Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Worst scandal possible brewing in the top echelons of British politics

Top politicians are suspected of not only having been members of a paedophile ring but also having murdered three young boys in the 1970s and 80s. 

Tom Whitehead and David Barrett writing at TelegraphUK:
Westminster paedophile ring allegations: timeline  
Here are the key events in the claims around an alleged VIP paedophile ring in Westminster

November 1983 – Conservative MP Geoffrey Dickens sends 40-page dossier to then Home Secretary Leon Brittan detailing alleged child abusers within the British Establishment. It contains the names of Cyril Smith and other senior politicians.
November 1983 – Mr Dickens tells his family “That’s it now. Let it all begin. This is going to blow it all apart.”
March 1984 – Mr Brittan writes to Mr Dickens to say the dossier has been assessed by prosecutors and handed to the police.
May 1995 – Mr Dickens dies with knowledge that no arrests or prosecutions have ever been bought as a result of his dossier.
September 2010 – Rochdale MP Cyril Smith dies having never been charged with any child abuse offences.
September and October 2012 – The Jimmy Savile child abuse scandal breaks fuelling a litany of historical sex abuse allegations.
October 2012 – Labour MP Tom Watson claims during Prime Ministers Questions in the House of Commons that there is “clear intelligence suggesting a powerful paedophile network linked to Parliament and No10”.
November 2012 – Rochdale MP Simon Danczuk uses parliamentary privilege to claim that Cyril Smith was a “29-stone bully” who sexually abused boys. He says new alleged victims have come forward in the wake of the Savile scandal.........

George  Keate London writing at TheAustralian:
British pedophile ring of top politicians  may have killed boy, 15
POLICE investigating an alleged pedophile ring at Westminster have told the family of a missing boy he may be one of the three children claimed to have been murdered by establishment figures.

Martin Allen, the son of the Australian high commissioner’s chauffeur, went missing in 1979, aged 15. His brother, Kevin, 51, has said he was called on Friday by Detective Chief Inspector Diane Tudway of the Metropolitan police, who said she was investigating whether Martin’s disappearance was linked to an alleged VIP ring.

Operation Midland, the investigation into the deaths, was set up this month. Officers said intelligence from Operation Fairbank, which is looking into whether high-profile figures were involved in organised child sex abuse in the 1970s and 80s, suggested that murders had taken place.

A man known as Nick, who said he was abused by MPs and establishment figures, had alleged he saw three boys being murdered by the pedophile network. He said one was deliberately run over, a second was strangled by a Conservative MP and the third was killed in front of a government minister.

The case of Martin Allen’s disappearance was closed in the 80s, but reopened in 2009 and shut again last year. Mr Allen and his brother, Jeffrey, 61, have described how police said in 2009 the files had been destroyed in a flood.

“We had to give evidence over again to the police,” Mr Allen said. “But then later, when the case was still open, the two detectives on it told us that a retired police officer had withdrawn the files and gone to Spain.

“They said they had tried to get a warrant to question the......

From YahooNews:
Home Secretary Theresa May has warned that allegations surrounding historical cases of child abuse linked to Westminster could be merely "the tip of the iceberg" on the issue. She spoke after fresh allegations surrounding the murder of an 8-year-old boy by a paedophile ring, which included politicians, emerged in recent weeks. The ring organized a series of parties attended by two Conservative MPs, according to a man who claims to have been victimized at the gatherings. As many as three boys were killed by the ring's members, he alleges.
In an interview with the BBC, May said there were serious questions still remaining about how "the very institutions of the state that should be protecting children were not doing so"..........

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