Friday, December 19, 2014

NATO the war monster, wants Finland and Sweden to join it officially ....

so Finns and Swedes, whose population is on the decline anyway, can be further reduced  when Finnish and Swedish soldiers die in places where USA commands they should sacrifice themselves. I am willing to bet that both countries will be either bullied or fear-mongered into joining the war machine.
Strange isn't it that both Sweden and Finland have been active with NATO's agenda of culling certain brands of the human species deemed ripe to be culled by the USA and yet now a formal membership is called for which will probably mean that the two countries' military coffers which were operated by the two countries individually, will then be managed by the nimble thieving fingers of the NATO monsters in the pay of armaments manufacturers?  

Our lovely new world!!

From WorldPoliticsReview:
Cold War-era fears are resurfacing  in northeastern Europe. Over the past year, Russian aircraft have violated the air space of nearly all Nordic and Baltic countries at a worrying rate, while this past fall, Sweden hunted for a suspected Russian submarine thought to be lurking in the waters off Stockholm. Those Russian provocations, along with the ongoing crisis in Ukraine, have recharged debates in Finland and Sweden over joining NATO.

In Finland, which shares an 800-mile border with Russia, Prime Minister Alexander Stubb responded to a question in September about the possibility of his country joining NATO by saying, “We should have become a member in 1995 when we joined the EU.” In October, meanwhile, a poll found for the first time ever that more Swedes favored joining NATO than opposed it. And just last week, when Poland’s minister of defense called Russia’s military activity in the Baltic Sea region “unprecedented” after Russia flew heavy long-range bombers in the area, he noted that Sweden seemed singled out for special attention by Russian warplanes.

Moscow’s rhetoric about the region and NATO’s role there rightly has Nordic and Baltic states on edge. With the security situation deteriorating, an increasing number of Swedes and Finns—but not yet a majority of them—find NATO membership an enticing proposition. While the benefits and drawbacks of NATO membership for Sweden and Finland are quite clear, bringing the two Nordic countries into the alliance would have implications for NATO as well.

If Sweden and Finland were to seek NATO membership in the not too distant future, the alliance could stand to gain in military, geostrategic and regional security terms. But Swedish and Finnish membership could also worsen NATO’s long-standing “free-rider problem,” an issue already made worse by declining defense budgets across the alliance in the wake of the great recession and the European debt crisis, and could potentially further anger Russia. On balance, however, the alliance would stand to gain more by allowing the two nations into NATO, and it could find ways to manage the drawbacks.............

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