Saturday, December 6, 2014

Are we seeing a Mexican uprising?

An uprising happening right here in North America while the powers-that-be focus on countries far, far away?   Yup ... I think it's very likely that what's happening right now in Mexico is going to see the downfall of the corrupt Mexican government ...  in spite of or maybe because of that govt's alliance with the USA.

The vid below is from late last month and although at that time some thought the teacher trainees might be alive, they are not.  See VICE vid here of how they were killed.

Buzzfeed has a collection of pics here

Ioan Grillo writing at GlobalPost:
Are the missing students protests turning into a Mexican spring?
Analysis: More than two months after Mexico’s Ayotzinapa students disappeared, protests are still rocking the country, and they’re spreading. Many demonstrators want to remove President Enrique Peña Nieto. But most analysts say that’s not likely.

MEXICO CITY — In this mountain capital, tens of thousands marched downtown, with a few hundred smashing the windows of banks and shops. In southern Oaxaca state, protesters blockaded the entrance to an oil refinery. In Ciudad Juarez, demonstrators took over a cross-border bridge, letting cars enter from the United States toll free. In Guerrero state, rioters burned four police cars.

This all happened on Monday. But almost every day, citizens take to the streets somewhere in Mexico, from gatherings with a few hundred to mass marches with more than a hundred thousand.

Mexico's biggest protests in years began two months ago in response to the Sept. 26 attack on students by corrupt police and drug cartel gunmen. Demands have widened to include the resignation of President Enrique Peña Nieto. Protesters also rage against pervasive corruption, violence and disappearances suffered during years of narco bloodshed. The movement has even led to solidarity rallies in the United States.

Political analysts are trying to figure out what the movement represents and where it could lead.

Some are comparing it with “Occupy” in the United States and the “Indignados” (the outraged) in Spain: Fed-up Mexicans are spreading their messages using social media and have few visible leaders.

“This is part of a wave of protests that has spread through Europe and the Middle East, hit Brazil and is coming through the Americas,” says political scientist Raul Benitez. “It is also similar in some ways to the Ferguson protests in the United States.”

Others see the movement — which has no clear name yet (see hashtags below) — as part of the cycle of uprisings and upheavals the country has gone through periodically since winning independence from Spain almost two centuries ago.

One of these outbursts took place in 1968, when a student-led movement took to the streets to challenge one-party rule by the Institutional Revolutionary Party, or PRI. The government responded by sending out soldiers to shoot dead the protesters, culminating in the notorious Tlatelolco massacre. The movement was a key stepping stone toward multiparty rule here, historians say, even though PRI held the presidency for a lengthy 71 straight years.

“Today’s protests are the most important since 1968 and they might become bigger still,” says politics professor Maria Eugenia Valdez, who participated in the ’60s protests as a student. “The temperature is very high in Mexico right now.”...........

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