Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Original assumptions in the downing of MH17 were probably right

Those who speculated that the Malaysian commercial aircraft looked similar to Putin's plane that flew over the airspace thereabouts a few hours before the MH17 was brought down, by lunatic Ukrainians who  thought:  "we kill Putin, we will be heroes and the USA will make us millionaire if not billionaires" but wound up killing hundreds of innocent passengers, were probably right all along. And, what does the Western press do about it all?   They blame not the real culprits but the separatists in Novorussia.

Of course, there have been other speculations both for and against.  See one of those in the tweet below....which is also pretty believable.

Latest news has it that a whistleblower from within the Ukrainian inner circle has leaked what happened and has subjected himself to a lie-detector test which he has passed.

From SputnikNews:
Russian Foreign Minister  claims that an international investigation into the crash of a Malaysian passenger plane in eastern Ukraine is riddled with numerous violations of the norms established by ICAO.
MOSCOW, December 25 (Sputnik) — An international investigation into the crash of a Malaysian passenger plane in eastern Ukraine is riddled with numerous violations of the norms established by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said.

"All ICAO norms are being violated as the Ukrainian security services are directly involved in the ongoing investigation," Lavrov said in an interview with Russia's Kommersant newspaper published on Thursday.

"The country where the tragedy took place could be involved [in the probe], but it cannot run the show as it happens now," the minister said, adding that it was dishonest to use a tragedy to achieve one's geopolitical goals.......

From TelegraphUK:
Russian investigators Wednesday said they had new proof from a witness that a Ukrainian pilot fired a missile on the day of the Malaysia Airlines crash which killed 298 people.
The witness, who was not named, worked at an airfield in the Ukrainian city of Dnipropetrovsk where he claimed to have seen a warplane take off on July 17 with air-to-air missiles and return without them.
An Investigative Committee statement said the testimony of the man "is important proof that Ukrainian military was implicated in the crash of the Boeing-777."

The MH17 flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur was shot down over territory in eastern Ukraine controlled by pro-Russian separatists, who have been fighting Kiev forces since April.
Ukraine and the West accuse Russia of supplying the rebels with a surface-to-air missile launcher, but Russia has issued several opposing theories, one of which involves a Ukrainian military jet allegedly seen next to the Boeing.

The statement by investigators comes the same day that Kiev and the separatists are to hold a new round of ceasefire talks, and shortly after Russian tabloid Komsomolskaya Pravda published an interview with the "secret witness" who said he worked at the airport on the day the Boeing 777 was downed.
The man, who was filmed by the paper with his back to the camera and even the back of his head blurred, said he saw a Sukhoi-25 jet take off armed with air-to-air rockets and return to the base without them.
"(The plane's operator) could have launched them into the Boeing out of fear or revenge," the witness said, identifying the pilot of the jet as Voloshin. "Maybe he mistook it for another plane."................

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