army units made major advances in Aleppo countryside and killed at least 26 militants at the start of their operations......

From AlAkhbar:
New Islamist coalition formed in Eastern Libya ahead of pro-gov't assault
Islamist militias in the eastern Libyan town of Derna say they have formed a new coalition ahead of an assault by pro-government forces.
"Everybody saw what happened in Benghazi: disaster; institutions destroyed; houses demolished; mosques and universities burned by the criminal hands of Haftar's supporters," said the newly formed Mujahideen Shura Council.
Forces loyal to Khalifa Haftar and Abdullah al-Thani, Libya's internationally recognized prime minister, are fighting to wrest full control of Tripoli and the eastern city of Benghazi from Islamist militants.........

From IBTimes:
Yemen: 15 school children among 25 killed in Radaa car bombs
At least 25 people were killed when two car bombs exploded in the Yemeni city of Radaa, an al-Qaeda stronghold.
The first bomb exploded close to a school bus that was passing a checkpoint in the city, killing 15 school children, Reuters news agency reported.
A second car bomb exploded near to the house of an official rumoured to support the Houthi movement, killing a further 10 people.

From FaceIraq:
At least 12 people have been killed as Islamic State (IS) militants carried out two suicide-car bombs attacks in the western Iraqi province of Anbar where the extremists are gaining further ground, Al Jazeera reported Saturday.....

From BBCnews:
Yemen kills 'al-Qaeda militants disguised as veiled women'
Several suspected al-Qaeda militants, disguised as fully veiled women, have reportedly been shot dead by Yemeni security forces near the Saudi border.
The militants were killed after one of them opened fire on a soldier who was checking their vehicle, officials say.
One report quoting a Yemeni official said three militants were killed - while another put the number at five.
The Yemeni offshoot of al-Qaeda has exploited recent instability to seize parts of the country's south and east.........

From Antiwar:
US Stops Paying Northern Syrian Rebel Salaries  
Vetted Rebels Join al-Qaeda as US Funds Dry Up
“Vetted, moderate” rebels in northern Syria are joining al-Qaeda left and right these days, according to commanders familiar with the situation, as the US has suddenly and without explanation stopped paying them salaries.....

From Reuters:
Somali al Shabaab militants behead two policewomen  
Al Shabaab militants have beheaded two Somali policewomen, prompting a policeman to kill five women linked to the group who were being held for a possible swap of captives, an official said on Wednesday.
The policeman killed the women - all wives of rebels from the Somali Islamist group - after discovering the dead bodies of his policewoman wife and her colleague, Tayeglow district commissioner Mohamed Abdallah told Reuters.
"We wanted to negotiate the release of the Somali policewomen but unfortunately they were beheaded," he said.
The policewomen's bodies were found in the morning after they were abducted from their houses by rebels overnight.....

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