Monday, December 1, 2014

Criticism of Wahhabism is taboo in the countries sponsoring the evil doctrine ...

mainly Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar and other Sunni Arab nations of the Middle East.

The Sunni countries injected tonnes of steroids into the cavemen barbaric nature of Islam and when anyone dares to criticize their sponsoring and spreading of this mad doctrine all over the world, these countries who should rightly be held mainly responsible for the state of our world today, choose to shoot down the truth tellers.

Let's not forget that our own disgusting politicians here in the West have helped to strengthen the deplorable Sunni nations in the Middle East.  They are all in it up to their necks.

There were several Western voices, from even way back more than a decade ago, warning our powers-that-be that the Islamic religious schools here should be shut down.  In the Muslim countries, such schools are known as "madrasas" and within them young boys are instructed in the blood thirsty disgusting nature of wahhabism which aims at destroying whatever chance these kids had of growing up as normal, peaceful human beings and turns them into raving jihadis.

Now, Saudi Arabia and others from that region are stomping on honest journalism that criticizes wahhabism and at the same time they are probably bribing dishonest journalists to paint the ISIS jihadi army as having nothing to do with wahhabism.

Too late .... we all know that wahhabism is the creed what is being followed by the jihadi army.  Nothing else, nothing less.

Hanan al-Hashemi writing at AlAkhbar:
Within the narrow margin of freedom of expression   in the Saudi press, whose scope may vary and/or completely disappear according to internal or external political circumstances, writers are often forced to adapt to the general atmosphere when choosing topics to be critiqued or analysed. This is how they avoid harassment and avoid being suspended or prevented from writing.

The topic of Wahhabism is a case in point. Its criticism in the media was problematic in the past. Touching upon the subject was a red line which, if crossed, individuals and institutions would be subjected to an investigation or suspension. This was the case with writer and academic Khalid al-Dakhil, who was banned from writing in the UAE's Al-Ittihad newspaper and the Saudi-owned Al-Hayat, after he published a series of articles on Wahhabism. Journalist Abdel-Rahman al-Rashid was also suspended for two days from Al-Arabiya news channel after it broadcast a documentary on the subject. The same happened with Saudi Al-Watan newspaper’s former editor-in-chief, Jamal Khashoggi, who was fired for authorizing the publication of an article that criticized Wahhabism.
Recently, broadcast media and newspapers have seen a wave of public analysis and criticism of Wahhabism. This raises questions about the significance of such a direction at this time, especially as it comes in conjunction with Saudi Arabia's participation in the US-led international coalition against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

The treatment of Wahhabism varied among writers. Some were keen to place Salafi jihadist movements in their historical and political context, and did not just base their analyses on religious explanations, like Khalid al-Dakhil who wrote a series of articles on the issue. In a piece titled, "The Reassessment of Wahhabism Is Overdue," Dakhil says that the most important result of the emergence of ISIS is the apparent ideological revaluation of Wahhabi literature, adding that such reviews must be persistent and thorough. He criticised most of these reviews, saying they were heavy on religious overtones and disregarded the historical framework and sociopolitical facts.

Other writers attempted to create a distinction between the Saudi ideology and that of ISIS, or denied the existence of a link between Wahhabism and the extremist group. In an article titled, "The Saudis Can Crush ISIS" written by Saoud al-Sarhan and Nawaf Obaid, the authors maintained that Saudi Arabia.....

.......Wahhabism is an important source of legitimacy for the Saudi regime, which has spent lavish amounts of money to promote the ideology around the world, by building Salafi schools, community centers, and mosques, in addition to funding an extensive program to help the Afghan mujahideen in their war against the USSR, in coordination with the Pakistani intelligence and the CIA........

....Externally, Saudi is trying to show that a divorce has happened between the regime and Wahhabism, and present itself to the world as a model of liberalism, which sponsors dialogue between religions. King Abdullah even took up the name of the "King of Humanity," in addition to the "Servant of the Two Holy Sites." However, ending the funding of jihadi groups (publically) contradicts with the actual support being provided to jihadi groups in Syria, for example. The state's foreign policy statements about the divorce between the political authorities and Wahhabism is inconsistent with news about its assistance to Salafi political groups in some Arab countries.....

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