Monday, December 8, 2014

"Unspecified security reasons" closes Canadian Embassy in Cairo ....

and our supposedly very transparent and very efficient Harper govt continues in the vile habit of keeping Canadians ignorant of what's going on .... because you see dear folks, it's all for our own safety and protection.

From CBCnews:
Canadian Embassy in Cairo closes  for unspecified security reasons
2nd embassy to close in 2 days, with British Embassy still shut

Canada's Embassy in Cairo is closed today until further notice for security reasons, the second diplomatic mission to shut in two days.

"As a security precaution, and to ensure the protection of Canadian staff, we have closed our embassy in Cairo for the day," Adam Hodge, press secretary for Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird, said Monday.

He gave no reason for the closure, and said the government does not provide specifics about security precautions.

A message on the embassy's website read: "The ability to provide consular services may occasionally be limited for short periods due to unsettled security conditions." It gave no more details.

The British Embassy in Cairo closed to the public on Sunday, also citing security concerns. A notice on its website on Monday said its services remained suspended.........

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