Sunday, December 14, 2014

The powers-that-be have the chutzpah to put new sanctions on Venezuela for human rights abuses ....

while continuing to abuse the human rights of Americans in America AND continuing to abuse and kill millions of human beings all over the world.

From TelsurNews:
The bloc of Latin American   and Caribbean countries  condemned new U.S. sanctions against Venezuela and demanded Washington end its economic blockade on Cuba.

With the 13th summit of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA) concluding Sunday, the bloc of left-leaning Latin American and Caribbean countries strongly rejected U.S. interference on the region, particularly in light of new sanctions announced against Venezuela this week. 

At the Havana meeting, which coincided with the 10th anniversary of the alliance’s founding, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro read the final declaration, which criticized Washington’s attempts to destabilize progressive governments through sanctions, blockades and espionage among others.

The statement also demanded to end the U.S. economic blockade on Cuba.

ALBA countries expressed support to non-member Argentina in its fight against vulture fund creditors, and slammed the interference of U.S. courts in Argentina’s sovereign debt issues.

The bloc also backed the Venezuelan government in its struggle to against destabilization efforts, including the economic sabotage undertaken by right-wing sectors through underproduction, hoarding and speculation.

The leaders of the 12-member organization reaffirmed their commitment to solidarity integration and cooperation in the expansion of the trade bloc. At the meeting, the Caribbean nations of Saint Kitts and Nevis and Grenada were accepted into ALBA as members.

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