Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Are Germans thirsting for blood again ... this time the blood of Muslims?

First it was the Jews they hated, now its the Muslims.
Look,  I will never deny that I can't stand religious Muslims and that most of them are nothing but trouble.  However, before we jump for joy that Germany is waking up to the Muslim problem, we should reflect on  what had happened during Hitler's reign. The kind of hatred the present day Germans are now showing towards Muslims is the same kind their parents and grandparents showed towards Jews.  It all starts just as we are seeing today in Germany.  

I definitely don't like seeing the ongoing hatred in Germany.  It spells of worse things to come in Germany and perhaps to the rest of Europe too.

From TelegraphUK:
Record numbers rally against 'Islamisation' in Germany
More than 17,000 gather in the eastern German city of Dresden for the latest in a series of anti-Islam marches.

A record 17,000 anti-Islamic protesters rallied for their tenth demonstration in as many weeks Monday in eastern Germany, celebrating the rise of their far-right populist movement by singing Christmas carols.
Germany has for weeks grappled with the emergence of the "Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the Occident" or PEGIDA, whose ranks in the city of Dresden have swelled rapidly from just a few hundred in October.
About 4,500 counter-demonstrators marched through the city under the slogan "Dresden Nazi-free", warning that there was no space for racism and xenophobia in the country that perpetrated the Holocaust.
Most PEGIDA followers insist they are not Nazis but patriots who worry about the "watering down" of their Christian-rooted culture and traditions. They often accuse mainstream political parties of betraying them and the media of lying.
Braving cold and wet weather, they gathered outside the historic Semperoper concert hall for their pre-Christmas recital. Police put their numbers at about 17,500, up from the previous high of 15,000 a week earlier........

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